2D RPG Engine

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Re: Simple 2D RPG Engine

Post by Light-Dark »

(108.09 KiB) Not downloaded yet
:3 here is the screenshot of the new tiles implemented into the level editor.
<tpw_rules> LightDark: java is a consequence of inverse moore's law: every 18 months, the average program will be twice as slow. therefore, computers always run at the same percevied speed. java's invention was a monumental step
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Re: Simple 2D RPG Engine

Post by Light-Dark »

Completely redid my tile clipping system, redid the entire tile sheet in the process i had to scrap all the test levels .MAP's but its worth the trade off. Before i used the retarded method of individual clipping each tile manually, but now i have finally found some time to do the conversion i've been meaning to do since day one but i never did until now.
New Tile System
New Tile System
100%TileArt.png (79.46 KiB) Viewed 6806 times
All tile art is 100% original, thanks to SuperLED :3.
<tpw_rules> LightDark: java is a consequence of inverse moore's law: every 18 months, the average program will be twice as slow. therefore, computers always run at the same percevied speed. java's invention was a monumental step
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Re: Simple 2D RPG Engine

Post by LeonBlade »

Light-Dark wrote:Completely redid my tile clipping system, redid the entire tile sheet in the process i had to scrap all the test levels .MAP's but its worth the trade off. Before i used the retarded method of individual clipping each tile manually, but now i have finally found some time to do the conversion i've been meaning to do since day one but i never did until now.
All tile art is 100% original, thanks to SuperLED :3.
Hmm... adventure log seems awfully familiar... :lol: ;)
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Re: Simple 2D RPG Engine

Post by short »

LeonBlade wrote: Hmm... adventure log seems awfully familiar... :lol: ;)
I'm pretty sure I've seen like 5 game dev logs on this forum with a similar adventure log since I originally found AIGD.
My github repository contains the project I am currently working on,
link: https://github.com/bjadamson
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Re: Simple 2D RPG Engine

Post by Light-Dark »

After 2 months finally another video, this one actually shows some code shows the new battle system thats in the works as well as new rendering/collision systems and finally some original tile art thanks to SuperLED!
<tpw_rules> LightDark: java is a consequence of inverse moore's law: every 18 months, the average program will be twice as slow. therefore, computers always run at the same percevied speed. java's invention was a monumental step
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Re: Simple 2D RPG Engine

Post by Light-Dark »

Made a crude party system, i just made a new class called PartyMember made the players class a friend class so i can acces its x and y positions and do the positioning calculations, they are very chopy and ugly need to be refined but nonetheless heres the party system in the works:
Prototype Party System
Prototype Party System
PrototypePartySystem.png (61.22 KiB) Viewed 6743 times
<tpw_rules> LightDark: java is a consequence of inverse moore's law: every 18 months, the average program will be twice as slow. therefore, computers always run at the same percevied speed. java's invention was a monumental step
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Re: Simple 2D RPG Engine

Post by MadPumpkin »

Damn man this is looking good, keep it up. I'll be following this thread.
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Re: Simple 2D RPG Engine

Post by superLED »

I've made some trees and a house tileset (outdoor) for the engine.
I'm curious how the new art looks in there :3
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Re: Simple 2D RPG Engine

Post by Light-Dark »

Got the new house tileset inmplemented, im thinking of for the trees of having another layer for the leaves section of it it will render ontop of the player while the player will render ontop of the bottom layer of the tree! i got the house tiles in there just made a simple little home!
House.png (91.97 KiB) Viewed 6702 times
<tpw_rules> LightDark: java is a consequence of inverse moore's law: every 18 months, the average program will be twice as slow. therefore, computers always run at the same percevied speed. java's invention was a monumental step
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Re: Simple 2D RPG Engine

Post by superLED »

A new layer for the top of the tree would be a nice idea.
Maybe the same for the roof as well, so the player can walk beneath the roof. A roof doesn't stop you from walking behind a house, does it? ;)
(For those who don't know, I haven't made that tree/bush in this photo)

I can see now that I have to fix the door. It's a few pixel too far to the right.
I'm gonna fix some stuff on the house soon.

(By the way, I would have a 'corner' at the top as well, in the dirt tile right below the door, so it doesn't look like the road continues into the house :P)
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Re: Simple 2D RPG Engine

Post by Light-Dark »

superLED wrote:A new layer for the top of the tree would be a nice idea.
Maybe the same for the roof as well, so the player can walk beneath the roof. A roof doesn't stop you from walking behind a house, does it? ;)
(For those who don't know, I haven't made that tree/bush in this photo)

I can see now that I have to fix the door. It's a few pixel too far to the right.
I'm gonna fix some stuff on the house soon.

(By the way, I would have a 'corner' at the top as well, in the dirt tile right below the door, so it doesn't look like the road continues into the house :P)
Excellent idea :P i shall continue figuring out this new layer.
<tpw_rules> LightDark: java is a consequence of inverse moore's law: every 18 months, the average program will be twice as slow. therefore, computers always run at the same percevied speed. java's invention was a monumental step
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Re: Simple 2D RPG Engine

Post by Skomakar'n »

For the trees, I would suggest just to keep them as single sprites, and draw the player in front of them or behind them depending on the player's y value in relation to the tree's.
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Re: Simple 2D RPG Engine

Post by superLED »

Skomakar'n wrote:For the trees, I would suggest just to keep them as single sprites, and draw the player in front of them or behind them depending on the player's y value in relation to the tree's.
I think that would be a problem while using SDL. In OpenGL, it would be easier. Then you could just change the z values for the objects that's beneath the player (in OrthoPerspective or how it's written).
It would really be tedious to do this in SDL, because you must draw in order, like:

Then, obj1 gets drawn first, then obj2, and so on.

I would guess he's drawing all of layer1 first, then layer2, then the player and NPCs in layer3.
I think it would be best to add a layer4 and put tree tops and roofs there.
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Re: Simple 2D RPG Engine

Post by Joxno »

superLED wrote:
Skomakar'n wrote:For the trees, I would suggest just to keep them as single sprites, and draw the player in front of them or behind them depending on the player's y value in relation to the tree's.
I think that would be a problem while using SDL. In OpenGL, it would be easier. Then you could just change the z values for the objects that's beneath the player (in OrthoPerspective or how it's written).
It would really be tedious to do this in SDL, because you must draw in order, like:

Then, obj1 gets drawn first, then obj2, and so on.

I would guess he's drawing all of layer1 first, then layer2, then the player and NPCs in layer3.
I think it would be best to add a layer4 and put tree tops and roofs there.
Unless you have a centralized drawing system where Objects puts in draw requests and then manage them in the drawing system as such:
obj1.RequestDraw() -> DrawingSystem->StoreRequest();
and do this for all objects and when all the requests have been processed, the DrawingSystem orders the drawing requests in order of Prio/Z-values.
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Re: Simple 2D RPG Engine

Post by Light-Dark »

Converted basicly every thing except OBJ files to hex format including the brand new character data files which saves any useful peice of data that needs permant storage for that save, e.g if you completed a quest or if you killed a certain boss or enemy or the ammount of stats required for the next level, whatever its awesome, i originally wanted to have the maps encoded in binary since its nonesensical fuckpoop but ill settle for hex plus my own personal encoding equation ;). Preping things for my new menu system and tile layer im implementing over the holidays.

Should also mention i made a few tweaks and (finally ) added a health bar, these tweaks include a more optomized string system, a larger adventure log since i dropped that stupid hearts idea it just didn't pan out the way i planned.

and as usual i will give you some screen shots!
HealthBar With Text :)
HealthBar With Text :)
HealthBar.png (146.22 KiB) Viewed 6557 times
Hexadecimal Encryption
Hexadecimal Encryption
HexEncrpytion.png (57.05 KiB) Viewed 6557 times
Character Data
Character Data
CharacterDataFile.png (45.31 KiB) Viewed 6557 times
<tpw_rules> LightDark: java is a consequence of inverse moore's law: every 18 months, the average program will be twice as slow. therefore, computers always run at the same percevied speed. java's invention was a monumental step
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