pritam wrote:wearymemory wrote:I can see how your sprites are similar to pritam's. It seems as though human proportions can be somewhat difficult to capture, and this is evident in some of pritam's (mishapen, IMHO) work. Areas that could use improvement (in pritam's art as well) is to avoid pillow shading, learn to create more realistic-looking hair, and develop the shape and contour of the body.
Yeah, human proportion is difficult to capture (unless you're 'copying' from a photo or whatever) though you seem to forget the pros with super deformed character design. I'm not claiming to be a professional, but I know what I like and don't and apply that to my art. The highly saturated hair is part of the style I applied for ES, it wasn't a "mistake" as well as being very easy to change if I'd decide otherwise. Also I'm not utilizing pillow shading, note difference on pants and belly.

That's only one example of your work, and it looks great, but this wasn't the piece that I was referring to. Keep in mind that I don't have access to any of your newest work, but I was referring to your "jungle man" sprite:

IMHO, I don't see how scoliosis plays in with the pros of "super deformed character design." I understand and promote the use of exaggeration and different styling techniques where it's appropriate, but the body, compared to its head and legs, are skewed to form an awful curvature and offset. But if "super deformed" was what you were looking for, then you certainly achieved it.
And, as I'm sure you're aware, there are different degrees of pillow shading, and not just the blunt example you've shown. The "jungle man's" hair and skirt do look pillow shaded. The hair is also disproportionate, has no depth, and imbalances the sprite due to its overly asymmetrical design.
I'd also like to submit this blatant use of pillow shading, if it's indeed your "touch up" on the right.

While I'll admit that your art is an improvement at a glance, the benefactor of this "touch up" is not really benefiting from your use of pillow shading, when they weren't even applying it in the first place.
pritam wrote:wearymemory wrote:With that said, baggy pants that look like little water droplets coming off an elongated torso isn't very attractive, and should only be attempted by Nicole Richie and Michael Phelps.
Did you just suggest anyone at inferior skill level not to try anything new at all? How the hell does one progress with that kind of mindset?
Not at all, in fact, my implications were quite literal. Your drawing of the woman has a definitive shape and curve to her lower-body, unlike the OP's (and partially yours) which wasn't translated as well into pixel art.
pritam wrote:Mind you, these kind of pants on a lady totally works for me.
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But yeah, appreciate the critisism, thanks.
Yeah, I wanna get me some parachute pants too, mang!