Official hideous code topic

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Jealous Self-Righteous Prick
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Official hideous code topic

Post by Arce »

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Code: Select all

	If neededvars\ItemAmt >=1 Then
		;Notify filein$
		;Notify (svld\LoadFrom$+"\map.txt")
		If FileIn$=0 Then 
			Notify "Error opening file '\Item\items.txt'...The file is either missing, corrupt, or you fucked up this program."
			Return -1
		For k = 1 To NeededVars\LaidItemsAmt

			ItemsLayer(((x / 16)+1),((y / 16))+1)=ID
			For i = 0 To (((ItemsArray(ID)\height ) / 16)-1)
				For j = 0 To (((ItemsArray(ID)\width ) / 16)-1)
					ItemsLayer(((x / 16) + 1)+j,((y / 16)+1)+i)=((ID)*(-1)) - (1000 * (j+1))
					;num=((Selection\ID)*(-1)) - (1000 * (x+1))
					;Notify tax + "," + tay + " : " + num
					;If KeyHit(1) Then Stop 
			ItemsLayer(((x / 16)+1),((y / 16))+1)=ID


^ you've got no fucking idea...
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Code: Select all

Function NewProjectCheckFilledOut()
	If Not TextFieldText(ProjectWin\textfields[1] ) = "" Then
		If img <> 0 Then
			If ImageWidth(img) = 512 Then
				If ImageHeight(img) = 512 Then
				FreeImage img
					img2 = LoadImage(TextFieldText(ProjectWin\textfields[3]))
					If img2 <> 0 Then
						If ImageWidth(img2) = 512 Then
							If ImageHeight(img2) = 512 Then
							FreeImage img2
								If Not TextFieldText(ProjectWin\textfields[4]) = "" Then 
									If Int(TextFieldText(ProjectWin\textfields[5])) > 5 Then 
										If Int(TextFieldText(ProjectWin\textfields[6])) > 5 Then
												If FileType(TextFieldText(ProjectWin\textfields[7]))>0 Then 
													Return (1)				
													Notify ("Error! Could not locate project directory.",1)
											Notify "Map height must be an integer larger than 5.",1
										Notify "Map width must be an integer larger than 5.",1
									Notify "You must choose a name for the starting map in your project.",1
								Notify "Your image size must be 512 by 512 with trasparency color of 192,192,192.",1
								FreeImage img
								FreeImage img2
							Notify "You image size must be 512 by 512 with transparency color of 192,192,192,.",1
							FreeImage img
							FreeImage img2
						Notify "Unable to load the Objectsheet.",1
					Notify "Your image must be 512 x 512 with transparency color of 192,192,192.",1
					FreeImage img
				Notify "Your image must be 512 x 512 with transparency color of 192,192,192,.",1
				FreeImage img
			Notify "Unable to load Tilesheet.",1
		Notify "You must provide a name for your project.",1
End Function 

^ ...Count the nests
<qpHalcy0n> decided to paint the office, now i'm high and my hands hurt
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Jealous Self-Righteous Prick
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Post by Arce »

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Code: Select all

Function ChangeMap(newID)
	If MainMap\activemap=1 Then ; if there's atleast one map already created
		If map(MainMap\CurrentID)\name$=MainMap\currentname$ Then ;check to see if the map names match
			ResizesMap(MainMap\CurrentID,MainMap\mapw, MainMap\maph) ;resize the banks
			;assign object and tiles banks to the current map values.
			;Notify "MM Mapw: " +Mainmap\mapw
			;Notify "MM Maph: " +Mainmap\maph
			;Notify map(MainMap\CurrentID)\width
			;Notify map(MainMap\CurrentID)\height 
			For ay = 1 To MainMap\maph  
				;Notify "ay "  + ay                                
				For ax = 1 To MainMap\mapw
					;Notify "ax " + ax
					;Notify ay + " " + ax
					;passing member pointer to bank1 for tiles by indexing array of map objects through MainMap's current ID,
					;ints looping through
					SetBank(map(MainMap\CurrentID)\bank ,ax,ay,map(MainMap\CurrentID)\width,map(MainMap\CurrentID)\height,TilesLayer(ax,ay)  ,1)
			;assign items (2 times larger, remember?)
			For ay = 1 To MainMap\maph;*2
				For ax = 1 To MainMap\mapw;*2

			;assign current map values to object and tiles banks
			For ay = 1 To MainMap\maph                                  
				For ax = 1 To MainMap\mapw
					TilesLayer(ax,ay)  =GetBank(map(NewID)\bank ,ax,ay,map(newID)\width,map(newID)\height,1)
					;Notify GetBank(map(NewID)\bank ,ax,ay,map(newID)\width,map(newID)\height,1)
			;assign current map values to items in bank
			For ay = 1 To MainMap\maph*2
				For ax = 1 To MainMap\mapw*2
			Notify "Error! Map names did not match map ID!"
			Notify map(MainMap\CurrentID)\name$ + " " + MainMap\currentname$ 
		Notify "Error ::DoubleCOUGH::, contact arce ASAP!!!"
End Function 

^ the heavy comments don't come close to helping 0_o
<qpHalcy0n> decided to paint the office, now i'm high and my hands hurt
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Falco Girgis
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Post by Falco Girgis »

Nothing beats our old textbox code.
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Code: Select all

void textbox::Draw() {

	//Check that we should actually be here
	//(Not sure what these two bools actually _do_ though, yet
	if (!active) return;
	if (!canExit) return;	//NOTE: I guess we don't draw stuff if you aren't allowed to walk out of range...??

	Input &Cont  = Input::GetInstance();
	System &Sys  = System::GetInstance();
	Player &Play = Player::GetInstance();
	Font &Verdana = Font::GetInstance();

	int xpos/*, j, length*/;
//	int format_char;
//	int text_characters;
//	int offset;
	int lineLength;

	//If canExit == 1 (due to above)...

	if(Cont.isDown(KEY_Y)) { //Y && canExit...
		active = false;

	if(refPoint) {	//We have a reference point that we need to use.
		//I'm not sure if collision returns true on a collision or false on a collision.
		if(!Collision([0]->motion.x+16,[0]->motion.y+48, *x, *y, 300, 300)) {
			active = false;

		if(*y - Sys.CamSystem.scroll_y >= 240) down = false;
		else down = true;

		if(!down) {
			box_y -= 5;
			if(box_y <= 30)
				box_y = 30;
		else {
			box_y += 5;
			if(box_y >= 330)
				box_y = 330;

		xpos = (*x - Sys.CamSystem.scroll_x)-x_offset;
	} else {
		if(!Collision([0]->motion.x+16,[0]->motion.y+48, still_x, still_y, 300, 300)) {
			active = false;
		box_y = 330;
		xpos = 32;

	if(xpos < 32) xpos = 32;
	else if(xpos+name_w > 608) xpos = 608-name_w;

	DrawTransparentQuad(32, box_y, 33, 576, 120, 0.6f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.4f, 0.0f, 0.2f, 0.4f);

	if(refPoint) {
		if(!down) {
			DrawTransparentQuad(xpos, box_y+120, 34, name_w, 26, 0.6f, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 1);
			Verdana.DrawString(0, xpos+4, box_y+125, 35, 9, 9, 9, L_ALIGN, "%s", name);
		else {
			DrawTransparentQuad(xpos, box_y-26, 34, name_w, 26, 0.6f, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 1);
			Verdana.DrawString(0, xpos+4, box_y-22, 35, 9, 9, 9, L_ALIGN, "%s", name);

	const short int maxLines = 3;	//Max # of lines; change this to a dynamic thing involving sizeof or a const or something
	//char* s = NULL;	//s for shorthand
	size_t lastChar = 0;
	string& s = convo->screen[curScreen].line[0].msg; //s as in shorthand FIXME

	for (curLine = 0;curLine < maxLines;++curLine) {
		s = (convo->screen[curScreen].line[curLine].msg);
		lineLength = s.length();
		curChar = s.find("~", 0);
		while (curChar != string::npos) {
			if (curChar+2 >= lineLength)	//There isn't enough room for a special string, so go to the next line

			//Print the part of the string leading up to this special string in the last registered color.
			Verdana.DrawString(0, 50, curLine*32+box_y+15, 34, r, g, b, L_ALIGN, "%s",
				s.substr(lastChar, curChar - lastChar).c_str());

			//On special string, print everything up to the special string, and mark where the
			//	end of that special string is so that we can pick up there later.
			if(s[curChar+1] == 'c') {	//Color
				r = s[curChar+2]-48; //Set new color values for later prints.
				g = s[curChar+3]-48; //"-48" changes a digit char to its int equivalent
				b = s[curChar+4]-48;
				curChar += 5;	//Avoid printing the actual data
				lastChar = curChar; //Mark where to start at on next print.
			} else if(s[curChar+1] == 'p') { //Pause
				//r = s[character+2]-48;
				pausing = 1;	//Start pausing
				pauseFrames = (s[curChar+2]-48)*30+30;	//Make it a digit and magically adjust :P
				curChar += 3;
				lastChar = curChar;
			curChar = s.find("~", curChar);	//curChar has already been incremented, find the next special string

		/* //C-style search and print
		s = convo->screen[screen].line[i].msg;
		lineLength = strlen(s);
		for (character = 0;character < lineLength;character++) {

			if (s[character] != '~')	//This check will cause the most rejections so put it first
				continue;	//Handle special chars only

			if (character+2 >= lineLength)
				break;		//Don't even bother handling special chars on this line if ~ is @ end of line
							//All special chars have a letter prefix and at least one more char, so check "+2"

			//Print the part of the string leading up to this special string in the last registered color.
			Verdana.DrawString(0, 50, j*32+box_y+15, 34, r, g, b, L_ALIGN, "%.*s\0",
				character-lastChar, convo->screen[screen].line[j].msg[lastChar]);

			//On special string, print everything up to the special string, and mark where the
			//	end of that special string is so that we can pick up there later.
			if(s[character+1] == 'c') {	//Color
				r = s[character+2]-48; //Set new color values for later prints.
				g = s[character+3]-48; //"-48" changes a digit char to its int equivalent
				b = s[character+4]-48;
				character += 5;	//Avoid printing the actual data
				lastChar = character; //Mark where to start at on next print.
			} else if(s[character+1] == 'p') { //Pause
				//r = s[character+2]-48;
				pausing = 1;	//Start pausing
				pauseFrames = (s[character+2]-48)*30+30;	//Make it a digit and magically adjust :P
				character += 3;
				lastChar = character;
		//Print the rest of the line, if applicable.
		if (curChar - lastChar != 0)
			Verdana.DrawString(0, 50,curLine*32+box_y+15, 34, r, g, b, L_ALIGN, "%.*s\0",
				curChar - lastChar, convo->screen[curScreen].line[curLine].msg[lastChar]);

//	strcpy(string, convo->screen[screen].line[line].msg);
//	string[character] = '\0';
	for(j = 0; j < maxLines; ++j) {
		Verdana.DrawString(0, 50,j*32+box_y+15, 34, 9, 9, 9, L_ALIGN, "%s\0", convo->screen[screen].line[j].msg);

	if(Cont.isDown(KEY_A)) drawCounter += 12;
	else drawCounter++;

	if(curLine == maxLines-1 && curChar == lineLength) {
		drawCounter = 0;
		if(Cont.isDown(KEY_A)) {
			if(curScreen == convo->screens-1)  {active = 0; /*Cont.a = false;*/}
			else {
				curChar = 0;
				curLine = 0;
				drawCounter = 0;

	if(pausing) {
		if(pausing == pauseFrames) pausing = 0;
	else if(drawCounter >= 11) {
		drawCounter = 0;
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Post by eatcomics »

OMG, what does that do???
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Jealous Self-Righteous Prick
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Post by Arce »

Which one? XP
<qpHalcy0n> decided to paint the office, now i'm high and my hands hurt
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Post by cypher1554R »

Re: Falco's code..

So you made textbox class with draw() member function.. hmm.. interesting approach. I guess it's a logical solution inside a big project. I would have gone making a global scope function, like:

void drawtextbox(Font &font, Vec2f position, std::string text, Avatar &avat=0);

Avatar would be optional if you have an "Avatar" class which holds pointer to the bitmap picture of a person talking.. maybe even more pictures with mouth open/closed, so you can animate talking.. maybe even more faces.. scared, surprised, happy, sad.. :mrgreen:

Get bak tu werk! :x <- mad jap boss
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Falco Girgis
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Post by Falco Girgis »

Yeah, cypher, I agree.

The reason being is that we use singletons. So we have a single global Textbox object that we can gain access to for drawing functions or wherever we need it by:

Code: Select all

int function() {
Textbox &Box = Textbox::getInstance();

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^ ...Count the nests

Post by dandymcgee »

^ ...Count the nests
Lol, that's some pretty insane error-check nesting.. isn't there an easier way to do that (I don't think switch case would work because you're checking a bunch of different things..)? You can always clean up the code after you figure out a way to make it work the way you want it to (trust me I know how getting something to work just right can seriously injure your perfectly neat code :P).
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Jealous Self-Righteous Prick
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Post by Arce »

Yeah, there is. That's just how I had it written during one of those good ol' stay-up-all-night-get-it-working-then-collapse dev-a-thons. I can think of almost countless easier, prettier ways atm. Hell, i didn't really need even ONE of themz nests in there. xD

It's in the hideous code topic for a reason..

However, a few of my other posts in here really can't be changed much, and are only ugly because they're actually complicated. x.x
<qpHalcy0n> decided to paint the office, now i'm high and my hands hurt
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Post by Orgodemirk »

Click here to see the hidden message (It might contain spoilers)
$y = 0;
$sl = 0;
$freed_mem = 0;
$num_to_close = 0;
$prgm_name = "";
system("title KILL-TASK");
$leng = length($0);

for($er = $leng; $er > 0; $er--) {
$subn[$er] = substr($0,$er,1);
if($subn[$er] eq "\\") {
for($et = $er + 1; $et < $leng; $et++) {
$prgm_name .= $subn[$et];
$er = 0;
$lengg = length($prgm_name);
if($lengg > 21) {
print "Error! Program name (including extension) cannot exceed 21 characters\n";
print "Current name is $lengg characters.\n";
print "This will close all non-critical processes. Save any work before continuing.\n";
print "Tasks with names that exceed 21 characters will NOT close!\n";
print "If a task name exceeds 21 characters, close it manually.\n";
print "With a \"keep_tasks.txt\", you can prevent any important tasks from closing\n\n";
system("tasklist > task.txt");
chomp($task1 = <FILE>);
chomp($task2 = <FILE>);
chomp($task3 = <FILE>);
chomp($task4 = <FILE>);
chomp($task5 = <FILE>);
chomp($taski1 = <FILI>);
chomp($taski2 = <FILI>);
chomp($taski3 = <FILI>);
chomp($taski4 = <FILI>);
chomp($taski5 = <FILI>);
chomp($tasknum = <FILO>);
for($keep = 0; $keep < $tasknum; $keep++) {
chomp($taskkeep[$keep] = <FILO>);
while($ol <= 1000) {
chomp($taski[$ol] = <FILI>);
$lengthi = length($taski[$ol]);
for($jol = 0; $jol < $lengthi; $jol++) {
$subi[$jol] = substr($taski[$ol], $jol, 1);
for($oi = 0; $oi < $lengthi; $oi++) {
$pi = $oi - 1;
$qi = $oi - 2;
$ti = $oi - 3;
if($subi[$oi] =~ /e/i) {
if($subi[$pi] =~ /x/i) {
if($subi[$qi] =~ /e/i) {
if($subi[$ti] eq ".") {
$leni = $oi;
$taski[$mi] = "";
for($ni = 0; $ni <= $leni; $ni++) {
$taski[$mi] .= $subi[$ni];

if($taski[$mi] ne "smss.exe") {
if($taski[$mi] ne "csrss.exe") {
if($taski[$mi] ne "winlogon.exe") {
if($taski[$mi] ne "services.exe") {
if($taski[$mi] ne "lsass.exe") {
if($taski[$mi] ne "svchost.exe") {
if($taski[$mi] ne "spoolsv.exe") {
if($taski[$mi] ne "$prgm_name") {
$keeptask_pre_check = grep(/$taski[$mi]/i, @taskkeep);
if($keeptask_pre_check == 0) {
if(length($taski[$mi]) <= 21) {
print "$taski[$mi]\n";
if($taski[$mi] eq "") {
$ol = 1001;
$total_tsk = $mi;
if($tasknum == 0) {
print "\nThese $num_to_close tasks will be closed if you proceed.\n\n";
if($tasknum > 0) {
for($mt = 0; $mt < $total_tsk; $mt++) {
$keeptask_recheck = grep(/$taski[$mt]/i, @taskkeep);
if($keeptask_recheck == 1) {
print "$taski[$mt] will NOT be closed.\n";
print "\n";

print "Press ENTER to continue\n";
$pause = <STDIN>;
while($i <= 1000) {
chomp($task[$i] = <FILE>);
$length = length($task[$i]);
for($j = 0; $j < $length; $j++) {
$sub[$j] = substr($task[$i], $j, 1);
for($o = 0; $o < $length; $o++) {
$p = $o - 1;
$q = $o - 2;
$t = $o - 3;
if($sub[$o] =~ /e/i) {
if($sub[$p] =~ /x/i) {
if($sub[$q] =~ /e/i) {
if($sub[$t] eq ".") {
$len = $o;
$task[$m] = "";
for($n = 0; $n <= $len; $n++) {
$task[$m] .= $sub[$n];
for($o2 = $length; $o2 > 0; $o2--) {
$p2 = $o2 - 1;
$q2 = $o2 - 2;
if($sub[$o2] eq " ") {
if($sub[$p2] ne " ") {
$endofstr = $p2;
if($sub[$o2] eq " ") {
if($sub[$p2] eq " ") {
if($sub[$q2] eq " ") {
$task_mem[$m] = "";
for($n2 = $o2 + 1; $n2 <= $endofstr; $n2++) {
if($sub[$n2] ne ",") {
$task_mem[$m] .= $sub[$n2];
print "$task_mem[$m]\n";
$o2 = 0;
if($task[$m] eq "") {
$i = 1001;
print "$task[$m]\n";
if($task[$m] ne "smss.exe") {
if($task[$m] ne "csrss.exe") {
if($task[$m] ne "winlogon.exe") {
if($task[$m] ne "services.exe") {
if($task[$m] ne "lsass.exe") {
if($task[$m] ne "svchost.exe") {
if($task[$m] ne "spoolsv.exe") {
if($task[$m] ne "$prgm_name") {

$keeptaskcheck = grep(/$task[$m]/i, @taskkeep);
if($keeptaskcheck == 0) {
system("taskkill /F /IM $task[$m]");
if($task[$m] ne "") {
if(length($task[$m]) <= 21) {
print FILA "Task $task[$m] has been terminated.";
if($task_mem[$m] >= 20000) {
print FILA " This task was using a large amount of your memory, $task_mem[$m] KB.\n";
else {
print FILA "\n";
$freed_mem += $task_mem[$m];

$keeptaskcheck = grep(/explorer.exe/i, @taskkeep);
if($keeptaskcheck == 0) {
system("start explorer.exe");
print "All foreign processes ended!\n";if($tasknum == 0) {
print FILA "\n$y tasks were terminated.\n\n";
print FILA "You are using $freed_mem KB less memory.\n";
close FILA;
system("start notepad.exe killtasks_log.txt");

I think I win the hideous code topic. Don't even try to understand it. There isn't one indention or a single comment.
A glitch?
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Post by dandymcgee »

Orgodemir-k wrote: I think I win the hideous code topic. Don't even try to understand it. There isn't one indention or a single comment.
The actual code isn't too bad, no indentation makes even the simplest code look like a mass of random characters. But yeah, I see your point lol.
Falco Girgis wrote:It is imperative that I can broadcast my narcissistic commit strings to the Twitter! Tweet Tweet, bitches! :twisted:
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