I received this message on youtube the other day...
To which Gyro appropriately responded:I have an awesome idea!!! How about The Great Arce does a tutorial for Blitz?
However, I felt compelled to give him a more accurate account of what's up, and I think it's a response worthy of being seen by all those requesting Blitz Plus tutorials here.The great Arce needs to get his ass to work on his level editor. He doesn't have time to be writing tutorials. :D
Response by Arce:
I am quite knowledgeable In BlitzPlus, as well as C/++ and Java...As for tutorials, I'm not sure I have time. =/
Right now I'm a highschool Junior. I have an Internship with Raytheon Integrated Defense during the day, so I'm constantly having to keep myself ahead in school as I am missing over 6 classes a week. I'm taking all AP (college level courses), and to top this all off am in the process of preparing my level editor to be entered into a state science fair. Not to mention the usual Junior obligations, such as taking the SAT/ACT, touring colleges, saving up for Prom, etc...
So unfortunately, writing tutorials isn't on the top of my list. If there's a specific topic you'd like me to address, please join the forums at http://elysianshadows.com and post it under "programming discussion." I may or may not be able to get to it...
And uh, if you didn't know, our team is currently taking donations for the camera fund. As shallow and douche-bagish as it sounds, I would be more than happy to cut some time out of my day to write a tutorial or post a video explanation of a topic if that's what you want us to do for your donation. We've got a donation form on our website where you can submit your request and amount, if that's something you're willing to do.
Again, thanks for you interest and sorry in advance if I am unable to get to your tutorial request. I'd still recommend posting it on our forums, though.