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Posted: Sun Aug 19, 2007 3:18 pm
by Wutai
I thought dinosaurs were supposed to be horrible and ugly?

Posted: Sun Aug 19, 2007 6:20 pm
by mofo joe
that.. was the whole point of the story.. dude it was... did you just miss the whole thing? he was a horribly ugly kid! :wtf:

Posted: Sun Aug 19, 2007 7:05 pm
by Wutai
I know he was ugly.. but why didn't they appreciate that earlier?

Posted: Sun Aug 19, 2007 9:27 pm
by Arce
Ugly by our standards. To them, uglyness by our standards is pretty. In other words, they have their own standards of looks, and he didn't fit theirs.

For someone who wants to illustrate children's books, you're quick to question children logic.

Posted: Sun Aug 19, 2007 10:22 pm
by mofo joe
Well it's kinda.. it's kinda like... have you ever heard of that Flavor Flave guy who is ugly as fucking hell? i'm not even sure what he is famous for besides getting some on national telivison. People would think he was ugly as hell if they saw him walking down the street like a normal dude. the fact that he is so famous is what makes people like him + his money probably. so basically we can conclude..
talent gets money.
money makes you famous.
famous cancels out ugly.
got it?

Posted: Mon Aug 20, 2007 5:56 pm
by Wutai
According to Arce, the dinosaurs would have praised the protagonist for his beauty at birth

Posted: Mon Aug 20, 2007 7:50 pm
by Arce
they have their own standards of looks, and he didn't fit theirs.
I wonder which part of that Wutai didn't understand? :roll:

Posted: Mon Aug 20, 2007 8:29 pm
by Wutai
Arce wrote:To them, uglyness by our standards is pretty.
You're saying that what is ugly to us is pretty to them. If that were true, they would have thought his snaggletooth was attractive, yet they didn't.

Posted: Mon Aug 20, 2007 8:39 pm
by Arce
So pull pieces of my post out of context and ignore the extremely obvious quote:
in other words, [yes, I put the words in two ways so simple minded foolz like you could understand them] they have their own standards of looks,
And I just love the way you're telling me what I'm saying.

Posted: Tue Aug 21, 2007 3:44 pm
by Wutai
Arce wrote:Ugly by our standards. To them, uglyness by our standards is pretty. In other words, they have their own standards of looks, and he didn't fit theirs.
Look! Up there! I DIDN'T SAY THAT! You did! I'm telling you what you're saying for reference, you "simple minded fool."

You say they think of ugliness as beauty. Look, since you obviously aren't the brightest, here it is. (Down there)
Arce wrote:To them, uglyness by our standards is pretty
You also said:
Arce wrote:In other words, they have their own standards of looks
Since you had ALREADY specified how their standards were different from ours, I really don't think any intelligent person can question what the quote directly above refers to.

My question was: If he was an ugly kid, which according to you would have made him pretty by our standards (seeing as how our standards are the opposite of theirs), why didn't the dinosaurs think of him as pretty from the beginning?

It really wasn't too complicated of a question.

Posted: Tue Aug 21, 2007 5:08 pm
by Arce
My question was: If he was an ugly kid, which according to you would have made him pretty by our standards (seeing as how our standards are the opposite of theirs), why didn't the dinosaurs think of him as pretty from the beginning?
I didn't say theirs were opposite to ours in all instances, nor did I say it at all. If you took it that way, not my fault--Inability to process a simple children's book would be your problem, not mine.
You say they think of ugliness as beauty. Look, since you obviously aren't the brightest, here it is. (Down there)
No, I didn't say that. You're using generalized terms such as 'ugliness' and 'beauty' as if it's universally accepted. The whole point of my post was to show that those two words are user defined, and I used words such as "to THEM" and "by OUR STANDARDS" to help to illuminate this.

Also, my post about the ugliness of dino's wasn't even targeted at the story, nor at your 'not to complicated of a question,' with the exception to the one part of the post where I said "and he didn't fit theres." It was in response to your "I thought dinosaurs were supposed to be horrible and ugly?" post. Hence, my post being below yours. Excuse me for not using the quote button--I thought it unnecessary, but you've more than proven me wrong. I was simply saying that Dino's, as referred to in your post, have their own standards of looks, because they're not universally defined. Then, I help to illustrate that by showing the unrelated case of that baby Snaggle not fitting the standard's of what his society would call 'beauty'.

In response to your childish question:
If you noticed, she used a twisted, children's logic on the Dino's, giving them something you'd call 'personification.' With this, she gave them the 'good looks' and 'nice fashion' and even the little cig. and shades. Obviously the dino's in the book were bestowed with a human fashion sense. And with that, I'm sure we could easily deduce that they were given a human's idea of 'pretty' and 'ugly', or at least close to it. Therefore, something a human would find atrocious (a gaping snaggle tooth) the dino's didn't appreciate.

So umm....Question answered? Get a life?

Posted: Tue Aug 21, 2007 8:15 pm
by Wutai
Oh yeah, sure. Whatever. The answer is clear to me now. You either think you know what you're talking about, or you've pulled all this bull out of your head, tried to cram it back in, and then just changed it altogether.

Oh yeah
Short-tempered fellow wrote:To them, uglyness by our standards is pretty.
Short-tempered, hypocritical fellow also wrote:they were given a human's idea of 'pretty' and 'ugly'
I'm not sure how those don't completely contradict each other, but if you can make some sense of it, good for you.

PS- While I'm "getting a life" (although I was almost certain I had one), you can go take anger management classes or something. You've got a problem, dude.

Posted: Tue Aug 21, 2007 8:39 pm
by Wutai
Come on somebody, throw wood in the fire. Keep it going!

Posted: Tue Aug 21, 2007 8:43 pm
by Arce
Short-tempered fellow wrote:
To them, uglyness by our standards is pretty.

Short-tempered, hypocritical fellow also wrote:
they were given a human's idea of 'pretty' and 'ugly'
Lol. Okay, this is when I know I've won.

So ignore my whole central paragraph, as well as main argument? You'd get nowhere on a debate team. Just to refresh your memory, and clearly show you how the two posts up there that you say 'contradict each other' in fact don't, I'll take a step back. Read carefully the below paragraph--It DID indeed exist before.

If my original text wasn't clear enough, I'll explain it one more time. One of the above statements is talking about Dino's in general, as society knows them, and one is talking about the story. Two different things. Two unrelated sentences, two different posts. And yet you seem to have it in your mind they can contradict each other when they don't, in fact, refer to the same subject? It's odd how your only arguments are fragments of posts taken out of context.
Also, my post about the ugliness of dino's wasn't even targeted at the story, nor at your 'not to complicated of a question,' with the exception to the one part of the post where I said "and he didn't fit theres." It was in response to your "I thought dinosaurs were supposed to be horrible and ugly?" post. Hence, my post being below yours. Excuse me for not using the quote button--I thought it unnecessary, but you've more than proven me wrong. I was simply saying that Dino's, as referred to in your post, have their own standards of looks, because they're not universally defined. Then, I help to illustrate that by showing the unrelated case of that baby Snaggle not fitting the standard's of what his society would call 'beauty'.
PS- While I'm "getting a life" (although I was almost certain I had one), you can go take anger management classes or something. You've got a problem, dude.
As a last resort to having just been disproved, you pull the "omg, you're mean! Go get help!" card? Okay, wow. Immature tactics, anyone? I'm taking that as you've officially lost? Other than calling your posts childish, and implying that you're a simple minded fool for not understand perfectly fluent English, I don't see that I've been 'angry' toward you at all. Then again, that's just me. I mean, I can definitely see how you can read my emotions so well through that computer screen of yours. And I do specifically remember typing "Boy I'm angry!", so yes, you're definitely right.
but if you can make some sense of it, good for you.
Yes, actually, I can, quite easily. And I have reason to believe that almost any other literate human with half a brain and the ability to reason could, also.

Oh, yes, and I'm interested as to how I'm being hypocritical? Or are you just being gauche and throwing random insults simply because I've proven my point?

Again, get a life, and grow up. You're only what, a month younger than myself?

Edit: For someone who was just so deeply affected by my posts on the personal level ("omg get anger management!") you're definitely contradicting yourself. "Throw some wood on the fire"? I'll take this statement as one of two things.

A) You just realized your immaturity of your posts and thus are trying to make it come off light-handedly, though clearly contradicting your previous posts where you were greatly offended and like "go get anger help"


B) You, like me, enjoy a decent debate, and though you originally went about it the wrong way, you've suddenly gained the temerity to continue. Digging yourself a deeper hole then? By all means, allow us to continue--I've made my point, and unless you're too immature to accept defeat, I'm done arguing, and would like to see another Children's book.

I really loved this one. Great job, Mofo Joe. Sorry to trash up your topic with borderline flammage.

Posted: Tue Aug 21, 2007 9:05 pm
by mofo joe
when the fuck did this converstation explode????!!! it's a fucking CHILDREN'S BOOK! ROFLMAo!!!!!