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Posted: Wed Jul 27, 2005 10:25 am
by DJ Yoshi
Xylene wrote:
Dj Yoshi wrote:It's a joke, jesus. And I've known emo kids who do cut themselves, though namely it's 'goth' culture that's famous for doing it.
Jesus isn't here.
That's what we call "interjections". Next on fifth grade grammar: VERBS!

Posted: Wed Jul 27, 2005 11:37 am
by Xylene
Dj Yoshi wrote:
Xylene wrote:
Dj Yoshi wrote:It's a joke, jesus. And I've known emo kids who do cut themselves, though namely it's 'goth' culture that's famous for doing it.
Jesus isn't here.
That's what we call "interjections". Next on fifth grade grammar: VERBS!
That's what we call "joking".

Posted: Wed Jul 27, 2005 7:56 pm
by Dark Crusader
Yea...Jesus can BURN!Im not Jewish i just dont like the Christian faith. Why I think having beleifs is stupid, people die for a beleif just to get it to change, I like ideas beter. Besides wikka is more interesting the whol witch craft thing is fun, and I like the idea that people think im evil. Fred im sorry if you hate me for saying that but I needed to get that off my back. Morephoom mof northes! :twisted: :evil:

Posted: Thu Jul 28, 2005 5:59 am
by spideyspiderman2000
So, you're a mormon? :?

Posted: Thu Jul 28, 2005 12:12 pm
by JS Lemming
It's a shame though when people are raised with parents who don't really take religion seriously or care at all. That's when the kids just think religion is justa thing to keep people good. Sad.

Dark Crusader, why do you not like the Christian faith?

Posted: Thu Jul 28, 2005 12:15 pm
by Guest
So, you're a mormon? Confused

Posted: Thu Jul 28, 2005 12:27 pm
by Xylene
JS Lemming wrote:It's a shame though when people are raised with parents who don't really take religion seriously or care at all. That's when the kids just think religion is justa thing to keep people good. Sad.

Dark Crusader, why do you not like the Christian faith?
Oh, so it's not just a way to control the population?

Posted: Thu Jul 28, 2005 12:45 pm
by Falco Girgis
Xylene wrote:
JS Lemming wrote:It's a shame though when people are raised with parents who don't really take religion seriously or care at all. That's when the kids just think religion is justa thing to keep people good. Sad.

Dark Crusader, why do you not like the Christian faith?
Oh, so it's not just a way to control the population?
It's sad when people think their religion is so much superior than any other that they believe it's sad that others aren't of their faith.

Somebody want to tell my why it is that all Christians are intolerant of other religions? Why is it that the atheists and scientificologists are the tolerant ones that can understand and accept that others don't have to understand and accept what they do.

I'm not going to publicly announce my faith (or perhaps lack thereof) on these forums, but I will say that if I were a christian (I might be, you wouldn't know), I'd be far too ashamed to admit it.

This is sad an enraging when Christians go so far to say that it's sad for others to not be Christian. What the hell? So if you're a Christian you're "good" ? Being raised Christian doesn't make people good at all. How many murderers do you see every day in the US? Most of our population is christian, so "Christianity" can't be that good, can it?

It's a shame to see people with parents who take religion too seriously. People need to quit clinging to an unconfirmable belief and realize that being a good person is more than


Because guess what, whether you like to admit it or not, Christians are some of the biggest god damned whores I've ever seen. They can't accept that others have a right to not accept their beliefs.

Posted: Thu Jul 28, 2005 1:03 pm
by JS Lemming
Gyrovobis, I didn't say that Christianity was superior. Take the time to reread my post and you will see that it said "religion". I only mentioned Christianity while asking Dark Crusader what he didn't like about it. Don't twist my words.

Posted: Thu Jul 28, 2005 1:11 pm
by Falco Girgis
I'm not.

The fact that you said it's "sad" when parents don't make their kids take religion seriously shows what you think.

I disagree.

Religion is unconfirmable. I wouldn't raise a child to base his whole damn life and beliefs on a single idea that is neither proven nor tested. I believe the best thing a parent could do would be to NOT raise their children taking religion seriously.

That way the child will be smart enough to grow up and make a choice himself without taking on what his parents believe. That way the kid won't be too stupid to challenge his beliefs. I think that's how Christianity works. Everybody believes it, my parents believe it, I'm 3vil if I don't, so I have to believe it. OMG THAT MAKES ME CHRISTIAN!

Sure, raise your kid to be good. That's completely different than religion. How can you even associate a religion with being a good person?

There are "good" atheists.

Just remember that life shouldn't be taken too seriously. Nobody will make it out alive anyway.

Posted: Thu Jul 28, 2005 1:14 pm
by Falco Girgis
JSL, I reread your post, and I just wanted to let you know that I wasn't refering to you as a "Christian whore."

I see where you could've gotten that from.

The only thing that was directed towards you was the association of being a good person with religion.

Everything else was just general rambling about Christians in general.

Posted: Thu Jul 28, 2005 2:20 pm
by JS Lemming
One more time, take a closer look at what I really wrote.
I wrote:That's when the kids just think religion is justa thing to keep people good. Sad.
Notice how I said that meaning the kid is implying that religion is just there to keep them good. Like a misconception on the kid's part because that is all he really knows since his parents didn't teach/show him. Notice that this kid is in fact not me and thus I am not implying that religion = good person.

Posted: Thu Jul 28, 2005 4:47 pm
by DJ Yoshi
JS Lemming wrote:It's a shame though when people are raised with parents who don't really take religion seriously or care at all. That's when the kids just think religion is justa thing to keep people good. Sad.

Dark Crusader, why do you not like the Christian faith?
Blah blah bullshit, religion is nothing but what you make it. Seriously, impressioning kids at a young age with a God that you're not absolutely positive exists (though you do believe he exists) is just...asinine. It's stupid, silly, idiotic if you will. Let the kid grow and make his own decisions. The only thing that Christianity or hell, any religion ever did for the world was start wars and separate people. Religion IS stupid and it doesn't need to be taken seriously. If you believe in a God, no matter which God (Christian, Buddhist gods/goddesses, etc.) you shouldn't have to confirm him through religion but rather keep him close through following your interpretation of his/her word(s).

Posted: Thu Jul 28, 2005 4:52 pm
by FredDibnah
Dark Crusader wrote:Yea...Jesus can BURN!Im not Jewish i just dont like the Christian faith. Why I think having beleifs is stupid, people die for a beleif just to get it to change, I like ideas beter. Besides wikka is more interesting the whol witch craft thing is fun, and I like the idea that people think im evil. Fred im sorry if you hate me for saying that but I needed to get that off my back. Morephoom mof northes! :twisted: :evil:
A word of wisdom, Dark Crusader: Witchcraft isn't real. There isn't much proof for Christianity, but seriously, grow up. If you're following it because it's "more interesting," well, that's...yeah. :roll:

For your information, most Jews wouldn't say "Jesus can BURN!" Even if they don't believe he was the messiah, they aren't usually the most violent people.

And I don't hate you. I don't know a single Christian that would, and the whole strereotype that we hate all other beliefs is naive (Gyro). This assumption is probably caused by the 12 year-olds that post crap like that on the internet. They just haven't matured enough to understand how the world works. It's hardly a general belief, and the only ones that do hate other beliefs are the fanatics. Kinda like muslims, eh?

Back to Dark Crusader. I just don't understand why you would pursue an "idea" that promotes wickedness. That is one belief I do have a problem with. Good people, unite! (and that includes you athiests and scientologists out there).

Posted: Thu Jul 28, 2005 5:15 pm
by DJ Yoshi
It's not a's fact. In order to be Christian you have to denounce all other beliefs as silly and false. It's nearly impossible to be a tolerant Christian. And don't you dare call out the entire muslim population because a few of their radicals decided to bomb us. Muslims are very peaceful, very friendly, and very good people. Terrorists are pseudo-muslims who have perverted the views that Muhammad started out teaching.