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Re: We have been hacked.

Posted: Tue Dec 09, 2008 9:51 pm
by sparda
This is great. I'm sure all the guys here are just sitting back and enjoying the show :lol:
So let me not disappoint them :mrgreen:

God, you moron. You don't have to claim that you know more than anyone, because your arrogance communicates it implicitly, and consequently it permeates right through your words. You write in a condescending manner, and you always want to come out on top, like you're the expert in everything. You even admitted that "you're an ass," so there. IT'S OK NOT TO KNOW SOMETHING AVANSC, in which case you should STFU and just read other people's comments. Like I said, I'm no web expert, and I'm not afraid to admit it.

Remember how you were trying to somehow excuse the unportable use of malloc? And then how you suddenly referred to SOMEONE as a sub par programmer? And how I'd get fired in a job? As if I ever said "my post is a job inteview." And also how you called me a scriptkiddy? I think that more than warrants someone to call you a CUNT, you CUNT! 8-) Sheesh, If you actually think of what you're writing before you click on the "submit" button (and also checked your grammar BTW), you would not need to apologize for your idiocy, like you had to, to bugmenot.

And if you're actually excusing your way of writing because English is not your first language, THEN USE SPELL CHECKER ("Preview") (it's built right into this phpBB system). If I'd had to nitpick, the more prevalent problem you have is that you don't capitalize (e.i. "i love friday" as opposed to "I love Friday"), something which the spell checker PICKS UP AUTOMATICALLY YOU LAZY BUM!

PS: "I apologize master, by my alter ego took over... your writing skills are heresy... I mean, your coding is astounding master... " :worship: :bow: :mrgreen: :lol:

Re: We have been hacked.

Posted: Wed Dec 10, 2008 8:54 am
by M_D_K
Would you two give it a fucking rest! Usually I love seeing these fights play out, but Its like you have both taken on the persona of BJ and just start talking out your ass.

It ain't that funny when both sides are being idiots :nono:

Just forget about it!

Re: We have been hacked.

Posted: Wed Dec 10, 2008 9:20 am
by avansc
sparda wrote: God, you moron. You don't have to claim that you know more than anyone, because your arrogance communicates it implicitly, and consequently it permeates right through your words. You write in a condescending manner, and you always want to come out on top, like you're the expert in everything. You even admitted that "you're an ass," so there. IT'S OK NOT TO KNOW SOMETHING AVANSC, in which case you should STFU and just read other people's comments. Like I said, I'm no web expert, and I'm not afraid to admit it.
how does me admitting to be an ass, some how negate the fact that what i say might have some merit. your logic is flawed.
you have a double standard, if someone makes a ludicrous statement or comments about game design its fine to heckle that person,
but on another matter its not. i have never claimed to be the expert on anything. and the only thing i come on top of is your mom.
sparda wrote: Remember how you were trying to somehow excuse the unportable use of malloc? And then how you suddenly referred to SOMEONE as a sub par programmer? And how I'd get fired in a job? As if I ever said "my post is a job inteview." And also how you called me a scriptkiddy? I think that more than warrants someone to call you a CUNT, you CUNT! 8-) Sheesh, If you actually think of what you're writing before you click on the "submit" button (and also checked your grammar BTW), you would not need to apologize for your idiocy, like you had to, to bugmenot.
i still remain that if you use malloc(n) and not malloc(sizeof(n)) you would be considered not only a sub par programmer but a dangerous one at that. and its not my opinion, its fact. and its not PORTABLE!!! in the real world INT is not always 4 bytes.....and actually i said you were less than a script kiddy. i apologize that my grammar is shitty. i dont think its important enough to actually go through and check it. i mean if you get what im trying to say then the goal was accomplished. (PS: if you are such a douch bag about it: what is an "inteview"?) its obvious what you were trying to say so who cares if you didnt press the r button. but i guess we all have our little flaws.
sparda wrote: And if you're actually excusing your way of writing because English is not your first language, THEN USE SPELL CHECKER ("Preview") (it's built right into this phpBB system). If I'd had to nitpick, the more prevalent problem you have is that you don't capitalize (e.i. "i love friday" as opposed to "I love Friday"), something which the spell checker PICKS UP AUTOMATICALLY YOU LAZY BUM!

PS: "I apologize master, by my alter ego took over... your writing skills are heresy... I mean, your coding is astounding master... " :worship: :bow: :mrgreen: :lol:
again, im glad that by some poofter miracle, that if you have all your caps and commas that some how negates that fact that what you write is just a bunch of shit.

you wont be the first person not to like me, and certainly not the last. but you know what. i speak my mind and people dont ever wonder where they stand with me. and when i want to say something i know might make someone mad, I DONT GO AND USE A FAKE/ALTER EGO ACCOUNT!

ps: im glad you can act so tough and call me names. but we both know that if this was a face to face thing you wouldn't dare mutter a slur at me

Re: We have been hacked.

Posted: Wed Dec 10, 2008 9:21 am
by Falco Girgis
On a different note, I have spoken to TheNiceLordBJ. It was most definitely not him. Remember, we are dealing with the kid who couldn't disable his own firewall.

Re: We have been hacked.

Posted: Wed Dec 10, 2008 10:10 am
by programmerinprogress
it's ridiculous when people do this sort of thing, what do they have to accomplish from this?

I swear some people just want to be hated!

Re: We have been hacked.

Posted: Wed Dec 10, 2008 2:02 pm
by bugmenot
avansc wrote:i still remain that if you use malloc(n) and not malloc(sizeof(n)) you would be considered not only a sub par programmer but a dangerous one at that. and its not my opinion, its fact. and its not PORTABLE!!!
Actually, whether it is portable or not depends on the context where malloc is used. You are correct that int is not always 4 bytes but that is only a problem if that assumption is made with the code.

Going back to the original code:

Code: Select all

int main()
   int a=0, b=10;
   swap(&a, &b, sizeof(int));
   printf("a: %d, b: %d", a, b);

void swap(void *a, void *b, size_t n)
   void *buffer = malloc(n);

   memcpy(buffer, a, n);
   memcpy(a, b, n);
   memcpy(b, buffer, n);

This code is portable as where swap is called, sizeof is used on the same datatype type as the two parameters that are being swapped and therefore the code is portable. However, if the code was:

Code: Select all

int main()
   typedef signed long S32;
   S32 a=0, b=10;
   swap(&a, &b, sizeof(int));
   printf("a: %d, b: %d", a, b);
Then the code is not portable due to the reason you mentioned above.

Re: We have been hacked.

Posted: Wed Dec 10, 2008 2:12 pm
by avansc
^, yea it is dependant on situation. thanks for the clear examples.

i used it in a situation where it was not a problem, but got chewed out by the boss. and got lectured about it, and get hounded about small things like that.
you also run into a lot of problems when you know how many bytes you want to allocate memory for and hard code it, then later that dataype gets modified.

Re: We have been hacked.

Posted: Wed Dec 10, 2008 7:40 pm
by sparda
Well, I would have gladly continued, but M_D_K and the guys have spoken and its not fun for them anymore, so lets leave it at that.

Re: We have been hacked.

Posted: Sun Dec 14, 2008 9:46 am
by dandymcgee
avansc - Respected Programmer
sparda - Chaos Rift Regular

Well someone clearly did something right in Falco's mind, and I'm with Falco all the way.

Re: We have been hacked.

Posted: Sun Dec 14, 2008 11:09 am
by M_D_K
dandymcgee wrote:avansc - Respected Programmer
sparda - Chaos Rift Regular

Well someone clearly did something right in Falco's mind, and I'm with Falco all the way.
Rank is determined by number of posts. With the exception of Admin.

Re: We have been hacked.

Posted: Sun Dec 14, 2008 4:12 pm
by dandymcgee
M_D_K wrote: Rank is determined by number of posts. With the exception of Admin.
Oh. I was under the assumption that "Respected Programmer" was a special tag?

Re: We have been hacked.

Posted: Sun Dec 14, 2008 4:14 pm
by MarauderIIC
It is

Re: We have been hacked.

Posted: Tue Dec 23, 2008 7:17 pm
by M_D_K
MarauderIIC wrote:It is
My mistake.

So any further on figuring out who hacked you?

Re: We have been hacked.

Posted: Fri Jan 16, 2009 2:39 am
by Aeolus
I hate to say it but if you guys truly think you guys (Talking about the people that are chatting about dos attacks/ linux pinging) are going to fuck a hacker (Specially one that knows how to hack into phpBB which is a very secure site/forum/program/code) then good luck. If he is a good hacker than there will be no way you will even locate him.

But on the plus side glad to hear you recovered your powers. I suggest you make another account that is admin, note that you will never log in on it unless an emergency, so that if something like this happens again you can recover your powers almost immediately.

Re: We have been hacked.

Posted: Thu Jan 22, 2009 2:35 pm
by MarauderIIC
Can we un-sticky/un-global this yet?