In this screen shot, please notice the HUD. I'd like feed back on that. In the final game, it will not have the same things on it it has now, and just after I took this screen shot, I added a Blue guage next to your health, showing your shield points. Oh well.
I took this screen shot so that you could see a health kit falling. It spawns at a random x coordinate in a random time between 5 seconds and 30seconds. Right now, for debug purposes, I have them spawn when I push tab and q at the same time. Also, there is an error, when you pause, the timer that spawns the health kit keeps going, so it'll probably fall the instant you unpause. I can EASILY fix that, but I haven't yet for some reason.
Please notice two things in this screen shot, the green shield and the enemies with green life guages. A while back, I postd about needing someone to edit my enemies' colors, and, of course, no one volunteered. That'd only figure. Asshole graphics people. Anyway, the reason I have a differnt color life guage is to show that that enemy is stronger than the red one, rather than 20 life like the red ones, it has 50, and it can shoot decoy bullets. (I'll explain those later). And, yes, that ugly green circle around the charactor IS a shield. You can only get a shield when you get to a certain level, and from there on you'll always have it. (It saves.) How I have it do this by making that ugly dos looking text box appear as soon as you start the game, and it asks your name. If there is a .tcr in a certain folder with the name of the thing you typed in, it'll load wether or not you had a shield. If it cannot find a file named whatever you typed in, it'll just tell you to type in the same name you just did to load, and creates a file with that name. Also, whatever name you typed in is what name is used when you get the hi score, low score, and the name on the top of the screen. Anyway, your shield points, (above the ugly red life guage) is how much more damage you shield will reduce before breaking. When it breaks, it simply turns off. It atomattically restores shield points, 1 every 4 or so seconds it adds 1 point. I am going to make it refill faster when you get to a certain level, like an upgrade, but i haven't yet.
Again, take not of two things here. (No, me cowering in the corner isn't a thing.) See the Blue enemies? I am planning to have them in the future, but I don't yet. I just changed the red guy's colors for this screen shot. Now you know what to expect. The seond thing is how everything is red. I have it so if your life is 10 or under, you enter red alert mode. Everything blinks red and plays a siren, telling you that you're about to die. I want to know if you think I should keep that in.
Okay, look right above the player. See that orb looking think? That is the smallest bullet you shoot. If you shoot an enemies bullet, yours and his bullets will both explode. So I decided to make the green dudes (In the picture they are blue just so you know what to expect!) shoot little decoy bullets. Above and slightly to the left of the player's bullet there is a red circle with a white center. That is a harmless decoy bullet the green guy shoots, if your bullet hits it, both of them explode. If it hits you, nothing happens. The enemyis able to fire one decoy every 2 seconds, and fires it only when a bullet it comming toward it. You know what I mean? It does NOT fire every 2 seconds, every 2 seconds it GAIN the ability to fire. Then, after it fires when a bullet is near it, the ablilty to fire is gone. It must wait 2 seconds before it regains the ability.
Once again, I changed my red guys blue....Okay, I thought I was better than I was, and did not mean to go into red alert mode. The purpose of this screen is to show how large the bullets are now, showing that there will be other weapons. I have various weapons planned, like laser, exploding bullets, ect., but I oonly have 2 now, small bullet plasma gun, and huge bullet plasma gun. Small bullet does 5, huge bullet does 20.
this is simply showing that you're dead. I haven't anything else fancy yet. Too bad.
Anyway, it's exactly 12:00 midnight, and I'm tired. I'll speak more of my game tomorrow.