the books i choose.

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the books i choose.

Post by avansc »

i'll list 15 books i would recommend getting over time. these are by far my favorites and i own a hard copy of each.
not necessarily in this order. i'll list the CS books first then moving on to math.

1. "Core Techniques and Algorithms in Game Programming"

2. "Beautiful Code"
this is one of my favorite books of all time, its just brilliance and will make you feel small at times, thats how good it is.

3. "C for java programmers"
this is not the best book on the matter, but is very nice. there are better C books, but none that are as easy to understand.

4. "Assembly language for intel-based computers"
i would sell my mom for this book. its very technical, but if you can get through it you will be able to do anything imaginable. id say get this one above all else.

5. "Operating concepts with java"
also very nice, great section on multi-threading.

6. "Big Java"
this is a very easy book to follow and has great sections on networking with java, as well as threads. a very nice book. probably the most rounded one i have on java.

7. "a practical introduction to data structures and algorithm analysis"
this is a no screw around book. very complex, and if you dont feel comfortable with pointers and so on its gonna be a hard read. but you will be a better programmer even if you just read on chapter.

8. "linux & unix programming tools"
always good to have one of these stashed away, you never kn ow when you will have to develop on a foreign OS.

9. "computer networks a systems approach"
you need to be savvy on networks. this is by far the best book. i guarantee you will know everything about the net and its mom if you get through this book.

10. "Network security private communication in a private world"
this is a bad boy. you will learn how insecure the world is, and you will be able to protect your self.

11. "the feynman lectures on physics"
this is a sweet reference, waring tho, this guy was in the league of Albert Einstein, so its pretty technical stuff. but you can use so many of the equations in to for games.

12. "Calculus concepts and contexts"
best book on calc in my opinion.

13. "Elementary linear algebra with applications"
it may say elementary but this biatch is not easy, but its pretty nice, you will learn alot that will make you code more efficiently.
especially if you are going to do your own physics.

14. "Basic Engineering Data collection and analysis"
very nice if you are strugling to optimize code. will have ways to get data and see where bottle necks are. pretty sweet book. also has equations that you can use in games, like if you are going to developer a fighting scheme and want a complex damage system this is your key,

15. "Discreet mathematics and its application"
this last one is also very sweet. its basically a book about logic, its got so much. i would recoment this one to. this is a MUST have.
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Re: the books i choose.

Post by Kleithap »

Cool most of these books look pretty good.
avansc wrote:13. "Elementary linear algebra with applications"
it may say elementary but this biatch is not easy, but its pretty nice, you will learn alot that will make you code more efficiently.
especially if you are going to do your own physics.
Lol, yeah, I remember linear algebra from my first year AI, challenging but awesome.
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