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Posted: Thu Sep 01, 2005 6:25 pm
by Marx Chaotix
Well I'm working on the 3rd one about to finish it but I will try to check for mistakes and all this other crap I will post it on the forums with the second one but before I do I must warn you that there might be mistakes on it. Also after I'm done with the series and you read all of it you might fell sad and depressed. Also I will tell you some secrets on this post but you shouldn't read it unless you want the sereis to be soiled.

WARNING if you read this the sereis will be soiled

OK all of you who want the sereis to be sioled here is al ist of giant secrets.
1)Sonic's girlfreind Sally is actually a spy who works for Dr. Eggnan AKA DR. Robotnik.
2) Sally and her parents aren't really king of Mobious. DR. Robotnik killed Sonic's parents who were the real rulers of mobious and had them take their places as king and queen which means Sonic is prince of mobious. But sally's parents stopped taking orders from Robotnik.
3) DR. Robotnik builds half off Death Egg and attackes it to Ark and calls this powerful planet detroying battleship Death Ark.
4)Dr. Robotnik turns Sonic half robot and calls him Mega Mecha Sonic.
5) Sonic dies.
Now that you just read all the secrets and sioled it for yourself what do you think of those secrets? Also just to leave you little mystery will Sonic come back to life?

Posted: Thu Sep 01, 2005 9:39 pm
by Wutai
Don't bring Sonic back to life. That'd be too kiddy.

Instead, why not have him die an honorable death, and stay dead?

Posted: Fri Sep 02, 2005 6:04 am
by spideyspiderman2000
Good ideas.

You should have Knuckles die some horrible, gruesome death. And the death should be really, really, funny.

Posted: Fri Sep 02, 2005 7:47 am
by Don Pwnious
Death to some people isn't funny.
I think death is funny, but not if they die by terrorists hands, the worst way to die.

Posted: Fri Sep 02, 2005 3:53 pm
by Orgodemirk
You should really have them die in super funny way. Like they had a heart attack.

Posted: Fri Sep 02, 2005 8:37 pm
by spideyspiderman2000

That's how Knuckles should die.

Also, like Wutai said, make Sonic die honorably, and don't have him come back to life. Also, Shadow needs to be snuck in there somewhere too.

Posted: Fri Sep 02, 2005 8:45 pm
by Falco Girgis
SONIC: Oh noez! I stepped on a thumbtack!?! Damn you Tails, I told you to pick this shit up!


KNUCKLES: Yes! I get Amy!

SONIC: I will PEE in YOUR ... ... urgh.... *dies*

Posted: Fri Sep 02, 2005 9:30 pm
by Marx Chaotix
Yeah well when Sonic becomes half robot and can no longer control his body Tails fights him and goes Turbo but because Sonic is half hedgehog he can go super so he does and the two engage a big flaming bumbhole fight. But all of the robotik versionsi ncluding mecha Shadow come in to help out Sonic who is half robotic and the half robot Sonic's name is megs mecha Sonic just to let you know. He barely manegas to control his hedghog body so he tries to fight the robtic versions of Sonic and his freinds but he loses and dies but, He manages to save tail's life how does that sound?But just to elt you know the first like couple of the sereis sucks but then it starts to get really good so if you read the first one and you hated it please read the whole series I can garentie you will like the series.Also I am starting on the 4th story I have been spending hours of hard labor working on the series I also started on like 2 or 3 other stories besides this series.

Posted: Fri Sep 02, 2005 10:28 pm
by Orgodemirk
When Sonic becomes half robot, and can no longer control his body, Tails fights him and goes Turbo, but because Sonic is half hedgehog he can go super. He does, and the two engage a big flaming bum hole fight. But all of the robotic versions including Mecha Shadow come in to help out Sonic who is half robotic, and the half robot Sonic's name is Megs Mecha Sonic just to let you know. He barely manages to control his hedgehog body so he tries to fight the robotic versions of Sonic and his friends, but he loses and dies, but he manages to save tails’ life. How does that sound? Just to let you know, the first couple in the series sucks, but then it starts to get really good, so if you read the first one, and you hated it, please read the whole series. I can guarantee you will like the series. Also, I am starting on the 4th story. I have been spending hours of hard labor, working on the series. I also started on 2 or 3 other stories aside from this series.

Maxr ,please use better gramer use better speeling it is.annoying when youtype how i is tyipng now.

Posted: Sat Sep 03, 2005 6:58 am
by spideyspiderman2000
GyroVorbis wrote:SONIC: Oh noez! I stepped on a thumbtack!?! Damn you Tails, I told you to pick this shit up!


KNUCKLES: Yes! I get Amy!

SONIC: I will PEE in YOUR ... ... urgh.... *dies*

Posted: Sun Sep 11, 2005 12:22 pm
by Marx Chaotix
Ok I was to lazy to put down my other stories so here they are I am finishing the 6th one oh and also the 1st one is the gayest story throughout the whole series.

Dr. Robotnik’s Hellrazer book #2
By Marx Chaotix

Warning: Like on the first book if you like reading happy books with the bad guys losing and the good guys winning and happiness then you should not read this. Also after you read the series you might feel sad or depressed. I’m just warning you before you read this story.

Chapter one guardian training begins
After the team ate and drank their coffee they came outside bringing tails with them. “Time to start your training Tails.” Said Vecter in a rather serious voice. “Ok first we will start off with speed Espio come here.” Said knuckles. “What is it Knuckles?” “I want you to race Tails because you were always the best with speed.” Said knuckles. “OK here is how we are going to do this. Everyone will be the judge and see if Tails is doing good or if he is not while Espio races Tails all around Angel Island.” Said Knuckles. Charmy flies over Espio and Tails holding a whistle to tell them when to go or not. “By the time we start this race I will already be halfway through the race.” Challenged Espio. “We’ll see about that.” Said Tails making an angry expression in his face. “Ok on your mark get set goooo!!!” Charmy blows the whistle and the two rocket off leaving by a trail of dust.
Espio starts leaping through all of the jungle and obstacles behind. “Spirits of the wind please be with me.” Whispered Espio. Then up ahead he sees Tails hopping through the jungle and obstacles kicking dirt in Espio’s face. “Man when will he ever grow tired?” Thought Espio. Then finally the race was over and Tails won. Then when everyone was cheering to Tails everyone turned and saw a mysterious figure up ahead.
Chapter two Dr. Robotnik’s scheme
“Who the hell are you?” Said Vecter staring at the figure walking towards them. The figure stopped and they saw Dr. Robotnik. “Dr. Eggman it’s you again.” Said Knuckles. “Stop calling me that!!!” Hollered Dr. Robotnik. “I’m tired of being called that I want to be called by my real name which is Dr. Robotnik.” Everyone then gives him an angry look. “So what brings you here you madman I will torture you until you die a horrible death.” Said Espio. “Wait I’m here to tell Tails something that he must know.” Said Dr. Robotnik in a serious manner. “Sonic has lied to you ever since he found you he has been stealing your glory.” Said Dr. Robotnik. “He also wanted to control you. Why else is he so popular all around the world?” Said Dr. Robotnik. “I never thought Sonic would do such a thing to me. That can’t be true we were friends for many years.” Replied Tails. “That’s what he wants you to think Tails I even saw it. I have been trying to tell you this that’s why I have made Death Egg after all these years to destroy Sonic so you can be freed from him.” Said Dr. Robotnik in.
After that Tails stood there in shock. “No this can’t be.” Sobbed tails. “After all these years he lied to me!” “I’m sorry Tails but it’s true.” Dr. Robotnik replied. Tails runs to the chaos emerald shrine. He grabs all 7 chaos emeralds and puts them in his plane the Tornado 2. “Hey where are going with those!?” Hollered Knuckles. “I’m borrowing them!” Tails replied. “I swear Sonic you have hell to pay.” Said Tails as he flew off with the 7 legendary chaos emeralds.
“Hahahaha those idiots actually believe that. They are dumber then I thought.” Said Dr. Robotnik as he leaves Angel Island. Time to get back to Sonic.
Chapter three Sonic’s confusion
After Sonic wakes up and eats his breakfast and drinks his coffee then he starts looking for Tails to apologize to him. “Tails where are you Tails!!!” Sonic Yelled as he starts his search for Tails. He starts the whole morning searching for Tails then suddenly he sees Amy running towards him. “Hi Sonic are you ready to date me yet?” Said Amy giving Sonic an eager look. “No Amy you know I already have a girlfriend and her name is Sally so leave me alone and stop bugging me!!” Said Sonic giving her an annoyed look. Then Amy gave Sonic a sad look like her parents died then she began to cry. Then Sonic began to here a strange noise that sounds like and an airplane.
“Huh that’s funny I wonder what it is.” Says Sonic. Then suddenly he sees the Tornado 2 flying towards Sonic’s house. “Hey cool it’s Tails!” said Sonic as he starts staring at the airplane that’s starting to land at his house. When he finally got there he saw Tails hopping out of the plane with an angry look in his face. “Hi Tails watsup I’m sorry for throwing you out of the house after that fight we had yesterday will you forgive me?” Said Sonic giving him a look of sadness. “Do you really think that I will fall for that again?” Said Tails giving him an angry look while pulling the chaos emeralds out of the Tornado2. “What are you talking about?” “Also what’s the deal with the chaos emeralds you are holding?” Said Sonic giving him a confused look. “I’m not stupid Sonic Dr. Robotnik told me what you were doing after all these years you can’t hide the truth from me Sonic.” Said Tails. Then tails picks up the chaos emeralds and yells. “CHAOS CONTROL!!” Then the whole area fills up with blinding light, then after the light left Sonic sees Turbo Tails.
Chapter four Super Sonic V.S. Turbo Tails
The sonic stares at Turbo Tails with a confused look “Why are you giving me that angry look I’m sorry for kicking you out of the house Tails and what did Dr. Robotnik tell you?” Said Sonic. “He told me that you were lying to me after all these years stealing my glory why else are you so popular and I’m not? “Why am I always your sidekick?” “Also why do you get all the credit for all the brilliant plans I made?” Said Turbo tails giving him an even angrier look. “Now it’s time for you to die Sonic.” Said turbo tails gathering all the energy in his hand creating an explosive plasma ball in his hand. Then Turbo Tails throws it at sonic and Sonic barely dodges it and then it explodes a giant crater in Sonics yard. “Tails have you lost your mind!?” Hollered Sonic. “No but you have.” Said Turbo tails charging up another explosive plasma ball in his hand ready to strike. Sonic then runs for the Tornado2 to get the chaos emeralds to go super. Then Amy then stares with a horrified look in her face and she gets up and starts running away as fast as here legs could possibly take her. “Finally I got the chaos emeralds now I can go super. Sonic holds up the chaos emeralds and yells. “CHAOS CONTROL!!” Then he goes from Sonic To Super Sonic. “Well now Super Sonic I can see you reached your super form but it doesn’t matter because the next time we meet we will be enemies and this means war.” Said Turbo Tails smiling an evil smile. Then Turbo Tails swoops down and snatches Amy and flies away in the Tornadoe2 and flies away. “Oh and Sonic you can keep those chaos emeralds you will need it the next time we meet.” Said Tails.

Chapter five Tail’s crush
But on the airplane Amy was in there and she starts crying in the back of the plane. “What’s wrong Amy?” Said tails. “Sonic hates me!” “I guess I’m some ugly annoying 13 year old girl.” Sobbed Amy. “No you aren’t Amy.” Said Tails comforting Amy. “Besides he’s 17 and you are 13 also you might meet lots of people around your age that likes you Amy.” Said Tails while he starts flying to Angel Island. “Thanks Tails you are nice also why did you bring me into your plane and why were you and Sonic fighting like that?” Said Amy. “It’s because there is going to be a big war down there and the safest place will be on Angel Island.” Said Tails.
Then Tails reaches Angel Island and lands the Tornado2 and he introduces Team Chaotix to Amy and shows Amy her new room.
Then after that when Tails is in the garage working on the Tornado2 to install some now parts he spots Amy in a flower garden picking flowers. Then he starts thinking of her and can’t stop so he cleans himself and goes into his room to read some books and he can’t concentrate and is still thinking of Amy and starts getting a funny feeling he has never had before.
“I better go tell Knuckles about this.” Said Tails after closing his book. So Tails heads downstairs into Knuckle’s room and sees him reading a newspaper. “Hey Knuckles I don’t mean to bother you but I can’t stop thinking of Amy.” Said Tails. Knuckles drops his newspaper and looks at Tails with a happy look. “Well it looks like somebody has a crush on a girl.” Laughed Knuckles. “ So that’s why I have that funny feeling and can’t stop thinking about her.” Said tails. “So why don’t you ask her out?” Knuckles asked. “Are you crazy I don’t know how to ask her out I’ll make a fool out of myself!” Yelled Tails. “But I’m pretty sure Mighty and Espio can help you with that.” Said Knuckles smiling at Tails.
Chapter six Tail’s girlfriend
Tails followed Knuckles into the training room were the guardians go to train and the two see Espio and Mighty having a practice duel. “Eat this Espio!” Hollered Mighty. But Espio dodged the attack. “I feel sorry for you if you call that an attack.” Said Espio in an ignorant tone of voice.” Espio runs so fast behind Might and trips Mighty but when Mighty was right about to hit the ground he kicks him so hard he goes blowing about 6 feet away from Espio. “Wow that was a good practice duel cough cough.” Said Mighty when he starts spitting up blood.
“Hey guys Tails needs some advice from you guys, he has a crush on that Amy girl that he brought with him and he needs help asking her out on a date.” Said Knuckles. “Hmmm… A date you say.” Said Espio.”I think the two of you would a great couple considering the fact that the two of you are both 13 years of age. Said Might who is gasping for air after that attack Espio did. “Ok then Mighty and I will help you gat a date.” Said Espio while he was smiling. “Espio walks up to Tails and kicks him in the leg. “Ouch!!! What was that for?” Said Tails while he starts rubbing his leg. “Mighty and I will not stop attacking you until you ask Amy out.” Said Espio with a smile on his face.
Espio and Mighty start chasing Tails out of the house and into the jungle until Tails spots Amy in hot springs relaxing. “Ask her out and don’t think we aren’t watching because we are.” Mighty whispered and he leaps into the jungle. “Ok here goes nothing.” Said Tails as he walks into the hot spring with Amy. “OH hi there Tails I didn’t see you.” Said Amy. “Oh uh… hi Amy how is Angel Island?” Said Tails. “Oh it’s fine everything is so beautiful out here.” Said Amy. Then suddenly when Amy wasn’t looking Tails gets bashed in the head hard. “Get in there and ask her out solder. You aren’t leaving until you get yourself a date.’ Whispered Mighty then he hops into the jungle. “Hey uh… Amy how can I ask you this but… I like you.” Said Tails then sweat starts dripping down his face from stress. “I like you to Tails you make a great friend.” Said Amy. “But I want to be more than your friend.” Said Tails. Amy paused for a moment then said “What do you mean?” Tails took a deep breath then said “Amy will you go out with me on a date?” Amy stopped and started to think after all these tears of her chasing Sonic he always ran away and he already has a girlfriend and Tails has always been nice to her she had to admit then finally she said. “Sure why not lets say tomorrow.” Then tails looked so happy. Then Tails left the hot tub and Mighty and Espio said “Great job Tails you did very good.”
End of story the 3rd one will be out soon I hope you enjoyed this story.

I can't fit the rest of my series in one post so i will make several posts so the series will be in ok.

Posted: Sun Sep 11, 2005 12:28 pm
by Marx Chaotix
Ok here is the 3rd one.

DR. Robotnik’s Hellrazer #4
By Marx Chaotix

WARNING Before you read this all of you who are about to read this must know that if you like stories when the good guys always win and the bad always lose then you shouldn’t be reading this. Also you might feel sad and depressed after reading the series.

Chapter one the secret
Sonic then stood there hidden behind the house after hearing what Espio just said. “OH shit I must go warn the others” Sonic whispered to himself then he ran off. “Hey Espio what was that noise?” Tails asked. “OH crap I’m pretty sure Sonic just heard.” Said Espio.
Then Tails ran to his ship and flew off and then he spots sonic and starts shooting his machine gun at Sonic rapidly. “Oh crap its Tails he found me!!” Sonic hollered while he started to madly dodge all the bullets. “Felling tired sonic? Don’t worry it all will be over within a couple of minutes.” Said Tails in an evil voice. Then tails pulls out his walkie-talkie and starts yelling through it. “Hey I found Sonic he is heading towards the canyon I need a couple of battleships over here with weapons to take him out over and out.” Then while Sonic is running for his life he spots 3 planes with men in them then all of them start firing like crazy at Sonic. “Man I am one dead hedgehog.” Sonic said while trying to avoid getting shot.
Chapter two the ocean of lava
Then suddenly Tails hollers “Oh my god retreat retreat get out of here fast!!” They retreat and fly the other way. “What the…Why did they fly away?” Said Sonic scratching his head with a confused look on his face.
Then he turns around and sees that the bottom of the canyon has a big field of volcanoes everywhere for miles and miles. Then the whole entire ground starts shaking like crazy then he hears a so loud explosion that it shakes his whole body coming from the bottom of the canyons. “KABOOOOOOM!!!!!!!!” Then the whole ground explodes with hot lava then the ground starts falling in. “Oh dear god I’m dead for sure now.” Said Sonic in a shocked voice. Then he starts running for his life while the ground all around him starts cracking and breaking apart and exploding with lava. Then suddenly he falls into a big whole into lava but while he starts falling he remembers “The chaos emeralds I brought them with me.” Said Sonic. Then he turns super then he dives out of the lava and starts flying through a big ocean of lava and magma.
Chapter three Tail’s date
While Tails flies back to Angel Island he mumbles to himself. “Now that Sonic is dead from that giant field of volcanoes I can get back to my date with Amy.” He walks to his room and gets into the shower and puts on so much conditioner that his whole body is covered in conditioner then he washes and cleans himself. “There we go now I’m clean enough.” Said Tails with a smile in his face.
He walks downstairs and sees Espio and Mighty staring at him with a smile in their faces. “Well Tails good luck with your date.” Said Mighty and Espio as they pat him on the back. “Wow your fur sure is soft.” Said Mighty and Espio as they walk off.
Then Tails walks down to the flower fields expecting her to be there. Then he finally spots her picking some flowers. “Hi Amy I’m here sorry I was late.” Said Tails while he starts running towards her. She turns around and says “Oh hi Tails I was just out picking some flowers.” Said Amy.
Then for the rest of the day Tails let Amy pick what to do and where to go and they did and they had a very good time. Then at night they lay on a hillside staring at the stars. “Wow this is a wonderful sight!” Said Amy when she lay next to Tails. “Yeah but not as wonderful as you Amy” Said Tails as he stares at her. “That’s sweet Tails.” Said Amy then she kisses Tails on the cheek. “Well it’s getting late Tails I’ll be in my room.” She walks into the ruins and heads to her room.
Chapter four the deciding
15 minutes later Tails gets up and heads for the ruins to go to sleep in his room but, when he goes inside he sees the rest of Team Chaotix arguing. “No it will be too risky we can’t send them out already we need to get better technology and they might trace where we are then they will kill us!!” Said Vecter. “It’s our only chance if we don’t attack now then they will find us anyway!!” Said Espio with his usual serious voice. Then the team sees Tails. “Hello Tails. How was the date?” Said the whole team. “I kinda had it 15 minutes ago but, it was good also what the heck are all of you bickering about?” Asked Tails. “We are deciding if we should attack tonight or not.” Said Charmy with his usual excited voice. “So do you think we should attack tonight or not?” Said the Espio and Mighty. “I say we should because Espio has good point no matter what they will find us sooner or later also I have a feeling that Sonic escaped from the volcano field.” Said Tails. “Ok I guess this means we attack.” Said Vecter.
Chapter five the army marches to attack
Tails, Espio, and Mighty flew off to base while the rest stayed to guard the Master Emerald. “Ok then how many troops should we send out for the attack?” said Tails “Hmm… how about 155 troops this attack just to see how strong they really are for now.” Ok then Tails said with a little worried voice. Then they finally reached base then they got up their forces and headed for Knothole village.
Chapter six the first strike
Sonic starts running to Knothole village then he ran into Sally. “OH THANK GOD YOU’RE HERE!!” Said Sonic gasping for air. Sally stares at him with a worried look. “What’s wrong Sonic?” “Sally Tails has an army and said he will attack tonight and it is late tonight who knows how big the attack will be he can attack at any minute now we have to get our forces ready before they attack and quick.” Said Sonic in a serious tone of voice.
Then after that Sally immediately got their forces up and waited for about an hour then right when everyone was about to leave their posts to go to bed they heard marching and they looked in a distance and saw Tails standing an a tank with binoculars then he hollers. “Halt position!!” Then the army stops in the fog then Sonic hears multiple men loading up their weapons ready to kill. Then he hears Tails yell “Ready… aim Fire!!!” Then Sonics hears bullets whizzing through the air then many of Sally’s troops fall to the ground dead then Sally hollers to her men “ATTACK!!” Then her men march out and start engaging battle and through the fog all they can hear is a bloody battle then after what seemed like hours the freedom fighters win the battle easily. Then Tails retreats with the surviving men and after that battle Sonic knew for a fact that this meant war.
End of story #4 the 5th one will come soon.

ok here is the 5th one.

Dr. Robotnik’s Hellrazer #5
By Marx Chaotix

WARNING: Before all of you read this story you must know that if you like reading books when the good guys always win and the bad guys always lose then you shouldn’t be reading this. Also you might feel sad and depressed after reading the series. I’m just warning you before you read this.

Chapter one the Sonic and Tails
After the troops retreated Tails and the others went back to base. “Well there’s one thing for sure we need to get a hell of a lot more bases and we need more troops.” Said Tails in a positive manner. “Yeah that’s true but I have a bad feeling about this war.” Said Knuckles in a worried voice. “Ah you worry too much Knuckles everything will be fine.” Said Tails “I sure hope so” Said Tails
Then after that everyone went to sleep they woke up. “Ah what a great sleep.” Yawned Tails Then he got ready for the day and went downstairs and he saw in the kitchen Sonic and Team Chaotix talking to each other. “WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON KILL SONIC HE IS RIGHT THERE KILL HIM!” Tails yelled in horror then he pulled his gun out and aimed it at Sonic. “Chill out little bro” Said Sonic in a dangerously calm voice “Don’t worry Tails we are making a negotiation with the Freedom Fighters.” Said Vecter “OK so if you don’t attack us then we won’t attack you until tomorrow deal?” said Charmy. “OK then it’s a deal.” Said Sonic then he left but before he did stared at Tails with a sad look in his eyes.
“Tails” “Yes Sonic” Said Tails with a sad look in his eyes to “Should things be this way between you and me you have to snap out of it Dr. Robotnik tricked you he saw we were both fighting and took advantage of us?” Said Sonic But inside Tails his body and brain were talking to him. “No Tails don’t do it Sonic is the enemy he will trick you listen to Robotnik.” Said the brain “No Tails Sonic is your friend he would never do such a thing stop this nonsense before you do something even more foolish.” Said the body Then Tail’s just stared at Sonic with a blank look in his face.
Then outside of the ruins Sonic’s troopship landed and all these solders hollered “Hey Sonic come on we don’t have all day!” “Roger that.” Said Sonic then he ran into the ship and it flied away. “Hey Sonic wait” Tails hollered trying to fly after them using his tails to propel him into the air. Then Knuckles quickly grabbed Tails. “Tails don’t go you have to listen to me Sonic is the enemy this is war you got that Sonic is playing mind games with you he is tricking you.” Said Knuckles
Chapter two Tail’s thoughts
Then after that Tails went in his room and stayed in there for several hours and started to think to himself. “Ok Tails get it through your head Sonic used you he is the enemy this is war.” Then Tails started to remember the times when Sonic and Tails were friends and everything was perfect Sonic was always there to help Tails whenever he was in trouble Sonic took care of him the two were so close on friendship that they called each other brothers.

Chapter three the Great War
Then Tails went to sleep and woke up hearing a very loud crash “EEEEEAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRR…BOOOM!! “We are under heavy attack! We need back up hurry they are heading for the ruins.” One of the solders hollered
Tails jumped out of bed grabbed his army uniform and weapons and ran outside and saw a ferocious battle taking place. Then through the battle he saw a couple of solders taking Amy hostage and Sonic is there with the solders. “Let go of me please let go!” Amy said while the solders start carrying her off “You heard her. Let her go her she isn’t apart of this war.” Said Tails while he pulls out his shotgun and aims it at them “Tails you wouldn’t listen to me when I was trying to tell you about Robotnik’s lies now we are at war also I’m sorry Tails but, we are now enemies.” Said Sonic
Then Sonic curls up into a ball and does his spin dash at Tails he bashes into a tree. Then Tails gets back up and barely dodges his punch. Then Tails maneuvers behind Sonic then he trips Sonic but before Sonic could hit the ground Tails kicks Sonic and he bashes into a tree. “Yikes!!! FWAM!” Then Sonic gets up and sees that the reinforcements from Tail’s army came in the Sonic hollers “RETREAT RETREAT!!” Then the army flies away. Tails gets Amy and stares at the planes flying away. “Tails thanks for rescuing me.” Said Amy then she hugs him. “I will be ready for you next time Sonic this is war.” Said Tails as he stares at the horizon
End of story 5# the 6th one will come out soon.

What do you think of the series so far better than the 1st one right/ i sure think so I am working on the 6th one so far.

Posted: Sun Sep 11, 2005 12:30 pm
by Marx Chaotix
Oh crap I didn't post the 3rd one sorry. Here is the 3rd one. don't read those until you read this.

Dr. Robotnik’s Hellrazer #3
By Marx Chaotix

Warning before reading this all of you must know that you shouldn’t read the series of Dr. Robotnik’s Hellrazer if you like stories with happy endings or the bad guys always lose and the good guys always win also that you might feel sad or depressed after reading the series. I’m just warning you before you read this story.

Chapter one Sonic, Amy and the war’s beginning
After tails flew off Sonic stood there stunned. “Damn you Dr. Robotnik you will pay for this you little lying sack of shit!” Yelled Sonic. Sonic takes the chaos emeralds and runs to Knothole Village. “Hey Sally I need to tell you something very important!” Said Sonic while he starts running toward her holding the 7 chaos emeralds that Tails gave him. “What is it and where did you get those?” Said Sally pointing to the chaos emeralds. Sonic tells her all about the fight and what Dr. Robotnik said to Tails. “I cannot believe that fat boar hog Robotnik would do such a thing!” Said sally with an angry face. “Yeah I can’t either but what should we do? Oh and also he kidnapped Amy before he left.” Said Sonic in a rather sad voice “Don’t worry we will find them both and prove to Tails that Robotnik is lying so then you will get your friend back and everything will be back to normal.” Said Sally then she kisses Sonic on the cheek. Now time to get back to Tails.
“Yes I am so happy I finally got a date with Amy!” Hollered tails. “Easy lover boy.” Said Knuckles while he stares at Tails flying around the room spinning his two tails to propel him in the air.
At night Tails laid in bed dreaming about his wonderful date with Amy then suddenly he heard. “Tails get up get up Tails hurry!!”
Coming from Charmy. “Tails got up and got ready and headed downstairs very fast and saw Dr. Robotnik standing there at the table. “ Hey Dr. Robotnik what’s up?” Said Tails “Boy you have changed since the last time we met. You look… Buff with all those muscles and also your mustache is swirly and black and you are wearing different clothes.’ Said Tails with astonishment. “Yeah I know I went on a diet and exercised I also took a couple of steroids and also I can finally see my penis!” Said Dr. Robotnik with joy. “Umm… Ok that’s a little to much information you just gave all of us.” Said Tails. After that everyone stared at Dr. Robotnik with horror in there faces after what he said. “Well sorry everyone.” Said Dr. Robotnik. “Ok so why are you here this time?” Tails. “Ok back to what I was going to say.” Said Dr. Robotnik. “I found out that Sonic has went to Knothole village and is telling all the Freedom Fighters to find Tails and kill him.” Said Dr.Robotnik. “I suggest you guardians should get an army started before they find you Tails and kill you.” Said DR. Robotnik then he gets into his mini ship and flies away.
Tails stood there thinking for a moment of what he should do. “Hey everybody will you help me out here I don’t want to die.” Said Tails Everyone sat there thinking. “I know lets let Tails use the master emerald to make Tails become Turbo and he can take over a city or something then the Mobians in that city can become your troops.” Said Charmy. “That’s a brilliant Idea.” Said Tails. Tails then ran to the shrine that has the master emerald and he leaps on top of it and starts harnessing it’s energy. Then he becomes Turbo Tails then he flies off to start his army for war. Time to get back to our old friend Dr. Robotnik.
Chapter two the scheme’s kicking in
“Mwahaha!! Those idiots actually thought that Sonic is getting the Freedom Fighters to kill Tails. How much dumber can they get?” Said Dr.Robotnik. “Once they start attacking and killing each other then I will start making my own army and bases all over the planet so when they are weakening each other then I can come in and take over Mobius.” Said Dr. Robotnik. “But wait, I don’t have a base what should I do I will never be able to get armies all by myself I always make a tiny mistake and then my plans are ruined because of that damn hedgehog Sonic and his gay little friends.” Muttered Dr. Robotnik.
“I wouldn’t think so Albert.” Said a mysterious voice coming from behind Dr. Robotnik. “Who are you and how did you know my first name?” Dr.Robotnik yelled. “It’s because my grandfather was friends with your grandfather they both made Ark and the ultimate life form and Shadow the clone of the ultimate life form.” Said the voice. “But who are you show yourself!” Dr. Robotnik yelled. Then suddenly he sees in front of him a skinny man with long blond hair wearing black cloths with sapphire blue eyes.
“Greetings Albert my allow me to introduce myself my name is Ben London.” “I am also a scientist I have read your research all about Metal Sonic and your other bionic creations, so I recreated Silver Sonic, Mecha Sonic, Metal Sonic, Mecha Tails, Mecha Knuckles, and Mecha Amy. “But while I was rebuilding them I thought about making a robotic version of Shadow so I made a Metal Shadow.” Said Ben. “I will show you them right now.” Said Ben while he starts pulling a button. Ben pushes it then 7 robots start flying out towards them then they land right in front of them. “What is it sir?” Said one of the robots. Dr. Robotnik stands there stunned staring at all of his old robots and the new one that was created.
“Albert I came here to ask if we could be friends like our grandfathers then we make an attempt to rule the world?” Asked Ben. “Of course!” Said Dr. Robotnik. “Also would you please stop calling me Albert, because I don’t want anyone to know my real name ok?” said Dr Robotnik. “Sure thing also I didn’t establish any bases yet but I can along with your help thanks to your plan of getting those 2 morons to fight each other.” Said Ben.
Chapter three Tail’s army
“Hey Tails wait up!” Super Knuckles hollered when he starts using his super form to fly after Turbo Tails. “Oh hi Knuckles you coming to help me take over this city?” Said Tails “Yeah so what’s the name of the city you are planning to take over?” Asked Knuckles. “It’s called Amplicas City, it’s only about 2 miles from here we should make it there right about… now!” Said Turbo Tails.
Then they see a large city with tall skyscrapers all over. Tails harnesses the energy in his hand then he forms a large blue explosive plasma ball then he releases it. BOOM!!!! A big explosion then knocks over a large skyscraper then it falls and kills hundreds of innocent civilians.
“Attention civilians of Amplicas City your city is no longer safe you have 2 choices you either 1 leave and get blown to pieces and die from a painful and horrible death or 2 join my army and attack the Freedom Fighters.” Which is it?” Said Turbo Tails while he is floating over the city being stared at by at least 5,000 civilians. “Then after that all of them stay but then Turbo Tails spots a female squirrel getting into a car driving away in the car. “Ok lady don’t say I didn’t warn you.” Tails shoots a beam out of his finger and then it hits the gas tank then the car explodes into flames then it crashes and the squirrel dies. “Like I said so if you are thinking of running away and dying be my guest.” Said Turbo Tails and Super Knuckles.
After that Turbo tails orders everyone to turn the city into a base then after that Turbo Tails turns back into his first form then calls Vecter and Charmy to take over then Super Knuckles and Tails fly away in the plane. When the two get there they run out of energy and change back into their first form. “Oh shit my date I forgot my date!” yelled Tails.
Chapter four Sonic’s discovery
After Sally kissed Sonic she then says. “Tomorrow we will go look for Tails don’t worry.” Sally said after closing the door to building.
After that Sonic decides to walk around Knothole village to relax and think of something he can do to find Tails and prove him that Robotnik is lying to him but, after that he begins to feel that all this happened because of him. “Man I should have never fought with tails and thrown him out of my house, if that didn’t happen then this wouldn’t have given DR. Robotnik the idea of tricking Tails.” Sonic mumbled.
Then when Sonic was walking around he suddenly sees a plane flying off in the distance. “Whoa it’s Tails!!” Sonic yelled pointing to the plane. Sonic starts chasing after the plane hoping that it would lead him to where Tails lives.
After Sonic started chasing it for a few minutes it lands on Angel Island. “Guys I’m home!!” Tails and Knuckles yelled. Then Espio and Mighty ran in. “Hey Tails how is the army goin that you are making?” Asked Mighty. “Pretty good so far I have 1,234 troops and 2,376 civilians I will get more soon, I’m also pretty sure that even now my army can kill Sonic and the freedom fighters.” Bragged tails. “Now’s not the time to feel a little to confident we should never underestimate our enemies.” Espio said in his usual serious voice. “OK Espio but when do you think we should attack?” Tails asked. “We should attack when they least expect attacks tonight.”

End of book #3 next book will come soon.

Posted: Sun Sep 11, 2005 12:32 pm
by spideyspiderman2000


Good, but you're making too much out of Tails and Amy, unless their relationship plays into the actual storyline. Other than that (besides spelling and grammar) it was good.

Posted: Sun Sep 11, 2005 12:38 pm
by Marx Chaotix
Thanks oh and all that Amy and tails is just at that part of the stories it's not mainly all about Amy and Tails.