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Re: JForce vs. GyroVorbis

Posted: Wed Oct 29, 2008 11:29 am
by programmerinprogress
I just think it's silly how they seem to think there's some sort of a competition going on...

Your team is doing a project for your own satisfaction, and not to get one over on some other developer, it's a bad attitude to put down other programmers, you never know, you might just need their help in the future.

I wouldn't ignore them, it might be quite funny just to see them 'big up' their game, and put down yours, if they want to do that, they can, but while they do that, your team can get on with making your game!

It kind of makes me laugh, how hostile people can get online, I mean, we've all been there, on a forum or a chat room, when suddenly some user will just start mouthing off about someone or something, just because they know they can get away with it on the internet, it's childish, and basically that's what Jforce are doing right now.

Re: jforce vs gyrovorbis

Posted: Wed Oct 29, 2008 12:08 pm
by Moosader
I guess it's true... I don't have a girlfriend. ._.

Re: JForce vs. GyroVorbis

Posted: Wed Oct 29, 2008 1:19 pm
by Falco Girgis
Saw it. My response will be coming this weekend. I was surprised at the lack of actual ... anything they had. It was a bunch of personal assaults from a post of mine that wasn't even bashing their project. There were only a handful of serious developers who supported or subscribed to them, and I was one of them.

It's okay, JFail is in for it.

Re: JForce vs. GyroVorbis

Posted: Wed Oct 29, 2008 1:32 pm
by cronjob00
yeah I did think they took took the post the wrong way it just makes me laugh when people get upset over such little things yeah it didnt really seem like a challenge video it seemed like a bash video with a challenge at the end.

Re: jforce vs gyrovorbis

Posted: Wed Oct 29, 2008 1:33 pm
by cronjob00
LusikkaMage wrote:I guess it's true... I don't have a girlfriend. ._.
lol yeah they got you real good

Re: JForce vs. GyroVorbis

Posted: Wed Oct 29, 2008 1:34 pm
by ismetteren
Btw, are you going to accept the challange?

Re: jforce vs gyrovorbis

Posted: Wed Oct 29, 2008 1:42 pm
by Falco Girgis
That would be hot, though... just saying...

Re: JForce vs. GyroVorbis

Posted: Wed Oct 29, 2008 1:52 pm
by Falco Girgis

Re: JForce vs. GyroVorbis

Posted: Wed Oct 29, 2008 2:49 pm
by ismetteren
I was surprised at the lack of actual ... anything they had.

Re: JForce vs. GyroVorbis

Posted: Wed Oct 29, 2008 3:05 pm
by dandymcgee
You guys thinking what I'm thinking? TheNiceLordJ is JForce's internet alias! They're about to get owned a second time.
Which is all going to be done for the sake of nonexistant "sales." Haha.
Lol :P

Re: jforce vs gyrovorbis

Posted: Wed Oct 29, 2008 3:09 pm
by dandymcgee
^ lol

Re: jforce vs gyrovorbis

Posted: Wed Oct 29, 2008 3:11 pm
by Kleithap
GyroVorbis wrote:That would be hot, though... just saying...
Lol, yeah you might wanna give that a try :D

Re: JForce vs. GyroVorbis

Posted: Wed Oct 29, 2008 3:18 pm
by Cblyakov
ismetteren wrote:One guy coding (in XNA)...
This clearly wont be good...

Re: jforce vs gyrovorbis

Posted: Wed Oct 29, 2008 3:21 pm
by cronjob00
GyroVorbis wrote:That would be hot, though... just saying...
yes I would have to agree with that

Re: JForce vs. GyroVorbis

Posted: Wed Oct 29, 2008 3:23 pm
by ansatsusha_gouki
yeah i just unsubscribed .... :roll:

i felt like they didnt take game programming seriously....not saying making a game shouldnt be fun but all you saw in all their videos was them goofying around all the time and plus they hardly showed any actual game development...