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ultimatedragoon69 wrote:Yes i am, i am going to first finish the text version but i'm trying to write my code in a way that i can reuse most of it for the 2d one.
Sorry i havn't updated in a few day's I was having heart problems and wasn't able to work much on the game.
i have finished working on the object modifier type stuff and have written a new function that throws in a spell degree and number of xp points to find out how much xp is needed to level a particular spell.
*Currently working on integrating these files into the battle system and other files. ~this will replace the old 25k line spell file i had. which these 4 files are still under 1k lines.~:)*
These files have been successfully integrated into the battleSystem.
until next time have a nice day.
Thanks, I have been working on this for quite some time now to learn c++ but i think it's finally starting to get somewhere.
Spell files-
created new variable spellIntensity;
//Using variable to find how much experience is needed for the next level and how powerful the spell is determining what element the spell is.
created new function levelSpell(string spellName, int experience)
//this will find the spell in the vector to increase the experience
//it will also level the spell if it is > spellIntensity
//it will also modify the values of the spell in conjunction with the spells level and spell intensity
have begun working on the map system so instead of refreshing the screen every move i'll use goToXY function from the windows library that avansc showed me.
still have to finish the formula for leveling the spells and added string element to determine exactly what is modified with the spell intensity.
Inventory & items-
being reworked to use better OO design and to implement dynamic memory for a vector of items. Will also try to use some inheritance for the weapons and armor.
finally Fixed that dam flicker problem, i hope it looks alot better then it did.
Have started working on revamping a little of the item system now. I'm hoping to save it like my spells with one file for the item location and then split up into a file for each item.
Fixed issue with the getCh() conio function to where if i clicked a button that wasn't an arrow button i would have to click it again to fix the map.
created a loading function for the map system so now i load from 1 file that has all the maps names and it loads all additional files based off those names.
~i need to make one file plain characters intead of numbers so i can get rid of the switch statement~ after that i think my map system will be perfect for what i want it for and i won't have to mess with it anymore.
Item System- sorry havn't worked on this much will hopefully start this soon.
-shrinked drawMap code from 30-40 lines to about 10;
-will now be drawing characters based off of ascii code instead of hardcoded print()'s using a switch statement.
-Got rid of most switch statements by using characters instead of numbers to draw map
-TypeCast map array to character for drawing map
-Got rid of mapCollision, added collision into the movement function for ease purposes
-Created areaCollision function only for detecting area's
I will be changing this into area objects (somehow i will include everything from the areas)
-Area's will no longer be in individual functions i will store area objects into a vector
eventCollision- Got the collision of an event working
teleportEvent- used to move character either between maps or changing the coords[x][y] of the character
EventClass- After careful thought i have come to the conclusion that i needed an overall event class which can drive individual events.
Events- I'm still designing the events i want in the event system and exporting the information to text files for my level editor i plan to create for the maps.
I havn't been able to work on this much because of class work but once i get this next project finished i will try and put as much time as possible into finishing the eventclass so that we can start making maps for the game.
eventCollision- Got the collision of an event working
teleportEvent- used to move character either between maps or changing the coords[x][y] of the character
EventClass- After careful thought i have come to the conclusion that i needed an overall event class which can drive individual events.
Events- I'm still designing the events i want in the event system and exporting the information to text files for my level editor i plan to create for the maps.
I havn't been able to work on this much because of class work but once i get this next project finished i will try and put as much time as possible into finishing the eventclass so that we can start making maps for the game.
Sounds epic, can't wait! Do a vid and keep us updated :D do some code session hyper camming! With some bosstones in the background :D
eventCollision- Got the collision of an event working
teleportEvent- used to move character either between maps or changing the coords[x][y] of the character
EventClass- After careful thought i have come to the conclusion that i needed an overall event class which can drive individual events.
Events- I'm still designing the events i want in the event system and exporting the information to text files for my level editor i plan to create for the maps.
I havn't been able to work on this much because of class work but once i get this next project finished i will try and put as much time as possible into finishing the eventclass so that we can start making maps for the game.
Sounds epic, can't wait! Do a vid and keep us updated :D do some code session hyper camming! With some bosstones in the background :D
Lol i think ive seen that somewhere b4 though..... but seriously MORE VIDS!!!!
About the video's, i will try and make another one. I feel as though i need to make more quality video's so it might take me awhile to get another video up.
ultimatedragoon69 wrote:About the video's, i will try and make another one. I feel as though i need to make more quality video's so it might take me awhile to get another video up.
Take your time, because an epic video makes you feel good, and motivates you like no other