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Posted: Wed Oct 19, 2005 1:38 pm
by MarauderIIC
Just a cautionary statement, keep it the topic civil and away from the personal insults to avoid a lock. Erikin has received a ban warning via PM due to his first and only two posts being personally insulting. Simply ignore his posts for the moment, please, as it appears he's merely trying to start something.
"Please do not feed the troll."
Thanks, guys. /hijack
Posted: Wed Oct 19, 2005 1:41 pm
by DJ Yoshi
If you take anything serious from Erikin, you're an idiot. Seriously.
Posted: Wed Oct 19, 2005 1:45 pm
by MarauderIIC
Doesn't seem like he's joking to me, but, that's why he's not banned outright. You can never be sure.
Posted: Wed Oct 19, 2005 3:55 pm
by Karkash
DJ Yoshi wrote:Okay, and you still fail to provide a rebuttal to the fact that THEY ARE MORE HEALTHY FOOD THAN COWS.
Christ, you keep stating the same thing over and over again.
Healthier how? The fat content? If you have beef and pork and you remove the fat from both then which is healthier? Beef, because cows don't eat filth, have a more efficient digestive system, etc.
Also, you said you can't remove the fat from beef. You can, including hamburgers. Of course, not fast food or restaurant burgers, but you can make them yourself with lean beef. It hardly even makes grease in the pan.
Posted: Thu Oct 20, 2005 1:24 am
by skywalker541
Truly we are in the end times, arguing over whether god approves of pork or not is far to petty even be talked about now and truly we as christians, more specifically those of who are christians and have the correct picture of god, should be trying to communicate god's love to the world through action and word and every other fiber of our being for it is time for us to work harder than ever before because the end is so near. The mark of the beast has already been handed out, it is the false character of god portrayed by the papacy, by catholicism, the 2nd beast in the book of revelation is the papacy. Those who accept the mark of the beast on their forhead accept the picture that satan has painted of god's character, and those who accpted it on their hands are the ones who just go with the flow of the rest who do not know truly know god. This is why the only book in the bible the catholic chruch ignores is the book of revelations, it is because it reveals catholicsim for what it is, the religion of satan. For it is not god's image that catholicism has preached and demonstrated through their actions, but the devil's. The pope claims to god incarnate, this is the defintion of blasphemy.
Do not think that when i say that catholicism is of satan, that all catholics worshipers are, no but they have been deceived by their pope. The catholic system is not even biblical, however the catholic system decieves the ignorant and makes it seem as though it is. Therefore it is time for we who know the truth about god to show those who do not, and the truth shall set them free as it has us. We need to focus on what jesus did on the cross, for that is where god's true character, god's love, was revealed.
I am not out to condemn catholic believers or anyone that has a false image of god, but to save them, by showing them god's love. God is not a god of condemnation but a god of love and salvation.
Please if you do not think that god is love, at least not what you would define as love or if you do not belive that god exist.Plz give me a chance to talk to you, plz hear me fully before you just decide what i am going to tell you is complete crap, my s/n is skywalker541 plz im me, plz. I am trying to teach you god's true name (name = character in th bible) out of love for you.
Posted: Thu Oct 20, 2005 7:49 am
by JS Lemming
I'm Catholic.
Posted: Thu Oct 20, 2005 9:47 am
by skywalker541
Please listen to the seminar series found at it is a lengthy seminar but it show's god's true character better than any other seminar i've ever heard. It also shows how catholicism is the government of the anti-christ, please listen to it. You deserve to hear the truth.
Posted: Thu Oct 20, 2005 3:12 pm
by Wutai
You are an idiot. Don't insult someone's religion just because it isn'y yours.
I am not Catholic, and you aren't Catholic, but that doesn't mean that those who are are wrong. There really isn't a great difference between Catholics and whatever you are. (assuming that you are Christian at all)
Please, PLEASE someone lock this thread.
Posted: Thu Oct 20, 2005 3:20 pm
by MarauderIIC
I'm looking for the insults here.... I'm not seeing "your religion is stupid"/"you are stupid"s.
Posted: Thu Oct 20, 2005 3:22 pm
by Wutai
skywalker541 wrote:catholicism is the government of the anti-christ
skywalker541 wrote:catholicism is of satan
skywalker541 wrote:it reveals catholicsim for what it is, the religion of satan.
JSL is Catholic, but no, these certainly weren't pointed towards Catholics.
Posted: Thu Oct 20, 2005 3:28 pm
by MarauderIIC
Yep, okay. That was a bit subtle for not-really-interested-enough-to-read me.
I don't see this going anywhere, either. I'm going to go ahead and lock it because nobody is listening or having logical discussions, rather, everyone is just attempting to pound their beliefs into people without accepting or attempting to understand their viewpoints first. While I was hoping somebody might have taken something useful away from this discussion, nobody is listening or being open-minded. We're done before this goes any farther.
[I hate to have to say it, but that includes you, fellow administrators.]