Sesame Street: 1337 martian hackers!

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Sesame Street: 1337 martian hackers!

Post by Big Grizzle »

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Re: Sesame Street: 1337 martian hackers!

Post by Bludklok »

Interesting... I used to watch Sesame Street when I was young and I've been told that the Orange and Blue guys (don't even know their names) were always my favorite. Maybe my interest in programming subconsciously came from watching this episode as a kid? :mrgreen:
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Re: Sesame Street: 1337 martian hackers!

Post by Big Grizzle »

I pretty much learned to read and write before I even went to school because of this show.
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Re: Sesame Street: 1337 martian hackers!

Post by hurstshifter »

My cousin and her boyfriend went as these guys for Halloween this year. She made the costumes herself and they were fantastic. I'll see if I can find a pic. These guys are hilarious.
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