2D Vs 3D

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2D or 3D?

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hamm sammich [both]
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Falco Girgis
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2D Vs 3D

Post by Falco Girgis »

This is crap. Gamer's should NOT judge a game by what demension it is in. 2D and 3D mean nothing. When I hear a kid say "That Megaman game sucks becasue it is 2D", I want to shove my foot up his ass. What is this? This is sick. Not only is this prejudice, but it is also gaming racism!

Take Mario Sunshine. Take Super Mario Bros. (NES). Look at that difference. Mario Sunshine's 128-bit beautifully 3D self versus the primitive pixelatedness of Super Mario Bros. Only some sort of communistic bastard (or hitler) would deny that Super Mario Bros. owns Super Mario Sunshine.

But there are plenty of cases that 3D games are better than 2D. We cannot be prejudice! The demension in which a game takes place is just merely an attribute, NOT something that determines the quality of the game!
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Post by COAL »

Amen, There are plenty of swell 2d and 3d games. It does not matter which it is. What matters is if it has respectable gameplay, and if it doesn't get boring. Many 2d games are better than 3d games actually.

Post by Guest »

Mario for NES is awsome, you run around and eat shrooms all day. My type of game! But in Mario Sunshine there is almost no eating, which blows. But kirby 64 on the other hand is awsome, the food is 3d, which makes it better than Mario NES. Here are two cases that show how 3d and 2d are better in differnt ways. So that is definatle a Hamm Sammich! (And yes, I usually judge video games on the amount of food in it!)
Last edited by Guest on Sat May 22, 2004 12:22 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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WTF Marcel Videa?? 3d vs. 2d

Post by Orgodemirk »


deminsions hah 3d is way way way way way way way way way way way way way way way way way way way way way way way way way way way way way way way way way way way about the same as 2d. like remember mortal kombat deadly alliance well i think trilogy is better. people say no it it isn't because of the 2d factor or the graphics but hell it has more stuff thats cool.mkda takes up half the fn game with useless junk

but sonic adventure is another thing its awesome but well um how do you say well um its oh yeah its awesome its 3d and awesome but super mario world which i played yesterday somehow seems more like a game with not as good grapics that don't look as much like real life

A Game with lifelike graphics is kickin ass but it reminds you of real life and not that its a video game making it suck more than video game graphic like games.
A glitch?

Post by Guest »

First off, shadow, where the hell in my post does it say "videa"? Not only are you a dumbass taht cannot read, but cannot type as well. I guess you just decided to forget about grammar, too:

"way way about the same as 2d"
"like remember mortal kombat "
"but sonic adventure is another thing its awesome but well um how do you say well um its oh yeah its awesome its 3d and awesome but super mario world which i played yesterday somehow seems more like a game with not as good grapics that don't look as much like real life"
" up half the fn game with useless junk "

Oh, and I see you decided to shorten words, are they too long for you?


What happened to periods and capitals? Ever heard of a hyphan? Who the hell do you think you are!? YOU'RE A DISCRASE TO THE ENGLISH LANGUAGE!
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Post by COAL »

You forgot one Super Sonic, Quote: Ever heard of a hyphan?-Arse.

H-Y-P-H-E-N. Arse, you cockatrice.
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Shut up Arce

Post by Orgodemirk »

You edited your message and im lazy see i didnt use any apostrophes that is how lazy i am
A glitch?

Post by Guest »

Once again I was too lazy to realize there WAS an edit button. Thanks for telling me, I'll never have a mistake ever again!
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Post by Showdin »

I chose 2d because there are more respectable games that are 2D than 3D.
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Post by Falco Girgis »

I chose 2d because there are more respectable games that are 2D than 3D.
I must say that I do agree.
Yet I still chose ham sammich because it isn't what HAS better games, it is just that they are both capable of creating equally respectable games.

The only reason 2D has better games than 3D, is because the greezy ol' game devvers are running out of ideas.
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Post by Showdin »

That's so true that it's sad.But you are so correct about both of them having equal capabilities of making good games.
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Post by Showdin »

I have been playing (and trying to get good at) Pacman lately. I really enjoy playing that game and just wanted to know something. Do you know how there is a fruit on every stage and after you pass a stage a new fruit appears at the bottom of the screen and that is the one you have to get? I was wondering if anybody here has ever gotten farther than me.I have gotten to the second apple. Here are the stages in order:cherry,strawberry,peach,peach,apple,apple,?,?,?,? I have never gotten past the second apple I was wondering what fruit comes after that.

Post by Guest »

Sadly, I wasted like 500 penniez playing the pac-man arcade, and beat it.....WITHOUT RECORDING THE SCORE OR THE FRIUT! Damn I got so pissed when I got home and realized that I forgot!
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Post by Showdin »

You ass arce I don't beleive you! Prove it then.There is a movie every two levels you beat.What is the movie at the end?

Post by Guest »

I was playing Mrs. Pac-Man, and the movie at the end was this:

Pac-Man meets Mrs. Pac-Man, eats the ghosts, and goes into a crappy mushroom-looking house. Through the window you see a heart above their heads, then they move over to reveal Baby-Pac between them. Then it flashes *YOU WIN* (Don't ask how they had a baby so fast, I have no clue)