Need advice on Game Programming.

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Need advice on Game Programming.

Post by saluege »

Its finally time for me to start coding a game but am unsure about other aspects of game development. :mrgreen:

I am confidence that i can code in c# to a point where i can make my own game. :)
my experiences are:
XNA game studio C#
socket programming
packet cracking
database programming
+ am still learning new stuff

am kinda unsure about what graphics API suits my language of choice(C#).
it would be awsome if u guys could shed some light on the matter. :bow:

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Re: Need advice on Game Programming.

Post by eatcomics »

XNA for graphics I would imagine...
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Re: Need advice on Game Programming.

Post by XianForce »

I don't mean to be rude or anything... But if you have experience with C# and XNA, and are asking about what graphics lib to use... then are you sure you have any experience with XNA? I'd assume that you'd know it's an option if you have experience with it...
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Re: Need advice on Game Programming.

Post by EccentricDuck »

Well, you obviously know about XNA being an option. Your other main option would be DirectX - being a Microsoft supported product there's C# support for it (C# being a .net/Microsoft language). The only real drawback you get in XNA is that you don't have access to the advanced shaders and features of DX10 since XNA makes itself DX9 compatible so that it is compatible with the Xbox 360 - although unless you're planning on working with cutting edge 3D graphics that's not really a problem. That leads into the major advantage of XNA though - that you can create something for the 360 (which has a marketplace you can easily upload your finished game to). From what I understand, the XNA environment has a managed game loop and a few other features that make it easier to get started than DX, but it's not that far removed from programming directly with DX (at least graphics wise since XNA is a total framework that acts in place of other APIs that you might need). XNA basically uses DX9 as its base API with some modifications to ensure 360 compatibility.

I'm currently working on a project in XNA, and while I'd like to make something in DX eventually for the experience, I don't have any qualms about XNA. I've enjoyed the fact that it's not too difficult to get into, but it seems fully capable of handling nearly anything you could do with just DX or OpenGL. After this project I'd like to focus on advanced shaders so that I can produce effects like this: ... ection.jpg

I'd also like to build my own physics framework (being a guy who likes the math and physics side of things)... actually I'll probably start working on this before further pursuing shaders. I want to be able to use it for school this fall since I find being able to create models for concepts helps me better understand them.

That was a bit off on a tangent, but I mentioned it because XNA is a great tool for all levels of expertise - especially if you're doing a project solo.

One more option that I just found: OpenGL. I didn't realize that it was an option for C#, but apparently it is. The main advantage of OpenGL is that it is cross-platform for nearly everything (except 360 funny enough). Unless you're working on a heavily polished game there's little chance of getting it up on a marketplace of any sort, but if that's not your intent (it's one of the appeals of XNA) then OpenGL would definitely be another option. OpenGL is also what the Elysian Shadows team is using for their graphics API.
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Re: Need advice on Game Programming.

Post by EccentricDuck »

One more thing I'd like to add - there are a lot of really bad tutorials out there for XNA, but there's a couple really good ones that I thought I'd post here. One of them was recommended to me by another member of this forum: ... eries1.php

Great 2D and 3D series, as well as tutorials for DX in C# and C++.

A bit of everything. I found this to be a really helpful reference for particular topics since most of the tutorials are written independently of one another or as part of a small group (makes it easy to reference the topic you're looking at specifically). He appears to be currently expanding his C# Crash Course.

The Riemer's one has a really good 2D tutorial and both have excellent support for 3D (which is why I find them so helpful). The only thing they don't really show is object-oriented form - they both run off the assumption that you already know that for yourself so they don't waste time in the tutorial explaining what should be its own class and what shouldn't (that's your choice). There's nothing on inheritance or polymorphism, but if you're familiar with the language then that shouldn't be a problem for you.
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Re: Need advice on Game Programming.

Post by MrDeathNote »

Well pretty much you have a few options. You could use XNA, SDL.NET, OpenTK (an OpenGL lib for .Net and Mono) or DirectX. But if you have experience in XNA I can't understand why you want to go to the trouble of using another lib, is there a reason for this?


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Re: Need advice on Game Programming.

Post by saluege »

XianForce wrote:I don't mean to be rude or anything... But if you have experience with C# and XNA, and are asking about what graphics lib to use... then are you sure you have any experience with XNA? I'd assume that you'd know it's an option if you have experience with it...
am asking because i had problems sending the games i made using xna to other people also u have to consider the fact that xna is for xbox and pc. i would like a api for pc games only.
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Re: Need advice on Game Programming.

Post by dejai »

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Re: Need advice on Game Programming.

Post by saluege »

anyways ty for all ur help.
# very helpful and friendly forum.
atm am using Wings3d as my modelling software and xna as my api. might move on to opengl.
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Re: Need advice on Game Programming.

Post by MrDeathNote »

saluege wrote:
XianForce wrote:I don't mean to be rude or anything... But if you have experience with C# and XNA, and are asking about what graphics lib to use... then are you sure you have any experience with XNA? I'd assume that you'd know it's an option if you have experience with it...
am asking because i had problems sending the games i made using xna to other people also u have to consider the fact that xna is for xbox and pc. i would like a api for pc games only.
Right ok, i've had a few problems sending projects aswell in the past, normally because of sound files and using Xact (it hard codes the file path, come the fuck on its ridiculous). If you only want to develop for windows pc then go with DirectX, if you want to develop for Linux/mac/windows go with OpenTK(OpenGL).


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Re: Need advice on Game Programming.

Post by artgames »

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