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Posted: Mon Dec 06, 2004 3:07 pm
by Wutai
I occasionaly enjoy Pokemon, but I prefer faster-paced games.

As for GTA, Vice City was fun, but I haven't played San Andreas.

Posted: Mon Dec 06, 2004 4:02 pm
by JS Lemming
Showdin wrote:They don't suck! You just don't like them because in the back of your mind it is saying "They are for kids. If you like them everyone at school would laugh at you." and yes San Andreas is sucky JUST BECAUSE IT IS GANGSTA! I actually really liked vice city because it was fun and non-ganxta! Everyone is just saying it is cool because it IS ganxta! because Gangsta is popular right now!
I don't hate pokemon because I'm afraid someone will laugh at me. I hate it becuase it is a tired excure for a game.... they are seriously ripping you off fool.

Posted: Mon Dec 06, 2004 4:30 pm
by Falco Girgis
I like the whole train yourself to be bigger and badder ass than ever approach.

That's where the NEStix combat is going now. Hrm... I wonder where we got that idea from...

Posted: Mon Dec 06, 2004 7:27 pm
by Dark Crusader
You dair say I fear my self image you mildy retarted Shit for brains dumbass!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! No I USED to like it but now I dont because I find no happyness in playing as a fagity little brat that catches little fussy things against there will! You know what that is? Poaching! Kidnapping!
I prefure mindless slautering of GTA, AND San Andreas is funny! Just you must play thru ( yes my spelling sucks. What of it?!) but nooooo! You make acusations just because the Ganstas in the game. :(|): :asshole: :evil: :fuq: :gunpistols: :machinegun: :sniper: :rocketwhore: :ninjagun: :flamedevil:

Posted: Mon Dec 06, 2004 7:36 pm
by Orgodemirk
Dude I started this topic on May 24

Posted: Tue Dec 07, 2004 5:24 pm
by Showdin
yeah and your just a poser goth! Nothing worse than a poser of any sort! ESPECIALLY goths! On the outside you want everyone to think you are all big and bad and evil but you are really a poser and I can tell because a real goth wouldn't be a member of some nerdy gaming site! You even want to think of yourself as a big bad and evil dude but on the inside you know you are not! You are just another everyday poser that hops on the bandwagon! Well I hope you are having a good time with your make beleive friend satan when you are burning in the pits of hell! Well all I have to say is FUCKOFF!!!!! :asshole:

Posted: Tue Dec 07, 2004 5:33 pm
by Guest
You douche, how dare you say that gangsta game is better than Poke'mon!? You sicken me, and I think you deserve a more fitting badge! Big Bold letters: "I DISS POKE'MON!"

Posted: Wed Dec 08, 2004 4:26 pm
by JS Lemming
Showdin wrote:yeah and your just a poser goth! Nothing worse than a poser of any sort! ESPECIALLY goths! On the outside you want everyone to think you are all big and bad and evil but you are really a poser and I can tell because a real goth wouldn't be a member of some nerdy gaming site! You even want to think of yourself as a big bad and evil dude but on the inside you know you are not! You are just another everyday poser that hops on the bandwagon! Well I hope you are having a good time with your make beleive friend satan when you are burning in the pits of hell! Well all I have to say is FUCKOFF!!!!! :asshole:

Just think about Poke'mon for a few seconds. Is it not true that they have released almost exact copies of the same game and simply gave it a slightly different name??? YES. If you don't believe you are getting ripped off.... you must have just been in love with the first one and hoped they would come out with a new better/cooler game... not a remake of the one you already have 3 copies of. I mean come on! What's next? Poke'mon off-white? Poke'mon yellowish-green? Poke'mon pale the last awakening after the last? Accept it and move on. It was cool 35 years ago but there is simply nothing new.

Posted: Thu Dec 09, 2004 6:42 am
by Falco Girgis
That's B/S and the KR will never conform to your prejudice ideals.

Posted: Thu Dec 09, 2004 7:37 am
by JS Lemming
KR? Oh and another reason I hate pokemon. Have you ever wished they would make a 3d pokemon game like the 2d ones? Where you could walk around wherever you wanted and everything. What do they do? They make a crappy game where you ride in a boat and try to take pictures of the stupid things. Truley pathetic.

Posted: Thu Dec 09, 2004 1:50 pm
by Falco Girgis
JSL, if you are stupid enough to buy both a red and blue version and such, you do that.

They didn't do it to trick people out of their money. They did it for variety. It's loads and loads more fun to trade with somebody who has another version without all of the poke'mon to give you something you don't have in your version. We don't go off and buy both versions.

You're really dissing the franchise for something that they did better. You can't deny you'd like to have one of your Metroid games with a Red and a Blue version. It adds variety. It's really stupid to diss a franchise for adding variety and strengths.

Have I wished for a 3D poke'mon? Hell no, I know they'd make it for the gamecube, and while that means it technically should be cool, no, Nintendo is turning every franchise into a 3yr old pussy type deal. Only good 'cube games in my opinion are the ones not made by Nintendo (a few exceptions metroid and zelda(zelda is sorta gay now because link is a baby)).

Poke'mon snap? Yes, it might of sucked, but it made a helluva lot more money than half your gamecube creations. I don't even like poke'mon snap so it's not like thats a leugitimate attack.

Posted: Thu Dec 09, 2004 5:46 pm
by Showdin
Yes, Yes. Very well said. I wrote something along those lines but my computer got all jarled and deleted it. You see, The good folx that make the pokemon games for people like me , Arce, and Gyro here.People that actually respect a game, and don't judge it before we even get to the fun part! They don't make the games for you! They could care less about you pokemon hater scumbags! They only care about the people that like them and the people that will buy them AND enjoy them!

Posted: Thu Dec 09, 2004 8:58 pm
by JS Lemming
We don't go off and buy both versions.
Dude, you showed me your collection when I went to your house. You did buy both versions. And I'm not trying to say that Game Cube has tuns of cool games with tuns of money makeing. That is the reason I own very few GC games. Only the gems, and what my parents get me :wink:.

Trust me, they aren't making more pokemon clones to simply please you fans.... its all about money.... everything is with that kind of franchise.

Posted: Thu Dec 09, 2004 9:05 pm
by Falco Girgis
JS Lemming wrote:
We don't go off and buy both versions.
Dude, you showed me your collection when I went to your house. You did buy both versions. And I'm not trying to say that Game Cube has tuns of cool games with tuns of money makeing. That is the reason I own very few GC games. Only the gems, and what my parents get me :wink:.

Trust me, they aren't making more pokemon clones to simply please you fans.... its all about money.... everything is with that kind of franchise.
Well, yes. I would personally like to own every version. But I don't go out and buy both brand new for like $30. If I see them at a pawn shop for cheep later down the road, you'd better believe that I being the poke'mon fan that I am will get it.

Yes yes, I want gamecube gems!

Posted: Thu Dec 09, 2004 10:37 pm
by Showdin
Maybe it is about the money, but still They DO think about the people that are going to play them when they are making them and not about the people that hate it just because they came out with a lot of versions and that it is an RPG that only SEMI (the key word) intelligent individuals will most likely enjoy! If you are a real gamer you have at least some respect for most games wether they are popular, unpopular, or just not your type. REAL gamers actually respect that one little detail that makes the game differ from all of the others, the one factor that makes it the black sheep in the herd of white sheep. Whether it is good grafix, a good story, entertaining gameplay, etc.