Nintendo Dx Vs. Sony PSP

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Which would you buy?

Nintendo Dx
Sony Psp
Total votes: 10

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Falco Girgis
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Nintendo Dx Vs. Sony PSP

Post by Falco Girgis »

What do you think? Which one is going to own? I am pretty sure that it doesn't matter how much better the Nintendo Dx is; Sony will still kill it. Remember the Playstation 1? Primitive blocky excuse of 3d that we all enjoyed? Well Nintendo 64 came out not too much later and had FAR superior specs in (almost) every way. Sony still killed it.

Then we have the most saddening story of the Dreamcast. Dreamcast started selling super good. But not everybody bought one because they were all waiting for the PS2. Then, when it finally came out, every Dreamcast fan out there abandoned it and went with PS2. Look at Ps2. It is more primitive than even gamecube.

So if Sony can kill much more powerful gaming devices so easily, I doubt the Nintendo Dx will be any competition as Sony's psp is already announced to be quite a bit more powerful.

The psp is going to win no matter what :?
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Post by Falco Girgis »

Lol. I feel like such a moron. Nintendo Dx? What was I thinking. I guess I got all confused because of the whole Zelda/Mario Dx NES remake deal for the GameBoy Color. Sorry folks, its Nintendo DS not Dx. Nothing a nice frappaccino wont fix... 8)
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Post by COAL »

I just don't know. The Nindendo Ds will have some great features, including 2 screens! But I just don't know how much to expect form nintendo nowadays, you know what I mean?
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Post by Falco Girgis »

Yeah dude, that is EXACTLY what I was thinking. It is just too close for me to decide. Nintendo's GBA was all good. But sadly, Nintendo has a reputation of going wrong when they hit the 64-bit mark.

Then again, the PSP is going to be DAMN expesive.

The DS is going to be compatable with GBA goodz.

Psp has better graphix.

DS has two screenz.


Definately a hamm sammich!
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Nintendo DS of course!

Post by JS Lemming »

DS is going to rock since there is going to be like 2 Metroid Games out for it when it first starts selling.
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Post by Falco Girgis »

yeah, I don't know how that is, but wierd. I'd say that the graphics look slightly better than Sega 32X. They remind me alot of my good ol' Saturn. Psp on the other hand has graphics almost matching that of the PS2 and Dreamcast.

But are those graphics really worth the price tag?
Do you think both screens on the Nintendo DS have the same specs? Maybe one is a lower resolution.
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Post by Showdin »

God what is going to come next? Nintendo gamsphere DXSV 3000, with pokemon concrete as a game? I didn't have any idea about any of this crap! Oh well I guess I am just not cut out for up dates on all of the gaming systems and electronics.But I can still enjoy them! Ok here is what I think.It is true that things just get more advanced and expensive and version 12.3 and modem modulator X3000.But don't you think people's salaries will increase and minimum wege will increase because companies realize that people need more money just to buy the daily bread!I mean look at gas Prices! Holy shit! If minimum wege doesn't increase along with just normal salaries then All I can see in the future is another great depression.That is all I have to say well see yall later.
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Dreamcast Rules

Post by Orgodemirk »

Well Sony Nintendo Sega Or Something Else I Think That Sega Is The Best Maybe not with graphics but hell graphics aren't everything besides DREAMCAST has awesome graphics now i have to go peace out ham samich paynis
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Post by Wraith »

I dont care about anything but the metroid games, all of them are awsome.
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Post by Falco Girgis »

I dont care about anything but the metroid games, all of them are awsome.
Then you're definately going to want the DS.

I'll see if I can scrounge up some metroid screenz. I saw one. . . OH YES! here it is:
Note the sega saturn-ish graphics. I think it looks great, but all of the other games I saw used the top screen as the main one. I think this would be a lot better.

How many of you would like to see the top screen as the main one?

Post by Guest »

I'd definatly want the top screen as the main one. I'd hate to have to stare DOWN as I play. That would be cool for a mini-map or something, but not for main game play. But it would be kinda cool if you had an option to change it.
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Post by COAL »

I'd probably want the bottom screen to be the main screen. I think it would be more comfortable to stare down and just have to glance up occaisionall, rather than looking down occaisionally.
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Post by Showdin »

I think the nintendo DS is going to be ok but Psp will be better.But I guess the 2 screens thing is pretty cool but It is probably going to be hard to handle or put away and shit.But I would rather have the bottom screen as the main one because usually in games Icons and menus are at the top of the screen while you are playing like on Zelda or MK.

Post by Guest »

Once again I loose more respect for the poser Wriath. When the hell did you start likeing Metroid games, I thought that was JS Lemming! All I can say is: POSER!

I still say I'd rather have the DS. It's cheaper, and the PSP seems to fragile. Mini-disks are just not for portables....I dunno why, maybe just too easy to break? :?
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Post by Falco Girgis »

Okay fat shit, time for my daily routine of grammatical checking...
LIKING, dumbass
and the PSP seems to fragile
TOO fragile, retard.
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