My library

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My library

Post by RandomDever »

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if ((time/frame) < (1000/FPS))
			SDL_Delay((1000/FPS) - (time/frame));
What's wrong with this code?
It compiles and runs but it runs at 2 FPS even though I have the const int FPS = 1;
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Re: My library

Post by short »

46 posts here. You have to try harder then this. /palmface
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Re: My library

Post by MarauderIIC »

RandomDever wrote:

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if ((time/frame) < (1000/FPS))
			SDL_Delay((1000/FPS) - (time/frame));
What's wrong with this code?
It compiles and runs but it runs at 2 FPS even though I have the const int FPS = 1;
Let's plug in some values.

time = 500 (a half-second has passed since the start of the program)
frame = 1 (this is the first frame)

if (500/1 < 1000/1)
SDL_Delay((1000/1) - (500/1)) = SDL_Delay(500) = 1/2 second

So, a half-second has passed. And we're delaying a half-second. Hmmm... it could be that you draw before your delay is called, or that I'm making wrong assumptions about what each variable is.
I realized the moment I fell into the fissure that the book would not be destroyed as I had planned.
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Re: My library

Post by Pickzell »

RandomDever wrote:

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if ((time/frame) < (1000/FPS))
			SDL_Delay((1000/FPS) - (time/frame));
What's wrong with this code?
It compiles and runs but it runs at 2 FPS even though I have the const int FPS = 1;
Why are you dividing things by the FPS then... 1000/1 is 1000...
I'm an altogether bad-natured Cupid.
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Re: My library

Post by MarauderIIC »

Pickzell wrote:Why are you dividing things by the FPS then... 1000/1 is 1000...
Because maybe he wants to be able to change the FPS later. You know, one of the reasons you use a named constant in the first place?
I realized the moment I fell into the fissure that the book would not be destroyed as I had planned.
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Re: My library

Post by hurstshifter »

short wrote:46 posts here. You have to try harder then this. /palmface
"Time is an illusion. Lunchtime, doubly so."
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Re: My library

Post by RandomDever »

Code: Select all

#include "MSDL_image.h"
#include "MSDL_render.h"
#include "MSDL_ttf.h"
#include "MSDL_key.h"
#include "MSDL_timer.h"
#include "player.h"

SDL_Event event;

int count = 0;
Uint32 frame = 0;
bool quit = false;
Uint8 *keystates;
Uint32 time = 1;
char buffer[600];
char buffer2[600];

const int Width = 640;
const int Height = 480;
const int BPP = 32;

const Uint32 FPS = 1;

SDL_Surface *screen = NULL;
SDL_Surface *color = NULL;
SDL_Surface *background = NULL;
SDL_Surface *ground = NULL;
SDL_Surface *timer = NULL;
SDL_Surface *keys = NULL;
SDL_Surface *frames =NULL;

Player player;

void Init()

	screen = SDL_SetVideoMode( Width, Height, BPP, SDL_SWSURFACE );
	SDL_WM_SetCaption( "SMB Clone v0.0.1", NULL );

void Exit()

int main( int argc, char* args[] )
	background = LoadKeyImage( "background.png", 0, 0, 255 );
	color = LoadImage( "color.png" );
	ground = LoadImage( "ground.png" );
	//, "arblanca.ttf", 140, 0, 0, 255
	BlitSurface( 0, 0, color, screen );
	BlitSurface( 0, 0, background, screen );
	//BlitSurface( (Width / 2) - (timer->w / 2), (Height / 2) - (timer->h / 2), timer, screen );
	while (count < 640)
		BlitSurface( count, 448, ground, screen );
		count += 32;
	RenderTextCenter( "Hello!", "comic.ttf", 140, 255, 0, 0, screen, Height, Width );
	SDL_Flip( screen );
	while( quit == false )
		count = 0;
		time = SDL_GetTicks();
		BlitSurface( 400, 0, keys, screen );
		SDL_Flip( screen );
		keystates = Keystates();
		BlitSurface( 0, 0, color, screen );
		BlitSurface( 0, 0, background, screen );
		while (count < 640)
			BlitSurface( count, 448, ground, screen );
			count += 32;
		RenderTextCenter( "Hello!", "comic.ttf", 140, 255, 0, 0, screen, Height, Width );

		while( SDL_PollEvent( &event ) )
			if( event.type == SDL_QUIT )
				quit = true;
		sprintf_s(buffer,"Time: %d", time);
		timer = RenderText( buffer, "arberkley.ttf", 40, 0, 0, 255 );
		BlitSurface ( 0, 0, timer, screen );
		if( keystates[ SDLK_UP ] )
			keys = RenderText( "UP", "comic.ttf", 40, 0, 0, 255  );
		if ((time/frame) < (1000/FPS))
			SDL_Delay((1000/FPS) - (time/frame));
		sprintf_s(buffer2,"frame: %d", frame);
		frames = RenderText( buffer2, "arberkley.ttf", 40, 0, 0, 255 );
		BlitSurface ( 0, 60, frames, screen );
		SDL_Flip( screen );
		//if ( frame == 1 )
		//	SDL_Delay( 5000 );
	return 0;
There's the source code.
BTW my MSDL library for time is just returning SDL_GetTicks right now so that shouldn't be a problem.
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Re: My library

Post by MarauderIIC »

Nothing jumps out as a problem. How are you telling how many frames happen per second? Maybe that's where the problem is.
I realized the moment I fell into the fissure that the book would not be destroyed as I had planned.
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Re: My library

Post by RandomDever »

MarauderIIC wrote:Nothing jumps out as a problem. How are you telling how many frames happen per second? Maybe that's where the problem is.
i'm just using SDL_Delay()
It's all handled in the first snippet i posted
pretty much
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Re: My library

Post by Moosader »

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Re: My library

Post by Scoody »

The framelimiter calculates how much time each frame has to its disposal, if it doesn't utilize all that time the rest is put in a delay.

Here you're just dividing the start time with the amount of frames that's been drawn, which makes no sense. You need to take the current ticks and subtract the ticks at the start; then you'll know how much time the current frame used to draw.

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 if ((time/frame) < (1000/FPS))
         SDL_Delay((1000/FPS) - (time/frame));
So (time/frame) should be (SDL_GetTicks() - time)

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Uint32 elapsed = SDL_GetTicks() - time;
 if (elapsed < (1000/FPS))
         SDL_Delay((1000/FPS) - elapsed);
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Re: My library

Post by RandomDever »

Scoody wrote:The framelimiter calculates how much time each frame has to its disposal, if it doesn't utilize all that time the rest is put in a delay.

Here you're just dividing the start time with the amount of frames that's been drawn, which makes no sense. You need to take the current ticks and subtract the ticks at the start; then you'll know how much time the current frame used to draw.

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 if ((time/frame) < (1000/FPS))
         SDL_Delay((1000/FPS) - (time/frame));
So (time/frame) should be (SDL_GetTicks() - time)

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Uint32 elapsed = SDL_GetTicks() - time;
 if (elapsed < (1000/FPS))
         SDL_Delay((1000/FPS) - elapsed);


time is SDL_GetTicks() so subtracting it from itself would mean 0 so it would delay 999 ms every frame.
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Re: My library

Post by MarauderIIC »

No, time is the time that passed when you started making the frame. SDL_GetTicks() is the time that has passed until that very point.
But it might be effectively 0.
I realized the moment I fell into the fissure that the book would not be destroyed as I had planned.
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