My Pong Game

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Chaos Rift Newbie
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My Pong Game

Post by Marksie »

Hi all,

I have just set up SFML on Visual Studio and I am attempting my first ever graphical game.
I have decided to jump in right at the deep end and go for Pong.
Please see below for my progress so far.
Pong1.PNG (40.16 KiB) Viewed 7160 times
So far I can move the left hand paddle up and down. No collision detection so it just goes off the screen.

More to follow.
Chaos Rift Newbie
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Re: My Pong Game

Post by Marksie »

OK I have gotten up early this morning and decided to crack on with this modern day masterpiece.

I have gotten the ball moving, so far it heads towards the left hand side of the screen.
I have added some basic collision detection as per below, this means that if the ball hits my paddle it changes the speed so it goes in the opposite direction.

Code: Select all

// Check Poistion of ball for Paddle collisions

		boundingBoxBall = Ball.getGlobalBounds();
		RectangleBox = rectangle.getGlobalBounds();
		PCRectangleBox = PCrectangle.getGlobalBounds();
		if (boundingBoxBall.intersects(RectangleBox))
			BallX = 3;

		if (boundingBoxBall.intersects(PCRectangleBox))
			BallX = -3;

		Ball.move(BallX, BallY);
My next steps are as follows:

Get the Computer controlled paddle moving.
Get collision detection set up, so that paddles cannot go off the screen.
Chaos Rift Newbie
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Re: My Pong Game

Post by Marksie »

I have implemented some basic code to get the computer paddle moving:

Code: Select all

//Move the computer controlled paddle

		//Move the paddle up
		if (BallPos.y < PaddlePos.y)
			PCrectangle.move(0, -1);

		//Move the paddle down
		if (BallPos.y > PaddlePos.y)
			PCrectangle.move(0, 1);
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Re: My Pong Game

Post by dandymcgee »

Cool! Thanks for sharing your progress. It looks like you're getting through this pretty quick, nice work!
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