"Unable to start program 'C:\Users\Cameron\Documents\Visual Studio
The system cannot find the file specified."
I spelled it "mtytictac" because i already have a couple of tic tac toe programs. I know the syntax is correct because I have run the program before under a different name. I used a working program so I would KNOW it wasn't the syntax. It has occurred to me that the problem is most likely a configuration setting, but I have no clue where to start. Any help from you guys would be widely appreciated Please help...
Thank you, and here is the source code
Code: Select all
//Tic Tac Toe
//enter a number and press enter to put your marker there
#include <iostream>
//establish the co-ordinates for the board
void main() {
char cSquare1('1');
char cSquare2('2');
char cSquare3('3');
char cSquare4('4');
char cSquare5('5');
char cSquare6('6');
char cSquare7('7');
char cSquare8('8');
char cSquare9('9');
int iPlayerTurn(1);
bool bGameOver(true);
// Draw the board and loop the game
do {
// Print board
std::cout << cSquare1 << "|" << cSquare2 << "|" << cSquare3 << std::endl;
std::cout << "-+-+-"<< std::endl;
std::cout << cSquare4 << "|" << cSquare5 << "|" << cSquare6 << std::endl;
std::cout << "-+-+-"<< std::endl;
std::cout << cSquare7 << "|" << cSquare8 << "|" << cSquare9 << std::endl;
// Set player marker: Player 1 uses X and Player 2 uses O
char cPlayerMark;
if (iPlayerTurn == 1) {
cPlayerMark = 'X';
} else {
cPlayerMark = 'O';
// Prompt the player for a move
std::cout << "Player" << iPlayerTurn << "'s move:" << std::endl;
bool bValidMove;
// Loop until we get a valid move
do {
char cNextMove;
std::cin >> cNextMove;
bValidMove = true;
// Check for a valid move
if (cNextMove == '1' && cSquare1 == '1') {
cSquare1 = cPlayerMark;
} else if (cNextMove == '2' && cSquare2 == '2') {
cSquare2 = cPlayerMark;
} else if (cNextMove == '3' && cSquare3 == '3') {
cSquare3 = cPlayerMark;
} else if (cNextMove == '4' && cSquare4 == '4') {
cSquare4 = cPlayerMark;
} else if (cNextMove == '5' && cSquare5 == '5') {
cSquare5 = cPlayerMark;
} else if (cNextMove == '6' && cSquare6 == '6') {
cSquare6 = cPlayerMark;
} else if (cNextMove == '7' && cSquare7 == '7') {
cSquare7 = cPlayerMark;
} else if (cNextMove == '8' && cSquare8 == '8') {
cSquare8 = cPlayerMark;
} else if (cNextMove == '9' && cSquare9 == '9') {
cSquare9 = cPlayerMark;
} else {
std::cout << ("Cant you read? someone already moved there idiot!
"what do you have to say for yourself? You are a freaking idiot!.") << std::endl;
bValidMove = false;
} while (!bValidMove);
bGameOver = false;
bool bWinGame = true;
// Check for end of game conditions
if (cSquare1 != '1') {
if (cSquare2 == cSquare1 && cSquare3 == cSquare1) {
bGameOver = true;
if (cSquare4 == cSquare1 && cSquare7 == cSquare1) {
bGameOver = true;
if (cSquare5 != '5') {
if (cSquare1 == cSquare5 && cSquare9 == cSquare5) {
bGameOver = true;
if (cSquare2 == cSquare5 && cSquare8 == cSquare5) {
bGameOver = true;
if (cSquare4 == cSquare5 && cSquare6 == cSquare5) {
bGameOver = true;
if (cSquare3 == cSquare5 && cSquare7 == cSquare5) {
bGameOver = true;
if (cSquare9 != '9') {
if (cSquare3 == cSquare9 && cSquare6 == cSquare9) {
bGameOver = true;
if (cSquare7 == cSquare9 && cSquare8 == cSquare9) {
bGameOver = true;
// Need to check the board full (no-win condition)
if (cSquare1 != '1' && cSquare2 != '2' && cSquare3 != '3' &&
cSquare4 != '4' && cSquare5 != '5' && cSquare6 != '6' &&
cSquare7 != '7' && cSquare8 != '8' && cSquare9 != '9' && !bGameOver)
bGameOver = true;
bWinGame = false;
if (bGameOver) {
if (bWinGame) {
std::cout << "Player" << iPlayerTurn << " wins!" << std::endl;
// Print ending board
std::cout << cSquare1 << "|" << cSquare2 << "|" << cSquare3 << std::endl;
std::cout << "-+-+-"<< std::endl;
std::cout << cSquare4 << "|" << cSquare5 << "|" << cSquare6 << std::endl;
std::cout << "-+-+-"<< std::endl;
std::cout << cSquare7 << "|" << cSquare8 << "|" << cSquare9 << std::endl;
std::cout << "Game Over!" << std::endl;
std::cout << "Play again (y/n)?" << std::endl;
char cPlayAgain;
std::cin >> cPlayAgain;
if (cPlayAgain == 'y') {
bGameOver = false;
// Clear the board
cSquare1 = '1';
cSquare2 = '2';
cSquare3 = '3';
cSquare4 = '4';
cSquare5 = '5';
cSquare6 = '6';
cSquare7 = '7';
cSquare8 = '8';
cSquare9 = '9';
iPlayerTurn = 1;
} else {
// Alternate player turns
if (iPlayerTurn == 1) {
iPlayerTurn = 2;
} else {
iPlayerTurn = 1;
} while (!bGameOver);