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Posted: Mon Nov 21, 2005 3:56 pm
by Drakor
hmm i belive this topic was made to discuss war and it's cost not to start one fellas....

and as far as that goes's called cooperation. yeah if only one person did it i am sure he would be killed, but not if a lot of people held that same idea....

and history proves it... one example---> the american revolution

Posted: Mon Nov 21, 2005 4:11 pm
by JS Lemming
I sorry but you seriously have a lot to learn. And about the american revolution, it's a lot easier to say screw you king foo when there is a giant ocean separating you from him.

Posted: Mon Nov 21, 2005 4:29 pm
by spideyspiderman2000
The American Revolution's a horrible example. But that's obvious.

Posted: Mon Nov 21, 2005 6:15 pm
by Drakor
k well being as close minded as you are JSL you would rather bitch (OMG like you tard, you are t3h idiotz!!) then take it for it's meaning or even try and understand. another example: scotland VS england. they got tired of the english men's crap and prima nocta (prime night: gives scottish nobles the right to a newly wed woman on the day of the wedding... was to bless their wedding) and they fought back. and htey got their freedom.

Posted: Mon Nov 21, 2005 7:11 pm
by Wutai
I hate Bush. He is an idiot. The only thing he has done for this country is made up words like "misunderestimated" for me to use.

I hate Kerry. He is Satan. Yeah...

Posted: Mon Nov 21, 2005 7:52 pm
by spideyspiderman2000
Kerry's a douche. I hated every president than ran in the last election.

Ralph Nader (or as I call him, Darth Nader) would probably be better than Bush and Kerry. I mean, honestly, do we want a president that can't pronounce the word "nuclear"?

Here's a few things to prove he's an idiot...

"Wow! Brazil is big." —George W. Bush, after being shown a map of Brazil by Brazilian president Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva, Brasilia

"Listen, I want to thank leaders of the — in the faith — faith-based and community-based community for being here." —George W. Bush, Washington, D.C., Sept. 6, 2005

"And Brownie, you're doing a heck of a job." —George W. Bush, to FEMA director Michael Brown who resigned 10 days later amid criticism over his job performance

The relations with, uhh — Europe are important relations, and they've, uhh — because, we do share values. And, they're universal values, they're not American values or, you know — European values, they're universal values. And those values — uhh — being universal, ought to be applied everywhere." —George W. Bush, at a press conference with European Union dignitaries, Washington, D.C., June 20, 2005

"See, in my line of work you got to keep repeating things over and over and over again for the truth to sink in, to kind of catapult the propaganda." —George W. Bush, Greece, N.Y., May 24, 2005

Bush isn't stupid, he's beyond stupid. Hell, many people are baffled by the fact that he can even breathe properly.

He choked on a fucking pretzel!



Posted: Mon Nov 21, 2005 8:05 pm
by JS Lemming
Drakor wrote:k well being as close minded as you are JSL you would rather -blam!- (OMG like you tard, you are t3h idiotz!!) then take it for it's meaning or even try and understand. another example: scotland VS england. they got tired of the english men's crap and prima nocta (prime night: gives scottish nobles the right to a newly wed woman on the day of the wedding... was to bless their wedding) and they fought back. and htey got their freedom.
Maybe I'm seriously screwed in the head.... but, to me, you sound like you have no earthly idea what it is really like over there. Please... no more examples.

Posted: Mon Nov 21, 2005 9:36 pm
by Drakor
right, yes master. :bow: and i suppose you do? you know?

Posted: Tue Nov 22, 2005 7:30 am
by JS Lemming
Yeah, I know enough to know that your little idea of "stop fearing Suddam and you will be free" would not work. And that's common sense.

Posted: Tue Nov 22, 2005 7:55 am
by Fox2Fox2
Yeah, Drakor, just saying "F YOU SADDAM" would get you no where. Not even 6 feet under in a pine box, it would however get about 100 Republican Guards to your home to torture you and your family to death. I appreciate the idealistic views that no one can take your freedom away but I'm relatively sure if one of Saddam's terror squads showed up, stapled you to ground and stuck a feed tube in your neck, you would'nt be free. They couldn't cooperate because they had no CHANCE to cooperate! Gestapo-like squads patroled the streets. Hell, even his own men with GUNS and ARMY couldnt do anything. Every month or so, at around 2AM, a few ppl would go through the barracks grabbing ppl and shining lights in their faces and jamming guns in their mouths saying "We are the US Army! Are you with Saddam Hussein's army?!" and if you said no to try and live, you'd have a nice big hole coming OUT of your forehead.

And Spidey, your arguements are null and void, not to mention absolutely ignorant and immature. When someone disagrees with your obviously unbacked statement, you call him names and tell him to
Spidey wrote:suck on a hose
Bush is NOT a strong public speaker, he doesnt brag alot abouth is achievements, which I'll get to in a moment. He is not the "dumzorest stup1d faggot" because he isnt good at public speech. If I found an activity that you cant do well and thrust you in the midst of it, how fair would it be if I called you a Faggot and possibley the most retarded human being on earth?
Bush has created myriads of new jobs and boosted the economy out of a rather strong depression. I guess if you spent more time watching the news and less time screaming flames at George to try and look cool, you'd know. The recent quarter in stocks has shown major improvement. War may not be necessary but would you like having to wonder if a few hundred nukes were pointed at you everyday? I guess so.

The point: War wasnt necessary, but hell, neither were the lives of around 26 million Iraqis were they? No, just keep letting them live in constent terror. Sure, the insurgents are here but they are a mild nuisance compaired to the reign of horror that Saddam was leading. Atleast now the Iraqis can stand a fighting chance! They have a REAL free army now. I guess this amounts to nothing because it came from a "faggot". Wars are ALWAYS costly. This war is absolutely nothing compared to say, WW2, or The Civil War, or The Napoleonic Wars, or even the Russo-Finnish War/The Continuation war. Dont complain, complaining only tarnishes the lives of the brave men and women that have fought to give the Iraqi people something they havent tasted in a good long while: Freedom, true, real freedom.

Go watch cartoons and leave the politics to the people with common sense.

Posted: Tue Nov 22, 2005 8:52 am
by Wutai
PWNT! Wouldn't you agree?

Posted: Tue Nov 22, 2005 3:56 pm
by spideyspiderman2000
Fox2Fox2 wrote:Yeah, Drakor, just saying "F YOU SADDAM" would get you no where. Not even 6 feet under in a pine box, it would however get about 100 Republican Guards to your home to torture you and your family to death. I appreciate the idealistic views that no one can take your freedom away but I'm relatively sure if one of Saddam's terror squads showed up, stapled you to ground and stuck a feed tube in your neck, you would'nt be free. They couldn't cooperate because they had no CHANCE to cooperate! Gestapo-like squads patroled the streets. Hell, even his own men with GUNS and ARMY couldnt do anything. Every month or so, at around 2AM, a few ppl would go through the barracks grabbing ppl and shining lights in their faces and jamming guns in their mouths saying "We are the US Army! Are you with Saddam Hussein's army?!" and if you said no to try and live, you'd have a nice big hole coming OUT of your forehead.

And Spidey, your arguements are null and void, not to mention absolutely ignorant and immature. When someone disagrees with your obviously unbacked statement, you call him names and tell him to
Spidey wrote:suck on a hose
Bush is NOT a strong public speaker, he doesnt brag alot abouth is achievements, which I'll get to in a moment. He is not the "dumzorest stup1d faggot" because he isnt good at public speech. If I found an activity that you cant do well and thrust you in the midst of it, how fair would it be if I called you a Faggot and possibley the most retarded human being on earth?
Bush has created myriads of new jobs and boosted the economy out of a rather strong depression. I guess if you spent more time watching the news and less time screaming flames at George to try and look cool, you'd know. The recent quarter in stocks has shown major improvement. War may not be necessary but would you like having to wonder if a few hundred nukes were pointed at you everyday? I guess so.

The point: War wasnt necessary, but hell, neither were the lives of around 26 million Iraqis were they? No, just keep letting them live in constent terror. Sure, the insurgents are here but they are a mild nuisance compaired to the reign of horror that Saddam was leading. Atleast now the Iraqis can stand a fighting chance! They have a REAL free army now. I guess this amounts to nothing because it came from a "faggot". Wars are ALWAYS costly. This war is absolutely nothing compared to say, WW2, or The Civil War, or The Napoleonic Wars, or even the Russo-Finnish War/The Continuation war. Dont complain, complaining only tarnishes the lives of the brave men and women that have fought to give the Iraqi people something they havent tasted in a good long while: Freedom, true, real freedom.

Go watch cartoons and leave the politics to the people with common sense.
And you're thinking that everyone else's comments are pure genius?

Look, I watch the news, I'm a pessimist (doesn't take a genius to figure it out either). I rarely look on the positive sides of things. Nothing I posted was political, but is a guy who claims "Brazil is big" in a public meeting of the World's most powerful nations really suited to be president? If his polls have gone lower then Bill Clinton's ever did, is he REALLY suited to be president? If he constantly says "Uhhh" throughout one of his speeches, IS he suited to be president? No.

Posted: Tue Nov 22, 2005 4:07 pm
by JS Lemming
spideyspiderman2000 wrote:Nothing I posted was political, but is a guy who claims "Brazil is big" in a public meeting of the World's most powerful nations really suited to be president?
He was obviously joking.
spideyspiderman2000 wrote:If his polls have gone lower then Bill Clinton's ever did, is he REALLY suited to be president?
These "polls" are a poor system of determining president popularity.
spideyspiderman2000 wrote:If he constantly says "Uhhh" throughout one of his speeches, IS he suited to be president? No.
His speeching ability is irrelevant.

Posted: Tue Nov 22, 2005 4:55 pm
by spideyspiderman2000
JS Lemming wrote:
spideyspiderman2000 wrote:Nothing I posted was political, but is a guy who claims "Brazil is big" in a public meeting of the World's most powerful nations really suited to be president?
He was obviously joking.
spideyspiderman2000 wrote:If his polls have gone lower then Bill Clinton's ever did, is he REALLY suited to be president?
These "polls" are a poor system of determining president popularity.
spideyspiderman2000 wrote:If he constantly says "Uhhh" throughout one of his speeches, IS he suited to be president? No.
His speeching ability is irrelevant.
What are you? A Bush supporter?

Posted: Tue Nov 22, 2005 4:57 pm
by JS Lemming
What are you? An illogical fool who uses poor come backs?

Oh, and yeah, I support Bush.