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Post by JS Lemming »

mmmm arce... who told you about the chainsaw... that was SUPOSED to be a secret. Alright, who spilled the beans???
Small girl at the harbor wrote:Look Brandon, that crab's got ham!
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Post by Falco Girgis »

The hell? I didn't even know your chainsaw minigame was a secret. FredDibnah told me about it.

Now that everybody knows you can start posting about its development so somebody will actually be looking forward to it and you can get some input/advice on it.
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Post by Showdin »

Ok, then somebody needs to post who is working on what game.
You are better than me.
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Post by JS Lemming »

Smooth one Fred. I wanted it secret so I wouldn't loose interest on it. I want this done fast. So no more info for you guys yet.
Last edited by JS Lemming on Wed Jan 26, 2005 3:48 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Small girl at the harbor wrote:Look Brandon, that crab's got ham!
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Post by Falco Girgis »

Just for you showdin, I made an announcement describing the two teams currently.

Anyway, I've been working lots on and off on Null. I got life gauges done and bleeding when you're damaged. (not when you're hit, you actually bleed when you are standing damaged)

I've been trying to work on charging buster like MegaMans 4-6 and the X series. I ran into a problem with an evil "need one class before the other" loop which I eventually resolved.

I worked on the powering up animations and such for the buster gun. All is going well, but it's really slow work. Also, I've been having assloads of tests and homework at school. Pretty soon I'll be working at Dominoes (hopefully) so it might even slow down a bit more.

I hope to get REALLY far this weekend on Null.

Post by Guest »

Okay, FINALLY, after a long time of begging, Gyrovorbis agreed to make the game multi-arrayed. Thus, the level editor will make the game more customizable.

Anyway, so far, these are the plans to make the levels more customizable in the editor:

1) Instead of having each tile pre-declared as solid or not, there is a separate array that allows you to place solids in the editor. Thus, making secrets and walk-through able tiles fairly simple.

2) Gyrovorbis plans to have it where the editor can lay blood flows, places where blood oozes from walls at different intensities and colors. i dunno about that...I'd prefer no.

3) I would like teleports. Thus, when you go down a pipe or something, you'll be teleported to another pipe, or something of the sort. That'd probably go on the solids array, but maybe it can have its own?

4) A dead tile. When someone moves into it, THEY DIE. So, under pits or holes, put dead tiles to keep them from falling off the array.

5) Enemy layer. That won't come till much later, and I'd prefer not making too many plans at the moment. :)

That's about it for now. But remember, this cannot happen until the main engine supports it, so don't be all up in my grill about this stuff. What'll probably be worked on first will be the solid array, and possibly the teleports.

Oh, and BTW, I wanted to say that the mario tiles mixed with the megaman look Beautiful!
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Post by Falco Girgis »

Arce wrote:2) Gyrovorbis plans to have it where the editor can lay blood flows, places where blood oozes from walls at different intensities and colors. i dunno about that...I'd prefer no.
I'd prefer you STFU. :wink:
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Post by MarauderIIC »

GyroVorbis wrote:
JS Lemming wrote:
MarauderIIC wrote:Fade any to black, make a ratio to subtract from each # so they all hit 0 at the same time.
... did I miss something? What the heck are you talking about Mar?
Dude, you obviously missed more than something.
Who, me? Sorry - that was in reply to

"On the note of the colors. There are a total of 7 combinations of colors that have the nice fading affects. Any other color is completely possible and will still look dang good, they just won't fade out. "

Was wondering why, so I posted a 'fix'. Anyway -
I musta missed the fact there was another page, so I didn't hit quote. Actually -- I think I left it sitting w/ it typed all day and didnt hit submit.

Now to read the rest of the topic.
Can you tell, maybe by my sparseness of posts, that my free time for computer stuff has lessened? :p
I realized the moment I fell into the fissure that the book would not be destroyed as I had planned.
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Post by MarauderIIC »

GyroVorbis wrote:I've been trying to work on charging buster like MegaMans 4-6 and the X series. I ran into a problem with an evil "need one class before the other" loop which I eventually resolved.
Here's how you solve it, if all you did was rework classes
(prepare for some learn-by-demonstration) -


Code: Select all

class Actor;
class Item;
class NPC;
class Player;
class RoomInfo;
class Zone;

Code: Select all

#include "classheader.h"
class Actor {
/* ... */
    RoomInfo* currentLocation;
/* ... */

Code: Select all

#include "classheader.h"
class RoomInfo {
/* ... */
/* ... */
I realized the moment I fell into the fissure that the book would not be destroyed as I had planned.
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Post by JS Lemming »

hey, gyrovobis, you CAN declare classes before hand. Nice.
Small girl at the harbor wrote:Look Brandon, that crab's got ham!
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Post by Falco Girgis »

Hah, that's like prototyping classes. Can't wait until I get home to try that. Thanks a kajillion, Mar!

Post by Guest »

Upon asking Grovorbis 10 times how he wants the solid layer to write to files and recieving "I DON'T KNOW!" every time as an answer, I'm deciding for him. What kind of a moron doesn't know his own freaking program? HE'S making it, so how wouldn't he know how he's going to do it? Kinda sad... :nono:

Anyway, I'm deciding to go with what we have, the gay ass "01 00 01 00 00 00 01 01 01 00 01" thing. Thus, we can just copy and paste the gay ass code. I'd like NORMAL ASCII, but I also want to stay consistent with the other .txt files, so this'll have to do.

Now, any questions?????

Don't like it? Then you should have told me how you wanted it, I'm not changing it. :spin:
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Post by Falco Girgis »

No, but I just thought we'd establish that you're a complete and total douche-bag.

I'm busy with other stuff right now. I'll work on answering all of your little details after I get more important stuff done. Until then, go cut yourself in the closet while listening to "Taking back Sunday" you damn emo whore.

Secondly, quit using "gay" as the generic, rhetoric adjective. Try to substitute it for something like distasteful, assuming your vocabulary permits.

When you refer to NORMAL Ascii, I hope you know that you're doing the same thing as setting a globally declared variable called "douche-bag" equal to yourself. Hrm. Normal? As opposed to what, pornographic ascii?

Oh, and quit with the billion question mark deal. That's JSL's thing, coprighted repectively.
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Post by Falco Girgis »

NULL dev post of the day:

Special affects are pain in the asses to make.

Sorry, Tvspelsfreak, but I can't help it. I'm going to DCEmu right now to post about Null and get some input/recognition. I just can't take wondering anymore! >XD
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Post by Falco Girgis »

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