I've decided that since I now have a camera, the almost routine adventures/mishaps of Hyper Shadow, Arce, Drakor and I shall be posted for your enjoyment. This started out like any other day. It'd been storming all night last night. We decided it was time we started on our aquatic adventures.
Visual Adventure Log #001: "Dip with Dewgongs"
That is looking across the cotton field right by my house. That is also where the cemetary is located.
Drakor, Arce, and I began investigating the aftermath of the huge storm last night. This is a ditch on the side of the road. I'm bending over the waterfall, and drakor is standing there. See this? There is NEVER water there. All that just from a jungle storm.
We peered down the creek to see where the water was coming from.
More images of the newly formed lake and us screwing around by it.
That's Drakor swinging on the random 550 LB army cord my dad gave us.
That's just me heading up the treehouse.
Drakor and I are climbing down from the treehouse.
Later that day, we decided to return to our newly founded "Lake Dewgong". We decided that to achieve inner, spiritual peace, you must become one with the Dewgong!
We dove into lake Dewgong with our clothes on and all. I swear to god, that had to of been below freezing waters. Perfect for Dewgongs.
We traversed through the Dewgong lake. (I'm up front, Drakor is in back).
Drakor and I had finally found inner peace amongst the Dewgong! We did the Dewgong dance to rejoice.
I scaled the edge trying to leave the freezing waters and Drakor grabbed a staff for support.
Upon exitting the sacred lake, Deputy dingus approached us! I snapped this picture over Drakor's shoulder of the jerk coming towards us.
(That looks just like pok'emon! "Deputy Dingus wants to battle"!)
We refused to leave our sacred lake and he was forced to leave us alone on account that we weren't even doing anything wrong. He walks away in shame because our rebel asses have won the day! (Dewgong gained 2433 experience. Dewgong grew to level 50!)
That's me trying to scale that damn army 550LB cord. PWNT!
We began traversing farther down Lake Dewgong when we went under a RailRoad track.
Arce lies in the middle of the water at our sacred hangout.
That'd be me just chilling at the hangout.
Arce and I both laying in the pleasent stream that now flows so soothingly through our flooding hangout.
We snapped a shot of Arce taking a piss without him knowing.
That's our favorite creek that stretches on for miles, but another adventure for another day.
Drakor (back), I (front) hanging out in the flooding pipes.
Upon closer inspection, we noticed tiny fish in our routine hangout. There are no fish around for miles. These poor bastards probably got sucked downstream for miles from the storm.
I randomly climb out of the ditch with Drakor coming up behond me.
Drakor just couldn't pull himself up the wall so he scaled the side.
This is an awesome mid-air shot by Arce of both Drakor(far) and I(near) in mid-air jumping into the ditch.
I snapped this picture as I climb up and over the flooded rail road track. See the dense jungle?
I'm looking down at Drakor and Arce climb out from under the railroad tracks.
Amazingly hardcore shot of Arce in the air busting out matrix.