CS315: Algorithm Design PA 1

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CS315: Algorithm Design PA 1

Post by MarauderIIC »

I know, the fast exponentiation code is horrible (but it's faster than looping to init and copy); I had to do it in like 30 minutes for the extra points before the due time because im a procrastinator :)

Also the stopwatch.hpp is what provides the timer and stuff; I dunno why it's .hpp -- was provided that way. Would provide but it won't compile on a windows machine anyway and I don't feel like uploading it. If you want it that bad, I can give it to you, but it still won't compile on a windows machine due to using linux includes. I provided main.cpp and run.bash (linux terminal script).

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Steven A. Wilson (Alex)
CS 315 - Algorithm design
19 Feb 2008

This program is designed to compare various algorithm implementations
for the algorithm
a(n) = a(n-2) + a(n-3)
Where a(0) = 3, a(1) = 0, a(2) = 2

The various implementations are recursive, memoization, iterative,
and fast exponentiation by squaring.

Usage: <iterative/recursive/memoized/exponentiation> <n> [NUMBER_OF_RUNS]
	Usage: <iterative/recursive/memoized/exponentiation> <n> [NUMBER_OF_RUNS]
	Where n is the nth # the program should find, and NUMBER_OF_RUNS is the number
	of times the program should repeat. This program compiles multiple executables
	represented in the < >'s. Run the appropriate filename to run the corresponding

This source uses conditional compiling. To choose which method to compile,
		to compile recursive
		to compile memoization
		to compile iterative
		to compile fast exponentiation
as a compile-time flag. Alternatively, modify this source file.

If no type is defined, ALGORITHM_TYPE defaults to 1.
This determines which version of algorithm(int a) is compiled.
This program terminates with EXIT_FAIL on a fail. On success, the program
ends with EXIT_SUCCESS, after outputting the results to "[type]_results".txt

The results file format is as follows:
	<which number>	<final value>	<total calls>	<average time>	<theoretical time>

Based off of http://www.cs.uky.edu/~jurek/cs315/cs315s08/pa/utilities/315-example/fib.cc

For additional, more up-to-date information, see README

#include "stopwatch.hpp"

#include <cstdlib>
#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>

using namespace std;

unsigned long int calls = 0;

//Default type is recursive

//Algorithm: a(n) = a(n-2) + a(n-3)
//			 a(0) = 3, a(1) = 0, a(2) = 2
//Returns solution for a(n) using various implementations depending on
//	preprocessor definitions.
unsigned long int algorithm(size_t n);
//Returns theoretical time for a(n) depending on preprocessor definition.
unsigned long int theoreticalTime(size_t n);

int main(int argc, const char* argv[] ) {

	if (argc != 2 && argc != 3) {
		cout << "Usage: " << argv[0] << " <number to find> [number of runs]" << endl;
		return EXIT_FAILURE;

	unsigned long int NUMBER_OF_RUNS = 1;

	if (atoi(argv[1]) < 0) {
		cout << "N must be greater than or equal to zero." << endl;
		return EXIT_FAILURE;

	unsigned long int n = atoi(argv[1]);
	unsigned long int a;

	//If a # of runs is specified and it's valid, set it.
	if (argc == 3) {
		if (atoi(argv[2]) <= 0) {
			cout << "# of runs must be greater than zero." << endl;
			return EXIT_FAILURE;
		NUMBER_OF_RUNS = atoi(argv[2]);
	} else {
		if (n <= 20)
			NUMBER_OF_RUNS = 1000;	//Get some sort of actual processing time out of it.

	//Time is the whole purpose here...
	stopwatch_t timer;
	for (unsigned long int i = 0;i < NUMBER_OF_RUNS;i++) {
		a = algorithm(n);

	cout << setw(15) << n
		 << setw(15) << a
		 << setw(15) << calls/NUMBER_OF_RUNS //NUMBER_OF_RUNS is used as a scale
		 << setw(15) << timer.userTime()/NUMBER_OF_RUNS
		 << setw(15) << timer.userTime()/theoreticalTime(NUMBER_OF_RUNS)
		 << endl;


#if ALGORITHM_TYPE == 1 //recursive

//Algorithm: a(n) = a(n-2) + a(n-3)
//			 a(0) = 3, a(1) = 0, a(2) = 2
//Solves for a(n) recursively.
//Precondition: ALGORITHM_TYPE defined as 1
//Postcondition: a(n) result is returned.
unsigned long int algorithm(size_t n) {
	//Base cases
	if (n == 0)
		return 3;
	if (n == 1)
		return 0;
	if (n == 2)
		return 2;
	//Recursive case
	return (algorithm(n-2) + algorithm(n-3));

//T(n) = T(n-2) + T(n-3) + 1
//size of first subproblem is n - 2, size of 2nd subproblem is n-3.
//therefore the running time of a problem of size n is the running time
//of the problem of size n-2 plus the problem of size n-3 plus the time
//for merge (one addition)
unsigned long int theoreticalTime(size_t n) {
	if (n <= 2)
		return 1;
	return theoreticalTime(n-3) + theoreticalTime(n-2) + 1;

#elif ALGORITHM_TYPE == 2 //memoization

#include <vector>
vector<unsigned long int> results;

//Algorithm: a(n) = a(n-2) + a(n-3)
//			 a(0) = 3, a(1) = 0, a(2) = 2
//Solves for a(n) using memoization.
//POST: Returns solution for a(n) through calculations & lookup (memoization)
unsigned long int algorithm(size_t n) {
	if (n == 0)
		return 3;
	if (n == 1)
		return 0;
	if (n == 2)
		return 2;
	if (results.size() < n+1)
	if (results[n] == 0 && n != 1)	//results[n] is not defined (also n == 1 is 0)...
		results[n] = algorithm(n-2) + algorithm(n-3); //^ elements are initialized to 0 by definition
	return results[n];

//The algorithm is solved n times only; each n solve has a lookup of n-3 and n-2
unsigned long int theoreticalTime(size_t n) {
	if (n <= 2)
		return 1;
	return n-2 + n-3;

#elif ALGORITHM_TYPE == 3 //iterative

//Algorithm: a(n) = a(n-2) + a(n-3)
//			 a(0) = 3, a(1) = 0, a(2) = 2
//PRE: ALGORITHM_TYPE is defined as 3.
//POST: Solves a(n) through iteration.
unsigned long int algorithm(size_t n) {
	unsigned long int current = 3;	//a(3) / a(n)
	unsigned long int last1 = 2;	//a(2) / a(n-1), unused in algorithm; temporary storage only
	unsigned long int last2 = 0;	//a(1) / a(n-2)
	unsigned long int last3 = 3;	//a(0) / a(n-3)

	//Special cases (n == 3 is taken care of as it is returned as current)
	if (n == 0)
		return last3;
	if (n == 1)
		return last2;
	if (n == 2)
		return last1;

	for (unsigned int i = 4;i <= n;++i) {
		//Move everything down a notch
		last3 = last2;
		last2 = last1;
		last1 = current;
		current = last2 + last3; //(Algorithm implementation)
	return current;

//the cost is n-3 additions + 3 reassignments
//Master theorem: (0 subproblems, n-3 + 3 work done outside)
//Returns theoretical time for iterative version of a(n).
unsigned long int theoreticalTime(size_t n) {
	return (n-3) + 3;

#elif ALGORITHM_TYPE == 4 //fast exponentiation

//const int reduction = 10000; //used for mod operation to limit overflow

//Solves for a(n) using fast exponentiation
//POST: result, a 3 high 1 wide array, contains the answer in
//	midresult[2] (0-based).
//Matrix multiplication is based on 
//	http://www.devarticles.com/c/a/Cplusplus/Operator-Overloading-in-C-plus/4/
unsigned long int algorithm(size_t n) {
	unsigned long int a[3][3]; //height x width; values are given.
	unsigned long int midresult[3][3];

	unsigned long int p[3] = {2, 0, 3};
	unsigned long int final[3] = {0, 0, 0};

	//Set these to zero so that when we add with the += it comes out right
	unsigned long int temp[3][3] = {{0, 0, 0}, {0, 0, 0}, {0, 0, 0}};
	unsigned long int tempb[3][3] = {{0, 0, 0}, {0, 0, 0}, {0, 0, 0}};

	//Initialize the a array per specification.
	a[0][0] = 0; a[0][1] = 1; a[0][2] = 1;
	a[1][0] = 1; a[1][1] = 0; a[1][2] = 0;
	a[2][0] = 0; a[2][1] = 1; a[2][2] = 0;

	//Create an midresult array to use pow with; intitialize to identity
	midresult[0][0] = 1; midresult[0][1] = 0; midresult[0][2] = 0;
	midresult[1][0] = 0; midresult[1][1] = 1; midresult[1][2] = 0;
	midresult[2][0] = 0; midresult[2][1] = 0; midresult[2][2] = 1;

	while (n) {	//Raise A to the power of n
		//Based off of http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Exponentiation_by_squaring
		if (n & 1) {	//Even/odd test

			//Multiply result by A; store in temp to avoid overwriting
			for (int r = 0;r < 3;r++)
				for (int c = 0;c < 3;c++)
					for (int i = 0;i < 3 ;i++)
						temp[r][c] += (midresult[r][i] * a[i][c]);

			//Transfer temp back to "midresult" (quicker w/o a loop, which involves additions)
			midresult[0][0] = temp[0][0]; midresult[0][1] = temp[0][1]; midresult[0][2] = temp[0][2];
			midresult[1][0] = temp[1][0]; midresult[1][1] = temp[1][1]; midresult[1][2] = temp[1][2];
			midresult[2][0] = temp[2][0]; midresult[2][1] = temp[2][1]; midresult[2][2] = temp[2][2];

			//Reset temp (quicker w/o a loop, which involves additions)
			temp[0][0] = 0; temp[0][1] = 0; temp[0][2] = 0;
			temp[1][0] = 0; temp[1][1] = 0; temp[1][2] = 0;
			temp[2][0] = 0; temp[2][1] = 0; temp[2][2] = 0;

		//Square "A"
		for (int r = 0;r < 3;r++)
			for (int c = 0;c < 3;c++)
				for (int i = 0;i < 3 ;i++)
					tempb[r][c] += (a[r][i] * a[i][c]);
		//Transfer result back to "A" (quicker w/o a loop, which involves additions)
		a[0][0] = tempb[0][0]; a[0][1] = tempb[0][1]; a[0][2] = tempb[0][2];
		a[1][0] = tempb[1][0]; a[1][1] = tempb[1][1]; a[1][2] = tempb[1][2];
		a[2][0] = tempb[2][0]; a[2][1] = tempb[2][1]; a[2][2] = tempb[2][2];

		//Reset tempb (quicker w/o a loop, which involves additions)
		tempb[0][0] = 0; tempb[0][1] = 0; tempb[0][2] = 0;
		tempb[1][0] = 0; tempb[1][1] = 0; tempb[1][2] = 0;
		tempb[2][0] = 0; tempb[2][1] = 0; tempb[2][2] = 0;

		n = n/2;

	//Create the final result by multiplying midresult (A^n) by p
	for (int r = 0;r < 3;r++)
		for (int i = 0;i < 3 ;i++)
			final[r] += (midresult[r][i] * p[i]);

	//The result is the final space in final matrix
	return final[2];

//Returns the theoretical time for a(n) - logarithmic time
//Two subproblems, both of size n/2. 9 mults per subproblem. 9 adds per subproblem.
//Final Reassembly involves 3 mults and 3 adds.
unsigned long int theoreticalTime(size_t n) {
	if (n <= 1)
		return 2*(9 + 9); //Base subproblem involves 9 mults & 9 adds
	return 2*theoreticalTime(n/2) + 6;

#endif //end algorithm_type


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#!/usr/bin/env bash

# AUTHOR 	Steven A Wilson
# FOR		CS 315, Program 1
# DUE		19 Feb 2008
# Slightly modified from sample on assignment 1 utilities webpage.

# Run gnuplot to generate a line graph from the specified file.
# The parameters are:  file, title, y-axis label, using declaration.
# Produces a PS to standard output.
function gplot {

	gnuplot <<EOF
set terminal postscript color
set ylabel "${ylabel}"
set xlabel "n"
set autoscale
plot [:] [:] "${file}" using 1:(${using}) title "${title}"  with lines

# Note that the first two arguments are positional parameters,
# while the fourth is a literal '$3'.
# To use a different column, change the fourth argument.
function gplot-calls {
	gplot "$1" "$2" calls '$3'

function gplot-time {
	gplot "$1" "$2" sec '$4'

function gplot-ratio {
	gplot "$1" "$2" "sec/call" '$4/$3'

function gplot-theo {
	gplot "$1" "$2" "time/theoretical" '$4/$5'

# Compile the program if necessary

echo "Running iterative"
(for ((i=0; i<40; i=i+8)); do ./iterative ${i}00000 5; done) > iterative.out
cat iterative.out

echo "Running recursive"
(for ((i=0; i<75; i=i+15)); do ./recursive ${i} 5;        done) > recursive.out
cat recursive.out

echo "Running memoized"
(for ((i=0; i<10; i=i+2));  do ./memoized ${i}0000 5;     done) > memoized.out
cat memoized.out

echo "Running exponentiation"
(for ((i=0; i<40; i=i+8)); do ./exponentiation ${i}00000 500; done) > exponentiation.out
cat exponentiation.out

for i in iterative recursive memoized exponentiation; do
	gplot-calls "${i}.out" "${i} calls"            > "${i}.calls.ps"
	gplot-time  "${i}.out" "${i} runtime"          > "${i}.time.ps"
	gplot-ratio "${i}.out" "${i} runtime per call" > "${i}.ratio.ps"
	gplot-theo  "${i}.out" "${i} runtime vs theoretical runtime" > "${i}.theo.ps"

Edit: I had the wrong run.bash version. Fixed.

Edit2: Added the following [(the called pstopdf executable is supplied by professor)]
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#!/usr/bin/env bash

# NAME	Steven A Wilson (Alex)
# FOR	CS 315 Program 1
# DUE	19 Feb 2008
# This makes pdf's out of ps files.

if [[ $1 == "help" ]]
	echo "This program makes pdfs out of ps files."
	echo "Usage: [] or [rm-ps] or [rm-pdf] or [rm-all]"

if [[ $1 = "rm-all" ]]
	$0 rm-ps
	$0 rm-pdf

if [[ $1 = "rm-ps" ]]
	echo "Removing *.ps"
	rm -rf *.ps
	echo "All done!"

if [[ $1 = "rm-pdf" ]]
	echo "Removing *.pdf"
	rm -rf *.pdf
	echo "All done!"

echo "Creating pdf's from .ps files."
for arg in *.ps
	echo "Creating pdf for $arg"
	pstopdf $arg
echo "All done! Use 'rm-ps' or 'rm-pdf' or 'rm-all' to rm appropriate filetypes."
I realized the moment I fell into the fissure that the book would not be destroyed as I had planned.
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Re: CS315: Algorithm Design PA 1

Post by avansc »

hpp is suppose to be C++ header file, its so stupid.
Some person, "I have a black belt in karate"
Dad, "Yea well I have a fan belt in street fighting"
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Re: CS315: Algorithm Design PA 1

Post by cypher1554R »

hpp.. like (header plus plus) lol..
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Re: CS315: Algorithm Design PA 1

Post by MarauderIIC »

I've figured that out since :) Hardly anybody uses hpp, though, so yeah, dumb.
Edit: I knew I had code that would make my factorial thing a lot faster somewhere!
I realized the moment I fell into the fissure that the book would not be destroyed as I had planned.
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Re: CS315: Algorithm Design PA 1

Post by avansc »

MarauderIIC wrote:I've figured that out since :) Hardly anybody uses hpp, though, so yeah, dumb.
Edit: I knew I had code that would make my factorial thing a lot faster somewhere!
to my knowledge exponential is the most expensive computational wise. thus slowest. may be faster for small numbers, but gets pretty slow.
the big oh O(n!) is one of the worst.
Some person, "I have a black belt in karate"
Dad, "Yea well I have a fan belt in street fighting"
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