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Re: something i bet you didnt know you could do with pointers.

Posted: Sun Dec 07, 2008 10:08 pm
by MarauderIIC
Wrong URL?
Edit: Well, I guess I went halfway too far since the right definition is probably
MarauderIIC wrote:add parameters to the () operator or one of the constructors; this is just a simple example though.

Re: something i bet you didnt know you could do with pointers.

Posted: Sun Dec 07, 2008 10:12 pm
by bugmenot

Re: something i bet you didnt know you could do with pointers.

Posted: Thu Feb 12, 2009 12:43 am
by Aliuar2
LOL, I'm going to post some serious crap code that I wrote :)

Re: something i bet you didnt know you could do with pointers.

Posted: Thu Feb 12, 2009 12:56 am
by Aliuar2

Code: Select all

#include "stdafx.h"
#include "iostream"
#include "string"
#include "vector"

using namespace std;

class ParameterType
		isReturn = false;
	string TypeName;
	string Name;
	bool isReturn;

class ParameterLink
	void * data;
	ParameterLink * Next;
			Next = NULL;
			data = NULL;

class FunctionEntry
	string myLabel;	
	void * Addr;
	std::vector<ParameterType*> Params;
	void AddParam(ParameterType * Type)
		Params[Params.size()-1] = Type;
	void AddIntParam(string Name)
			ParameterType * myType = new ParameterType();
			myType->Name = Name;
			myType->TypeName = "int";
			Params[Params.size()-1] = myType;

	void AddStringParam(string Name)
			ParameterType * myType = new ParameterType();
			myType->Name = Name;
			myType->TypeName = "string";
			Params[Params.size()-1] = myType;
	void AddRefPointer(string Name)
		ParameterType * myType = new ParameterType();
		myType->Name = Name;
		myType->TypeName = "reference";
		Params[Params.size()-1] = myType;

class Character
	string Name;
	string Type;

	void ChangeName()
		this->Name = "Jack";

class FunctionTable

	std::vector<FunctionEntry*> Functions;
	void RegisterVoidFunction(void * Func, string Name)
			FunctionEntry * myEntry = new FunctionEntry();
			myEntry->myLabel = Name;
			myEntry->Addr = Func;
			Functions[Functions.size()-1] = myEntry;


	FunctionEntry *  RegisterFunction(void * Func, string Name)
			FunctionEntry * myEntry = new FunctionEntry();
			myEntry->myLabel = Name;
			myEntry->Addr = Func;
			Functions[Functions.size()-1] = myEntry;
			return myEntry;

	void * ExecuteVoidFunction(string Name)
		for (int x = 0; x<Functions.size(); x++)
				if (Functions[x]->myLabel == Name)
						void * myAddr = Functions[x]->Addr;
						void * myreturn = NULL;
								call myAddr;

						return myreturn;




	void * ExecuteFunction(string Name, void * params)
		ParameterLink * myLink = (ParameterLink*) params;
		void *  myReturn = NULL;

		for (int x = 0; x<Functions.size(); x++)
				if (Functions[x]->myLabel == Name)
						void * myAddr = Functions[x]->Addr;
						for (int r = Functions[x]->Params.size()-1; r>=0; r--)
							  ParameterType * myParam = Functions[x]->Params[r];
							  if (myParam->"int") == 0)
									int * myvalue = (int*) myLink->data;
									int mydata = *myvalue;

											mov eax, mydata
											push eax

							  else if (myParam->"string") == 0)
									void * myVoid = myLink->data;
									string * mydata = (string*) myVoid;
											mov eax, mydata;
											push eax;

							  else if (myParam->"reference") == 0)
									void * myVoid = myLink->data;
										mov eax, myVoid;
										push eax;



							  			myLink = myLink->Next;


								call myAddr;
								mov myReturn, eax;				

							for (int r = 0; r<Functions[x]->Params.size(); r++)
							  ParameterType * myParam = Functions[x]->Params[r];
										pop ebx;



							return myReturn;




string * doSomething(int Test, int Test2, string * Data, Character * myChar)
	cout << "Hello" << Test << Test2 << *Data;
	cout << myChar->Name;
	myChar->Name = "Sa22m";

	return new string("Hello World");

int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[])
	FunctionTable * myTable = new FunctionTable();
	myTable->RegisterVoidFunction(&doSomething, "DoSomething");
	FunctionEntry * myFunc = myTable->RegisterFunction(&doSomething, "DoSomething2");
	int mynumber = 10;
	int mynumber2 = 20;
	string * myData = new string("Test World");
	Character * myChar = new Character();
	myChar->Name = "John";
	myChar->Type = "Bob";

	ParameterLink * myLink = new ParameterLink();
	myLink->data = (void*) myData;
	ParameterLink * myLinkMain = new ParameterLink();
	myLinkMain->Next = myLink;
	myLinkMain->data = myChar;
	ParameterLink * myLink2 = new ParameterLink();
	myLink2->data = (void*) &mynumber2;
	myLink->Next = myLink2;
	ParameterLink * myLink3 = new ParameterLink();
	myLink3->data = &mynumber;
	myLink2->Next = myLink3;
	string myValue =  *(string*)myTable->ExecuteFunction("DoSomething2", myLinkMain);
	cout << myChar->Name;


	return 0;

Re: something i bet you didnt know you could do with pointers.

Posted: Thu Feb 12, 2009 1:01 am
by Aliuar2
Be nice.... but seriously I realize this is spaghetti nightmare code :) But see it's the intention that matters right?:))) This was an old scratch piece I put together when I was building a rule system.