Official "Hello, World! (I'm new!)" thread

Random irrelevance that just didn't fit into other forums. Talk about anything.

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Re: Official "Hello, World! (I'm new!)" thread

Post by Teser0ck »

Hey there,
I joined this forum after looking at some interesting posts here and having here some programmers I know, before that you could have seen me at Moosader's board ( my name there is Mouzy ). I have been programming about a year, mostly in C++, which was my first programming language. After making some text-based games, I tried to make some games in a graphic library Allegro. I was working on a pretty basic game, but I didn't completed it, because the code was so messy without comments. After that I felt I need to get into another library, so I started learning SDL. When I learned SDL, I started working on a platformer game, I am still working on it, but I am rewriting it now, so it can handle SDL + OpenGL ( N64vSNES helps me doing this :mrgreen: ) . I enjoy another activities too, like playing basketball, cycling and another things like those. Beside programming I like making all kinds of graphic and a bit of music :)
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Re: Official "Hello, World! (I'm new!)" thread

Post by MadPumpkin »

Welcome, sounds like you've got some experience. Well if you need help most people are usually willing here.
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Re: Official "Hello, World! (I'm new!)" thread

Post by midix »

And I too say

Code: Select all

$world = "this funny crazy world";
echo "Hello, $world!";
I am a software engineer from a small country called Latvia. I worked two years as a C# programmer and did some stuff on Microsoft Biztalk Server and SharePoint Server, also tried early buggy betas of Adobe AIR. And then in the end of year 2008 there came that BIG BAD BOOM! aka crisis, and the company fired half of its employees. So we with former collegues created our own little company and now I am a PHP/Javascript developer/system architect for clients, who want e-shops and web sites and web browser games.

I am interested in game deving because it is bleeding edge of everything, I can take many useful ideas form game engines and use them in my work. And game devs are great people 8-) .
So now I read books, watch tutorials, communicate on forums and try to get courage and finally code some little sandbox for me to play with Ogre3D and networking.

My closest projects related to game deving are the following:
- C++ DirectSound record/playback library which I created just for fun. Later I had to create a C# wrapper for it and it got used in some interesting automatic audio equalization application for our clients
- clone of skype :lol: in C++. My two mistakes were using mp3 to compress the voice (overkill for voice audio) and using TCP protocol instead of UDP so when I with my friend tested the app, we had almost 10 seconds delay between us :lol: but still it worked and I learned a lot
- keyboard training program with speech API support for blind and visually impaired people
- object tracking using crappy webcamera. I got only to tracking bright colored markers, but it was fun ... but then I needed some money for living and boss told me to code something for clients, so I had to put my project aside. But I learned form it some new Microsoft C++ features, like parallelization support and asynchronious agents, great stuff; also I took a look into openmp.

So, that's all folks :)
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Re: Official "Hello, World! (I'm new!)" thread

Post by k1net1k »

welcome midix :)
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Re: Official "Hello, World! (I'm new!)" thread

Post by SPR_Phantom »

I am new to the forums but been lurking around for 3(? or so) years on and off, watching the dev logs and such. I'm currently working on a very simple game engine that uses the command console for graphics! It's a simple project but it's good practice and i'll move back on to DX or OpenGL at some point after I get bored or finish it.
When I was quite a bit younger I used to make graphics for people on the old gamemaker forums, mostly spritework. My recent graphics work has been in 3D for a gmod game mode called "Gangwars".
I'm only 16 but more mature ( I would hope ) than most of the kids around my age. :lol:

I've seen some of the work produced by the people in and around this community and it's rather impressive on the whole! Some brilliant indie talent. :worship:
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Re: Official "Hello, World! (I'm new!)" thread

Post by k1net1k »

welcome SPR_Phantom
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Re: Official "Hello, World! (I'm new!)" thread

Post by Soganatsu »

Hello All,

I come from Houston, Texas but live in Okinawa, Japan currently for the past 2 years. I've been fascinated with game development since I was 10, I'm currently 21 Years Old. I've been more on the artistic side of game development with my skills, although I've a solid understanding of each area of game development.

I found this site through the youtube search for "Game Development" just to see what I would get, I watched the series of videos posted and enjoyed the humor. I hope that I can gain more knowledge through this forum and possibly share what knowledge I have with everyone.
Haven't done anything with it yet but..>
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Re: Official "Hello, World! (I'm new!)" thread

Post by dandymcgee »

Soganatsu wrote:Hello All,

I come from Houston, Texas but live in Okinawa, Japan currently for the past 2 years. I've been fascinated with game development since I was 10, I'm currently 21 Years Old. I've been more on the artistic side of game development with my skills, although I've a solid understanding of each area of game development.

I found this site through the youtube search for "Game Development" just to see what I would get, I watched the series of videos posted and enjoyed the humor. I hope that I can gain more knowledge through this forum and possibly share what knowledge I have with everyone.
Nice to have you. Welcome to the forums.
Falco Girgis wrote:It is imperative that I can broadcast my narcissistic commit strings to the Twitter! Tweet Tweet, bitches! :twisted:
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Re: Official "Hello, World! (I'm new!)" thread

Post by C_Win »

Greetings people :)

I first post!

I'm here to seek education and also share dark secrets of necromancy... Well maybe dark secrets, but not Necromancy :(
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Re: Official "Hello, World! (I'm new!)" thread

Post by dandymcgee »

C_Win wrote:Greetings people :)

I first post!

I'm here to seek education and also share dark secrets of necromancy... Well maybe dark secrets, but not Necromancy :(
Lol. I hope you find what you're looking for.
Falco Girgis wrote:It is imperative that I can broadcast my narcissistic commit strings to the Twitter! Tweet Tweet, bitches! :twisted:
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Re: Official "Hello, World! (I'm new!)" thread

Post by Skomakar'n »

I'm not sure if I ever posted here! Excuse me if you've already spotted me in this thread.

My name is Adam. I am a Swedish nineteen-year-old with my primary interests circulating around programming, languages and general creativity. As of this spring, I am running my own business together with a friend. We develop games, but currently earn nothing, as our first one has not yet been released. I created a thread for it here on these boards.

Expanding on those interests of mine, I'm into learning and creating languages, programming, reading technical literature or watching documentaries and sometimes playing video games and drawing or making digital graphics. I am currently studying Hungarian and Greek primarily, but there's some Finnish, Scottish Gaelic (although I have barely gotten started on these too), and as of today some Dutch, on the side as well. I've also been looking into West Greenlandic (Kalaallisut). I learn a lot of and about languages in general too. The language that I know the best, apart from my native Scandinavian and my near-native English, that I've been studying on my own for about four years, is Icelandic.

As for music, I am an omnivore, but hiphop and rap don't score high in my book. I don't like violent or sexual movies. I prefer adventurous or clever things. In the future, as long as I have an apartment with my girlfriend, a tub, and a lot of dictionaries, I'd be most happy, and I obviously hope for this company of mine to get somewhere too.

Might as well post my picture here too, to avoid any treatment changing later on or whatever. Too lazy to shave, but at least I took this one right now:


Almost full-body, from when trying out the jacket I bought in Iceland, taken back in the hotel room:


I hope that'll just about do it!
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Re: Official "Hello, World! (I'm new!)" thread

Post by Ajene »

Oh yes the infamous Bearrick is here...but in a different name. Anyway Yeah I have done a lot of changing since my last time talking with people from here. Not that I care much what anyone thinks of me anymore.

Anyway I'm 19 currently serving in the United States Army and I plan on staying in for as long as I breath.
I'm an engineer (We lead the way). My job is pretty much Shoot em in the face and blow shit up...I'm on leave on the moment waiting to go to Alaska, and will hopefully soon be going on my first deployment. I still enjoy game design and development But when it comes down to things I enjoy the business side of things and hope to open a production company based on producing indie games and giving them the funding to create their projects (without ripping them off)

On the programming side of things. Since I've been out I started working on C++ and JavaScript some, during my training I got to work with computers since I had more knowledge about them then my other soldiers which was cool.

I'm a musician, its something that seems to be a must in my family lol. I've played the drums since I was little, but lately I have been playing the guitar. I play the Piano, drums, guitar, harmonica, flute and learning the violin.

I speak a few languages, English and Spanish are languages I grew up speaking. I learned some German I was originally born in Germany. And I learned a bit of Arabic during training and am continuing learning (I study the Islam religion but cant go as far to say I am one, cause I am a very bad one) blah blah blah, stuff stuff stuff. OK I'm done typing >.>
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Re: Official "Hello, World! (I'm new!)" thread

Post by dandymcgee »

Ajene wrote:Oh yes the infamous Bearrick is here...but in a different name. Anyway Yeah I have done a lot of changing since my last time talking with people from here. Not that I care much what anyone thinks of me anymore.
We were all a bit immature at one point. I wish you the best with your service endeavors, and am glad to hear you've enjoyed it thus far. Welcome [back] to the forums.
Falco Girgis wrote:It is imperative that I can broadcast my narcissistic commit strings to the Twitter! Tweet Tweet, bitches! :twisted:
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Re: Official "Hello, World! (I'm new!)" thread

Post by teeej86 »

Hey there, I'm new here and also learning C++. I did pick up a book a long time ago and didn't get anywhere past functions that took arguments. After watching the Adventures in game development series and realizing what I could have probably been doing now with my programming skills, it inspired me to dust off the 493 page beast of a book and get cracking. I live in Australia, about 1 hour out of Melbourne. I am a graphic designer/artist and finished my Advanced Diploma of graphic design about 3 years ago. Anyway that's me, look forward to making friends who share this awesome interest with me and presenting some bothersome code for debugging.
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Re: Official "Hello, World! (I'm new!)" thread

Post by Lisergishnu »

Hello everyone! I had not seen this topic, so I did this post ... =13&t=6654

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