Trust me, Allegro isn't going to be ANY better. Probably worse, actually. (Because I know some of the SDL libs at least have a hardware accelerated back-end).epicasian wrote:Okay, I didn't really learn anything from it, so, I'm ok lol
If you guys don't mind me asking, which KOS examples include rendering a sprite and the like?
And I've read and heard multiple times, SDL is a memory hog on the DC. I've looked into AllegroDC, but don't really know anything about that. I want to use KOS, because I know that's a working and stable library.
Thanks for the help guys,
It's really imperative that you use the PVR API to do anything remotely taxing on the DC. Otherwise you aren't even using the GPU.
I don't remember which examples specifically, but you can't miss them. I believe it's the only sprite rendering example(s) that aren't in the SDL subdirectory.