Fantasy REPG Take 2

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Fantasy REPG Take 2

Post by ghost_tech81 »

Hey Guys, I recently joined and posted about learning Unity for an RPG idea.

However I have decided to do the challenging way and learn some more advanced programming skills in the process.

To start off with, before jumping into any kind of graphics, I am going to get the mechanics working, via a Text Adventure (we all have to start somewhere).

Please see below for my initial design idea, apologies f it is a mess or does not make complete sense. This is not to any standard. Just a list of components I need to create and how I believe they should interact.

I am going to start with basic console output, then once that works I will move onto SFML for a better GUI and better text output.

I have done this on my work break, and will start knocking out the components tonight when I finish work.
design.png (56.16 KiB) Viewed 6761 times
If I have missed off anything blatantly obvious, please let me know.
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Re: Fantasy REPG Take 2

Post by ghost_tech81 »

SO I spent last night doing some coding (mostly character creation system) and some more designing work (trying to get everything sketched out so I'm not just randomly typing in code).

Although I have used C++ in the past, I still have issues with Linked Lists (still learning) so just wondering if a Linked List really is the best way to do an inventory.

The system I am using has slots to store and equip items, as follows:

Herb Pouch - Maximum of 8 items.
Weapons - Maxumum of 2
Backpack - Maximum of 8 items.

There are also other items that can be equipped else where, I will deal with these later.

So I am thinking maybe an array as item space is limited (easy to search for empty slots and can choose what items to drop).

I dropped my Dice class as am just using the rand function. Don't see any point re-inventing the wheel.

On a design side, I had a think about how I am going to parse player input and decided on the following commands:

USE <Item Name>
ATTACK <Enemy>
EQUIP <Item>
GO <Direction/Place> - Basically choices from the text adventure I am using
INFO <Enemy> - Allows you to see the enemy stats
DO <Action>
TALK <Npc>

I have also sketched out my basic combat mechanics, will put this in a flow chart later.
And designed how I am going to store game data in text files.

At the minute I see t o be spending more time designing mechanics, than actually coding. And I have not even looked at the actual content yet (nothing original).
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Re: Fantasy REPG Take 2

Post by dandymcgee »

ghost_tech81 wrote:Although I have used C++ in the past, I still have issues with Linked Lists (still learning) so just wondering if a Linked List really is the best way to do an inventory.

The system I am using has slots to store and equip items, as follows:

Herb Pouch - Maximum of 8 items.
Weapons - Maxumum of 2
Backpack - Maximum of 8 items.
I highly recommend watching this talk:

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