I'm in love with an 8-bit GameBoy game.

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Falco Girgis
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I'm in love with an 8-bit GameBoy game.

Post by Falco Girgis »

Okay, no more denying my sincere affection for this new game. It all started just the other day when my little brother walked to Rhino Games with a bit of money.

He bought a game, not just any game, but the most damn respectable GameBoy title I've ever seen--The Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening.

He brought it home and played it for a few hours. Then, he randomly decides that he hates it and that he'd like to do anything for Kirby's Tilt 'n' Tumble. I'd never really seen the game before, so I decided that I'd have a look before he made the exchange.

I bend over and look at his GameBoy screen and....


It was truly love at first site. I went so far to trade him a $30 Gameboy Advance game for it. I don't care who you are, but you have to get this game. I've never felt so ... content with a GameBoy game. I'm less than 1/4 the way through it and I still love it that much...
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Post by Catalyst »

If you're playing the DX version and you beat it without having any game overs, you get a slightly altered ending. And speaking of the ending, you'd better have a box of tissues nearby, because it's extremely emotionally powerful.
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Post by Tvspelsfreak »

You won't need the DX version to get the altered ending.
At least not if we're thinking about the same tiny change of the last scene.
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Post by Showdin »

Oh god I love that game. I beat it when I was in like 3rd grade. It took me forever though because I wasn't too good. Then I lost it along with 6 golden coinz and many others. But, I walked into my local game retailer about a week ago and they had a copy, so I decided to re-purchase the glory. I am currently at the gay part where you have to find 5 golden leaves. It sux!!! XD
You are better than me.
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