Alright, so I'm trying to learn SDL via a book our friend GyroVorbis loaned to me, and I'm having a problem witht he second program, which is supposed to initialize a program that shows a blank screen.
Have you gotten anything else to compile? I can look more in-depth at it, but it seems like the compiler would have alot more to bitch about if it were a real problem.
You said this was example 2 or something. Did the first one or any other example compile correctly?
JS Lemming wrote:Its probably the fact that your using a subpar compiler.
Errr... excuse me? Whose the one that is using FREE dev C++? Just admit that you only hate VC++ because you don't have enough money to get it or have the resources to warez it.
Oh, and last I checked you were forced to dev on DC with VC++ because your other compiler is subpar.
JS Lemming wrote:Its probably the fact that your using a subpar compiler.
Errr... excuse me? Whose the one that is using FREE dev C++? Just admit that you only hate VC++ because you don't have enough money to get it or have the resources to warez it.
Oh, and last I checked you were forced to dev on DC with VC++ because your other compiler is subpar.
PWNT! :spin:
You wish you pwnt me! The fact the DevC++ is free and OPEN SOURCE means that a bunch of cool guru foos are makeing some friggen sweet software. I can't help the fact that the guy who made the DC developement kit preferred VC++. Given the chance, I'd pick DevC++ over VC++ anyday!
Small girl at the harbor wrote:Look Brandon, that crab's got ham!
VC++ is a more powerful compiler ANY day of the week. Its tabbing system is about 100x better, its error messages are easier to read and more detailed, and its workspace is undeniably clean and easy to navigate.
Dev isn't BAD...but it's not as powerful by any means.
All the professionals use VC++. There's a reason
I've gotten it to compile...sorta. Now it spits out this error message:
You would be right if that were the case, but no, DevC++ error messages are comprehensive and too the point, and are actually readable.... matter'o'fact, I heard someone was going to make a book just out of the error messages, they are just that good.
Small girl at the harbor wrote:Look Brandon, that crab's got ham!