cypher1554R wrote:Summer of '07 was not 3 years ago..
No, but this topic sure is. The name 'DeadSky' was used for two separate projects, and has not been used for this project in over a year.
Posted: Thu Oct 27, 2005 10:12 pm Post subject: Project Dead Sky officially begins!!!
cypher1554R wrote:Wow.. I totally bought that you guys were non financially motivated.. Neutral
As you can see, Gyro and some half-literate, Christian Zealot friends thought they were going to make a game about an evil mage 'freezing the skies' for their programming class. Luke (skywalker541) was obviously financially motivated for the project. Weather Gyro or the rest of the gang were, that's up to them. I don't give a fuck. If I was them, I probably would be.
That project is irrelevant and unrelated to the current one. While Gyro was making that, I was gathering a team to begin development on 'Front Lines' (before a PC game of that same title came out this year, obviously) and Peter knew nothing about programming.
cypher1554R wrote:A group of 4 Junior's in high school getting together to make a game while getting together a team which they inform that it's a non-profit project, and making the team work for them unknowingly that the "master mind" is about to get paid in a chance to win scholarships is indeed dirty.
Mmkay. You've lost me.
If in the end we, as a team, did decide to sell all/parts of or receive any compensation, it would be heavily discussed and fairly distributed among the team. However, I personally don't see this happening. There are no plans of such things atm, though as a team we do all reserve the right to change that in the event that we're offered <insert large sum of money here> to demo the game on a talk show or publish with <insert company here> or something. Maybe we could consider a 'support us!' smash version of the game that comes with all our tools (allowing you to generate mods and such) as well as behind the scene stuff? Who knows, that's in the future.