Those of you Rewatching Adventures in Game Development

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Re: Those of you Rewatching Adventures in Game Development

Post by animangaman690 »

GyroVorbis wrote: That music video still makes me smile. :mrgreen:
Yeah, I remember one guy commenting that Julien-K's music is better than an orgy. :)

EDIT:Yes the guy said "an orgy" I'm not talking about the group.
Last edited by animangaman690 on Sat Mar 06, 2010 8:28 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Those of you Rewatching Adventures in Game Development

Post by GroundUpEngine »

Another one of my favourite ep's ->

Falco wrote:We become the Triforce!
The whole triforce thing at the end was classic :lol:
Marcel wrote:It's like a Triforce of PA-OW-ER!
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Re: Those of you Rewatching Adventures in Game Development

Post by aamesxdavid »

I really liked the in-depth look at the code here - it was almost tutorial-style, but far removed enough to just be interesting to watch without trying it for yourself. And it was really chill. Didn't seem pre-planned, or have a bunch of cuts, it was just like "here's me, doing this.. right now. check it out." Obviously, there are certain videos/parts that you'd want to be more polished, but I think this one worked really well as a general update, and conveyed the current status of the engine the best.
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Re: Those of you Rewatching Adventures in Game Development

Post by Arce »

GroundUpEngine, seriously, I don't think I've ever re-watched that episode before in my life. Thanks alot for posting it, haha! I can't believe somebody would give that one props as a favorite...But those were definitely some good times. ;)
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Re: Those of you Rewatching Adventures in Game Development

Post by Maevik »

aamesxdavid wrote:
I really liked the in-depth look at the code here...

This was really informative vid, and the screen capture is nice and crisp so we can actually see what's going on. Even compared to the Elysian Shadows Revolution stuff (just look at Elysian Shadows Revolution: Episode 1 Part 2, ~3:30) which, I hate to say, is pretty much unreadable.
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Re: Those of you Rewatching Adventures in Game Development

Post by Singleton »

Chapter 12 and 13. Those episodes showed a lot of changes in the game, featured falco's edjukation, you guys made fun of users comments, made peter drink hot sauce, peter and marcel programmed some malwares, there was the pong competition... I could go on but I think I made my point.
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Re: Those of you Rewatching Adventures in Game Development

Post by Skullman »

Arce wrote:But those were definitely some good times. ;)
I swear when everything is done and dusted in life, you, Falco and Peter will look back on the early AiGD times as some of the best of your life. They do look like good times. And the early videos are my favourite because I can sense your excitement, drive and love of video games and programming. Just three/four guys having good times doing good things.
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Re: Those of you Rewatching Adventures in Game Development

Post by XianForce »

I have to say, I loved Elysian Shadows Revolution Ep 1... I loved how it included a little progress update from each team member themselves.
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Re: Those of you Rewatching Adventures in Game Development

Post by eatcomics »

Arce wrote:Whenever we get together and have all-nighter dev-athons, we always seem to bitch at eachother about how stupid we were in our older episodes. We've all got some really dumbass quotes! So, if any of you are actually rewatching the series, be on the look-out for AiGD dumbest moments:

Falco: "using elemental calculus"
Peter: "I'm making a script to edit"
Marcel: "This is arce, the level editor."
Marcel: "The loading's not off a bit"
Marcel: "Bury your nuts between these two faces!"

And, if you would help us out, please list others you find here.

Whoever gets the most gets a (probably imaginary) prize! :lol:
Falco: "Savahna Cart of Ollege and Design" :D
and there are plenty more that make me smile :D

I also like how Peter and Lua (and Perl) are synonomous :lol:
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