<span class="rant">Elysium Diamond is a terrible multiplayer engine, the way it handles sending data is atrocious, not to mention unprotected. You have to be pretty damn good to do that engine any justice. The hardest part to get over is the fact that it was done in Visual Basic.
Very much agreed, Elysium Diamond is a horrible multiplayer engine, but without the shitty visual basic programmers that made it, and using "Konfuze Engine" originally made by Liam as their backbone, that engine would not exist.
To be quite honest, all Elysium engines are crap, and Konfuze was definitely something big for its time, but even its maker knows that its crap. The only true source to go back to if you are looking to use anything remotely close to that engine, is "Mirage Source", made by Shannara. Which is still the most basic of all the engines, but its a fresh start. Plus, with all the recent development on "Mirage Source 4" due to a very capable VB6 programmers known as Dugor and DFA, it handles data much more efficiently and the protected then any of the derivatives ever could.
Not to mention the seckz that a little ZLib compression and data byte array transfers is to speed up that sourced engine.