Small gap when landing in platform game

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Small gap when landing in platform game

Post by PaperDuckyFTW »

Good day to evarywun!!!!!!!

As the title says, I've come across a cedundrum. In the platofrm game I am making, after implimenting tile based collision I implimented gravity and jumping. All three work fine-however when the player lands there is a small gap maybe 2-5 pixels in height, that is under the player. I dont really mind it, but to make the game look completely awesome I was hoping to eliminate this gap. If this is confusing i can post a link to a pic to show what I mean.

If anyone knows why there is this gap, I would be in your online/virtual debt :mrgreen:
Thanks for your help and take care
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Re: Small gap when landing in platform game

Post by short »

If this is confusing i can post a link to a pic to show what I mean.
This and related code.
My github repository contains the project I am currently working on,
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Re: Small gap when landing in platform game

Post by Randi »

have you checked to make sure the image of the player is towards the bottom of it? or it could be there is extra space on the tile, or I could be wrong altogether.
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Re: Small gap when landing in platform game

Post by PaperDuckyFTW »

Ok, here is the picture of the problem:

Here is some code...

Code: Select all

bool tile_collision()
	for( int x = 0; x < 20; x++ )
		for( int y = 0; y < 20; y++ )
			if( map1[y][x] == 2 )
				if( ( bounds.x+bounds.w > x*32 ) && ( bounds.x < x*32+32 ) &&
				    ( bounds.y+bounds.h > y*32-1 ) && ( bounds.y < y*32+32)    )
					return true;

	return false;

Code: Select all

//exerts from the player class

case SDLK_UP: if( can_jump == true ){ jump_power = -20; can_jump = false; }; break;

void Player::update_player()
	playerYVel = 5;

	if( jump_power < 0 )

	bounds.x += playerXVel;

	if( ( bounds.x < 0 ) || ( bounds.x + PLAYER_WIDTH > LEVEL_W ) || tile_collision() )
		bounds.x -= playerXVel;

	bounds.y += playerYVel;
	bounds.y += jump_power;

	if( ( bounds.y < 0 ) || ( bounds.y + PLAYER_HEIGHT > LEVEL_H ) || tile_collision() )
		bounds.y -= playerYVel;
		can_jump = true;

		if(jump_power < 0)
			jump_power = 0;
			bounds.y = bounds.y/32*32+32;

I hope this *might* clear things up. The tiles are 32x32 and the player is 19x34
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Re: Small gap when landing in platform game

Post by PaperDuckyFTW »

With the tile collision things, ive played around with the numbers, an example is the: bounds.y+bounds.h > y*32-1
Of btw, the bounds rect is the player rect.
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Re: Small gap when landing in platform game

Post by XianForce »

Uhh, why do you have a yVelocity and jump power, both adding to bounds.y?

I'd say what's happening is something like this:

bounds.y is increased by playerYVel and jump_power.

Then when there's some type of collision, you undo what you did with the playerYVel ONLY... So I'd say that there may be a problem there...
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Re: Small gap when landing in platform game

Post by PaperDuckyFTW »

What ive done is edited the spritesheet so now there is no transparent pixels under the player in case that was the problem. The problem I am having is that the first time it makes contact with the collision tile, there is no gap underneath the player. However when I kump onto a platform for example, there is the gap. But when i jump back onto the first set of collision tiles, there is no gap. It seems that some tiles leave a gap, while some dont leave any. Im completely stumped :(
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Re: Small gap when landing in platform game

Post by PaperDuckyFTW »

Okay after staring at the screen while I jump onto the different tiles, I have found out that it seems that colliding with the bottom of the tile is what screws it up. However there is still a few tiels that the gap is there even if its the first tile i collide with. Im really confused becuase there are some tiles that have perfect collision, with no small gap and there are tiles that have gaps no matter what tile i previously collided with.

Okay Im about to kill someone because I just changed it so that theres no gravity and i can move up and down much like an RPG. There is still a goddam gap underneath the player and i have absolutely no clue whats up with it. If anyone knows what MIGHT be the problem, if it works i might just cry in joy. Oh and I think my status thing should be changed to "Chaos Rift NOOB" :lol:
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Re: Small gap when landing in platform game

Post by eatcomics »

its probably that your collision just needs to stop when the player is closer to the object... like if you're stopping your player from moving when there would be a collision, just make sure he stops closer to the object... or if you're just moving the player back when he hits the object just don't move him back as far...
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