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Re: Pangea's Quest

Posted: Sun Nov 02, 2008 9:13 am
by dandymcgee
ultimatedragoon69 wrote:I want to make a better one but im not really good with the whole youtube saying stuff thing.
Well as long as it's not a tutorial, you probably don't even need to say anything. If you do use Notepad (provided you're a decent typist or have it prepared before hand). Just make sure there's some sort of music and it'll be fine.

Re: Pangea's Quest

Posted: Mon Nov 03, 2008 10:17 am
by Falco Girgis
And if you're a sucky typist, you can still pull it off by being a cheap ass like us. Depending on your video editting software, you can speed up your typing.

Re: Pangea's Quest

Posted: Mon Nov 03, 2008 11:57 pm
by ultimatedragoon69
i can type a little over 100 wpm correct spelling of course thats on a good day. I've been thinking about making some c++ tutorials like the real basics.

Re: Pangea's Quest

Posted: Wed Nov 05, 2008 12:05 pm
by cypher1554R
dandymcgee wrote:Well as long as it's not a tutorial, you probably don't even need to say anything. If you do use Notepad (provided you're a decent typist or have it prepared before hand). Just make sure there's some sort of music and it'll be fine.
xD hahaha..! that reminds me of my late video style.. :P

Re: Pangea's Quest

Posted: Thu Nov 06, 2008 3:51 pm
by dandymcgee
cypher1554R wrote: xD hahaha..! that reminds me of my late video style.. :P
I have no mic, so I don't really have choice :P. Besides that NOBODY would want to listen to me drone on for more that 20 seconds.

Re: Pangea's Quest

Posted: Thu Nov 06, 2008 4:38 pm
by danR369
Correct me if i'm wrong, your making a text-based rpg game. Thatas good BUT then you say 'which is hoping to transcend into 2d'. Firstly, there's a drifference between the two, if you want to make it into a 2d rpg, why start it out as a text based rpg? One or the other.

Re: Pangea's Quest

Posted: Thu Nov 06, 2008 5:01 pm
by MarauderIIC
danR369 wrote:Correct me if i'm wrong, your making a text-based rpg game. Thatas good BUT then you say 'which is hoping to transcend into 2d'. Firstly, there's a drifference between the two, if you want to make it into a 2d rpg, why start it out as a text based rpg? One or the other.
If he does it right, he should be able to keep the core parts (combat, inventory, communication, skills, stats, etc) intact and put a rendering engine on top of it. Might take some finangling to tie it in, depending.

Re: Pangea's Quest

Posted: Tue Nov 11, 2008 12:41 am
by ultimatedragoon69
i pretty much figured as far as the ascension of the game goes i'm just going to gut the game i'm making now with the code i've already written. Alter it a little bit, then put it back in. Of course this is more of a learning experience then anything else, I am hoping even though i'm using this to learn that everyone will like the end result. On another note i would rather not look at the 2d until im actually finished with this game.

Re: Pangea's Quest

Posted: Wed Feb 10, 2010 1:47 am
by ultimatedragoon69
I know this is sort of a necro post but i wish to revive this old topic, wasn't sure if i should make a new one or not but i think it's better to just keep the one that was originally created for it.

I want to first apologize for the lack of updates on this project, i've been incredibly busy with school and work and havn't had time to update it much. Because of school and work I also havn't been able to do much work on this project as well but I will give you the Low down.

-Now includes curses library and windows elements for color and printing

-has been drastically altered and now has a ItemManager class using vectors to create and store the items

game movement
-currently in the progress of altering the classes involved in movement (i finally figured out how to stop the flickering ~sigh of relieve) i'm also planning on making the map system more dynamically loaded in so i can delete and render maps more fluently in my code
-+Is now able to be loaded from files along with the color of the map and the ascii characters
-+functionality added and menu's tweaked

-I have been putting off this for far to long (i mean who would want to rewrite 25k lines of code) of course it turned out to be far less than i thought it would be when rewritten. The spells now are dynamically loaded objects instead of a static array. What that means is now i can make custom spells on the fly in game. i am however still working on this file but will been done shortly.

-been altered to work with the new SpellHandler class and to use a new more dynamic list of spells in the combat window.


I would like to thank everyone on the forum and on the irc channel for helping me with alot of my programming work and would like to say that this project has now become a much bigger priority to finish so i will update this 'hopefully frequently to let you know what's going on"

If i don't post on this game please kick me in the face!

Re: Pangea's Quest

Posted: Wed Feb 10, 2010 8:06 am
by Lid
Sounds really cool ill try it when it comes out :mrgreen:

Re: Pangea's Quest

Posted: Wed Feb 10, 2010 8:22 pm
by dandymcgee
Cool to see you working on it again. ;)

Re: Pangea's Quest

Posted: Wed Feb 10, 2010 9:56 pm
by ultimatedragoon69
Working On

-+I group these together because they all involve me changing code to get the spells to work with the game.
-+Spells Update

---The spell.cpp is finished and the spellHandler is nearly complete i am currently working on saving and loading the spells into seperate binary files and have one text file as a sorta library of the spell names so they can be loaded into the vector.On another note the spell files that is all 4 files didn't not go over 1 thousand lines of code which is way better then my original twenty-five thousand lines of code in the original file.

---gameMovementCoord.cpp i have decided to put this off until the spells are completely working again this will however be my next stop when spells are working.when i start working on this again i will implement some gotoxy function (thank you avansc for the help on that) that way i can completely eliminate the flickering but this will be last redundant info about the flickering.

---gameMovement.cpp this is the individual area's in a map which you can enter, this will however be rewritten for a more dynamic mapping system. I would rather load area's like these from file then to have to constantly change source code around the game.

well that is the update for today see you tomarrow.

Re: Pangea's Quest

Posted: Fri Feb 12, 2010 3:07 am
by ultimatedragoon69

-i've been trying for hours to get the code to work by writing my objects in binary files but it just won't work so i decided i'm just going to print them out in text files normally tomarrow.

Sorry for small update i've been busy today. next update tomarrow.

Re: Pangea's Quest

Posted: Fri Feb 12, 2010 12:48 pm
by GroundUpEngine
Cool project! :) are you still thinking about making it 2D?

Re: Pangea's Quest

Posted: Fri Feb 12, 2010 1:24 pm
by ultimatedragoon69
Yes i am, i am going to first finish the text version but i'm trying to write my code in a way that i can reuse most of it for the 2d one.