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Re: I cant figure out how to program. Does this mean I have a lo

Posted: Fri Nov 21, 2008 2:52 pm
by Falco Girgis
trufun202 wrote:
GyroVorbis wrote:Programming is like sex. You start off with an uglier girl (a simple program), because you aren't very good at it. You're scared, nervous, and inexperienced. By starting off with the easier women, you can build up your skill and confidence for when the super hot babes (more challenging programs) come around.
:lol: Sure, 'Hello Worlds' can be fun, but you don't want to show them off to your friends...

That's exactly right. My first was certainly nothing to brag about. Nice boobs ... but I still remember those hips... thicker than mine...

Re: I cant figure out how to program. Does this mean I have a lo

Posted: Mon Nov 24, 2008 12:36 am
by StealthAsimov
I recall the first time I learned programming, and it was C++, it was damn hard at the time, but we had lectures in High School, I recall sitting up late most weekdays doing exercises.

If u really want to learn a programming language, start buy a good programming book, like "C++ from the GROUND UP" for example, then when u have decided what programming language to go with, then start exploring the standard API for that language, usually documented online. Then u will start to learn as u explore.
Most programmers use som kind of API/library in their projects, u don't want to write everything from scratch just to try out some cool stuff.

Re: I cant figure out how to program. Does this mean I have a lo

Posted: Tue Nov 25, 2008 1:33 pm
by Net-Ninjs
I had it easy i think. I decided to take a cource for c++ but it took me 2 weeks to complete the book since it was very short and extremly simple. The cource was for 6 months and it covered up to functions. though some of my classmates struggled, amazingly.

I would tip you guys about the book but its in swedish so... Maybe that's good tip, if you didn't in the first place, find a book in your native tounge. Also try finding onw with a slow tempo, that over simplifies things. Its easier to go from using it to learning it then from learning it to using it. So use the tools so later when you read more about them you get more of a aha experience. It's easier to remember that way, atleast for me.

Re: I cant figure out how to program. Does this mean I have a lo

Posted: Tue Nov 25, 2008 2:29 pm
by dandymcgee
Net-Ninjs wrote:Its easier to go from using it to learning it then from learning it to using it. So use the tools so later when you read more about them you get more of a aha experience. It's easier to remember that way, atleast for me.
I've never thought of it that way before, but you're right. I also find it easier to play around with things first and see what I can figure out on my own, then begin learning what I've missed.

Re: I cant figure out how to program. Does this mean I have a lo

Posted: Sun Feb 15, 2009 5:50 am
by MadPumpkin
Yes sir! If you can't program this DOES in fact, mean that you have a low IQ! :lol:

No just kidding... BUT, i STRONGLY, suggest that you learn something much easier first... I personally haven't started working with C/C++/C# yet. I have made a couple simple programs just to get the idea, but never anything of use or value.

I started with Macromedia's ActionScript2.0 in FlashMX and Flash8, which i am very skilled at now, (with the stuff i still remember) and i moved on from that, a LONG time ago. after AS2 i moved to BASIC then discovered BlitzBasic, and now, Perl.

In Macromedia ActionScript2 i learned a lot, especially since i technically started out in OOP. I can preform many worthless tasks and make full games and even tile based level editors, in flash.

In BASIC i said "hmm...."(3 hours later of reading and typing)"HMMM!!!!"(3 more)"HHMMM!!!!" and quickly said-"-naw fuck that". and moved back to AS2

But when i discovered BlitzBasic i got really into it, i was rushing through, making little games all over the place, and finally i got (semi-)good at it.

NOW! i am learning Perl which seems pretty shitty and im probably going to move on quite soon

AND in the past i have done loads of shit with other languages, like XML, (Very little)LUA, HTML, Java, and JavaScript yea... AND! Its all thanks to good ol' internet, and shitty ol' library

Re: I cant figure out how to program. Does this mean I have a lo

Posted: Tue Feb 17, 2009 2:36 pm
by Levio91
Old topic I can program now.

Re: I cant figure out how to program. Does this mean I have a lo

Posted: Tue Feb 17, 2009 3:39 pm
by MadPumpkin
oh lol well congratz
and don't ever give up! :)

Re: I cant figure out how to program. Does this mean I have a lo

Posted: Tue Feb 17, 2009 3:43 pm
by Ginto8
MadPumpkin wrote:oh lol well congratz
and don't ever give up! :)
:roll: And don't try to make an MMO, either. :mrgreen: :lol:

Re: I cant figure out how to program. Does this mean I have a lo

Posted: Tue Feb 17, 2009 4:02 pm
by M_D_K
Levio91 wrote:Old topic I still can't program now.

Re: I cant figure out how to program. Does this mean I have a lo

Posted: Tue Feb 17, 2009 4:14 pm
by eatcomics
I made a program that did my math homework for me... Can I make an MMO??? :lol: rofltaco

Re: I cant figure out how to program. Does this mean I have a lo

Posted: Sat Feb 21, 2009 2:51 pm
by MadPumpkin
Ginto8 wrote:
MadPumpkin wrote:oh lol well congratz
and don't ever give up! :)
:roll: And don't try to make an MMO, either. :mrgreen: :lol:
No, dude... seriously don't make an MMO... lmao-but im serious

Re: I cant figure out how to program. Does this mean I have a lo

Posted: Sat Feb 21, 2009 4:25 pm
by ibly31
To learn a language, you need to have a need for it, like I couldn't go learn perl, cuz I have no need for it.

I went like this: lua for a game called ROBLOX, TI Basic, javascript and HTML, actionscript, assembly( even harder than C++), C++ which I'm currently learning.

I suggest playing ROBLOX and learn LUA.

Re: I cant figure out how to program. Does this mean I have a lo

Posted: Sat Mar 07, 2009 11:26 am
by RyanPridgeon
Ginto8 wrote: :roll: And don't try to make PONG, either. :mrgreen: :lol:

Because I segfaulted pong
Double fixed.

Re: I cant figure out how to program. Does this mean I have a lo

Posted: Sat Mar 07, 2009 3:13 pm
by Kros
RyanPridgeon wrote:
Ginto8 wrote: :roll: And don't try to make PONG, either. :mrgreen: :lol:

Because I segfaulted pong
Double fixed.
Ownt pretty hard, imo.

Re: I cant figure out how to program. Does this mean I have a lo

Posted: Sat Mar 07, 2009 4:58 pm
by Arce