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Re: Game project looking for programmers

Posted: Thu Dec 04, 2008 4:30 pm
by Andy K.
I mean, I am not putting you down, and if you get these projects done, then more power to you!

But, to be honest, I have seen this so many times it's just a little fishy. Good luck in your Dev ;)

Re: Game project looking for programmers

Posted: Fri Dec 05, 2008 9:19 am
by erikgustaf
GyroVorbis wrote:How does one gain experience in "3D"?

And your Lua experience won't help much, because you have to implement Lua into the engine to even be able to use it.
My skills in 3d is to make characters, levels and weapons, and for the lua, yes we will make it compatible to our engine

Re: Game project looking for programmers

Posted: Fri Dec 05, 2008 5:23 pm
by Diablo vt
erikgustaf wrote:Hi, At the moment we are a team on 12 members, some are busy for the moment but its just for now when we are waiting to get programmers. you may contact me at

We would need 1 or 2 at php so you can make the site with domain etc.
You need to be experienced in c++ so you can write the engine/game, there is some more info at the site for this.
So basically we are looking for 1-2 for the web, 5-8 programmers that has experienced in c++ and lua if possible

If we become 20 members we may create 2 game stories at the same time.
So the first group with 10 members will create a 3d fps game based outdoor in the jungle for the most, the second group will create another fps game in 3d which should be based more indoor.

What we have:
sketchers: 1 of 2
Programmers: 1 of 8
Weapon modeler: 3 of 3
Vehicle modeler: 1 of 2
Character modeler: 3 of 3
web,design: 1 of 5
animation: 2 of 4
sound: 1 of 3
effects: 2 of 4
Photoshop and texturing: 2 of 4

More deep info if you contact me here (PM) or PM me at hotmail
Company name :
Gimarex Games

Brief description :
This project of the first storyline should be based in the jungle, we are not 100% sure but its probably gonna be US vs. Burma.
So most outdoor, The things you can do in the game will only the programmers know.

Target aim :
Demo of the game (limited) and then if you want the full release then you need to buy it to download.

Technology :
Any program you have on your computer mostly but all members use 3ds max for animation and the modeling, sound fx for sound, etc.
We will write the game and engine in c++

Talent needed :
3+ years game programming in c++ or lua as optional

Team structure :
Erik, I own this company and im going to release them, im telling everyone what to do, ofcourse i cannot do all this myself, sometimes im busy and i need a VD.
So we need 2 persons doing the license, marketing, economy part.

On the site it will come the positions about our members and what they will do.

Example. Lead programming: Johan S, Lead artist, Assistant Lead artist etc.

Website :
We will buy a domain later.
theres the job listed
Sorry but, I couldn't read all that. These kinds of posts make me larf. Making posts like that won't get you anywhere. Goodluck son. ;)

Re: Game project looking for programmers

Posted: Sat Dec 06, 2008 12:46 am
by MarauderIIC
Diablo vt wrote:Sorry but, I couldn't read all that. These kinds of posts make me larf. Making posts like that won't get you anywhere. Goodluck son. ;)
Well you're no help :P

Re: Game project looking for programmers

Posted: Sat Dec 06, 2008 1:15 am
by M_D_K
Dude your not going to get much help without showing off older work. And the way the laid out what you have on the team just shows total in-experience.

But hay I wish you the best of luck in your project.

Re: Game project looking for programmers

Posted: Sat Dec 06, 2008 1:40 pm
by avansc
i just read this. and im not sure how far they will get. i will say that it took me about a solid 6 months of programming a directX engine that could load quake2 levels, and you could walk around. saything that issent much, because having a engine is really only a minor part of making a game. yes you can have a game without an engine. but!!! what good is the worlds best engine, if you dont have good levels, good textures. good sound, etc... those take dozens of people to make. and people that are creative. i dont have a creative bone in my body. i steal and plunder other peoples idea. i can usually better them. but thats another issue.

Re: Game project looking for programmers

Posted: Sat Dec 06, 2008 4:59 pm
by sparda
Oh no,... Oh god,... Oh Jesus,... Not again.

Well, good luck in your deving, although a FPS is kinda overkill for starters. Why not try something on the smaller scale, like a 2d shooter or something. Or why not a much more realistic (and possibly profitable) platform like XNA. I don't mean to be mean (nice choice of words SPARDA!), but you're most probably going to fail, I say this from experience.

Re: Game project looking for programmers

Posted: Sun Dec 07, 2008 3:32 pm
by Hyppo
erikgustaf wrote:I dont have any credentials??

And why do you think im 12 years old...?
If you dont trust me, have a conversation with me and lets see if im 12 years old or not
Im 23
Well, out of a simple conversation, an age cannot be accurately determined. And this kinda makes me think of this vid that GyroVirbos once showed in one of his videos on Game Development.

Re: Game project looking for programmers

Posted: Wed Dec 10, 2008 8:05 pm
by Diablo vt
MarauderIIC wrote:
Diablo vt wrote:Sorry but, I couldn't read all that. These kinds of posts make me larf. Making posts like that won't get you anywhere. Goodluck son. ;)
Well you're no help :P
I had to say it. :lol:

EDIT: Where's XxStillAVirgin69xX at? =p

Re: Game project looking for programmers

Posted: Sat Dec 13, 2008 3:47 am
by MarauderIIC
Hyppo wrote:Well, out of a simple conversation, an age cannot be accurately determined. And this kinda makes me think of this vid that GyroVirbos once showed in one of his videos on Game Development.

Re: Game project looking for programmers

Posted: Fri Dec 26, 2008 11:35 am
by kadajett
I say more power to you! Even Gyrovorbis said in one of his videos that he has made multiple projects that have failed. Those failed projects lead up to a success eventually! (I think lol I wouldn't know personally :P I'm still in the failing stage lol)

Re: Game project looking for programmers

Posted: Fri Jan 16, 2009 3:11 am
by Aeolus
Did you not watch any of GyroVorbis's videos? If you have then why did you even make this thread?

As the great GyroVorbis said in vid 1 on Game Development Getting started:

"Leave dude why are you here? Why dont you go find RPGmaker and go do what all the other cool 12 year olds are doing! Cya later! *Waves*"

and then also in Vid 3 he said, You know what ill just provide the link and the time frame and you watch it. ... 98&index=2

1. Click the link above.
2. Let the video Load.
3. Fast forward to 4mins and 55 secs.
4. Watch till 8mins and 27 secs.

I know thats more about concepts but XxStillavirgin69xX's methods are very similar to this threads.

Re: Game project looking for programmers

Posted: Fri Jan 16, 2009 3:57 am
by Ginto8
:nono: I'm sorry, but I'm 12 and I'm not stupid enough to try anything beyond a pacman game at the moment. I certainly won't be even thinking of a 3D fps until I have a lot more experience than I do now. And you really have little to no programming experience! Don't try to make something like this until you've made a game yourself.

But anyway, if you have an idea for a game, here's the priority of finding people to fill positions on the team:
  • 1. Programmers
    2. Programmers
    3. Programmers
    4. Everyone else
Did I make myself clear? Don't try to start making graphics and storyline and other things until you have your programmers and you know exactly what you're capable of. You could have graphics 100x better than World of Warcraft, but without the programmers to implement them, they're WORTHLESS. Take this from someone who has read many posts like yours. You don't try to start a grill without propane or charcoal, do you? Then why should you make the game content before you can use it? :nono:

Just please don't fool yourself any more than your already doing (preferably fool yourself less). Otherwise, it won't be pretty. :nono:
