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Re: Strike a blow for the indie scene!

Posted: Thu Dec 11, 2008 9:04 pm
by Falco Girgis
As a cynical bastard, I will admit that you have brought up great points.

I'm actually kind of turned off by his bragging.

Re: Strike a blow for the indie scene!

Posted: Thu Dec 11, 2008 11:15 pm
by Andy K.
Bob's Game is full of shit. Plain and simple. This game is just nothing but a bunch of stereotypical characters, in a boring engine. His bragging is undeserved and he should just fuck off. This is not a blow for the indie scene. If you want a blow for the indie scene you should check out Paper Moon or Dyson for starters. They are both newly released indie games that are amazing. Fuck Bob.

Sorry, but it just upsets me. I've seen this site a long time ago, he's not any better than jfail. It's just one of those subjects I feel passionate about.

Re: Strike a blow for the indie scene!

Posted: Fri Dec 12, 2008 9:58 am
by Slacker
Andy K. wrote:Bob's Game is full of shit. Plain and simple. This game is just nothing but a bunch of stereotypical characters, in a boring engine. His bragging is undeserved and he should just fuck off. This is not a blow for the indie scene. If you want a blow for the indie scene you should check out Paper Moon or Dyson for starters. They are both newly released indie games that are amazing. Fuck Bob.

Sorry, but it just upsets me. I've seen this site a long time ago, he's not any better than jfail. It's just one of those subjects I feel passionate about.
GyroVorbis wrote:As a cynical bastard, I will admit that you have brought up great points.

I'm actually kind of turned off by his bragging.
I share the same feelings as you guys, to me all I hear is... "OMG! I spent sooooo much time on this game, which is why you should buy it!" I don't know the way I see it is indie games should be a step up from a hobby, and last time I checked hobbies are something you WANT to do. I almost get the impression that he's being forced to do this game. This is the type of thing I would expect JForce to do when (read: if) their project ever gets finished... Nintendo isn't going to care about a petition, I mean hell, just look at the EarthBound petitions. Like many of you said, he should be out looking for a publisher, not being emo on the web.

Re: Strike a blow for the indie scene!

Posted: Fri Dec 12, 2008 10:42 am
by avansc
i cant believe im going to say this.... wow

i think you guys are being a little tough on him...
i mean yeah his attitude does put me off to, and yeah that game is not much for 5 years.
although i cant really say that because i dont know what it all entitles.
its clear that he has no social skills if he is locking him self up to get what he wants, which he wont.

instead, he needs to develop some kind of business plan, needs to set up meeting with executives or anyone he can.
needs to get publicity. needs to go have interviews. shit maybe even write a book. nintendo does not really care if the game is
good or shit, they care whether it can sell....

if he is so adamant on getting it on Nintendo, why not approach nintendo and say hey. i have been in communication with sony and
they want exclusive rights to the product and release it soaly for the PSP. thats not what my original intent was because i want it to be on
Nintendo. try and bring some "politics" in.

PS: im not saying this will magically make anyone give him a contract. im just saying it will be recieved better and give him a better chance
that what locking him up in a room will. also all that his blogs and videos say is that this is a game he likes. he needs to show possible publishers that its a game every kid on the street is going to like. in the gaming industry is really hard to get an original game made, because it evolves a lot of risk. never mind a original from an unknown.

Re: Strike a blow for the indie scene!

Posted: Fri Dec 12, 2008 1:44 pm
by Andy K.
I know, but his attitude is so bad. Look, a 20 hour retail sized game, though isn't rare from indie developers, is still nothing to snort at. What I was getting so fired up about is it doesn't really strikes blow for the indie scene.

If you want a game that strikes a blow for the indie scene, and was made by one person, go download Kyntt Stories. Which I would probably say is the best game to represent all of indie gaming, in my opinion.

you play a girl in a nightgown who explores a dangerous world with no weapons. You have perfect platforming mechanics, mixed with beautiful simplistic art and music. A game where you can really feel good about yourself, and feel really challenged, and most importantly fun.

The whole ideal of indie gaming is to not be bound by a company or company standards... To do beautiful, artistic, and new things while having some fun! The only con of being an indie developer is not having company funding, but many people don't even need that these days.

Bob's game, is just sorta an RPG with a bunch of stock characters in an RPG enviroment. But still, like I said, 20 hours of gameplay isn't something you should turn your nose up at, but the guy is such a dick about it...

Re: Strike a blow for the indie scene!

Posted: Fri Dec 12, 2008 7:11 pm
by avansc
Andy K. wrote:
The whole ideal of indie gaming is to not be bound by a company or company standards... To do beautiful, artistic, and new things while having some fun! The only con of being an indie developer is not having company funding, but many people don't even need that these days.

Bob's game, is just sorta an RPG with a bunch of stock characters in an RPG enviroment. But still, like I said, 20 hours of gameplay isn't something you should turn your nose up at, but the guy is such a dick about it...

errr... yeah.... just like the indy music scene is all about the pure music and what not.
now im not saying there arent people that are in it for that. but im sure that most people that actually release games online, do it for the perpous of building a
"resume" its all about getting some credentials.

im not going to invest 5 years of my life just for the hobby. there has to be some reward... some fiscal reward.

Re: Strike a blow for the indie scene!

Posted: Fri Dec 12, 2008 10:05 pm
by mllarson
One guy spends five years learning everything required to make a game--five years of his life--and you guys stick your noses up in the air.... "That's nothing!" you exclaim! "No need to draw attention to yourself, Bob! No one cares that you've made a little game all by yourself. You could have spent those five years better!"
So what you're all saying is, if a guy spends a majority of his free time creating a game that he wants to create, and wants to see his creation on a little DS card, no matter what, that he is somehow in the wrong? Seriously, Falco, Marcel, Peter, and co. are doing the same thing. They are creating the game that they want to create, for a console gaming machine. So if they suddenly wanted to get their game out on a current generation console (wii, XBOX360, DS, etc.) which requires in most cases proprietary dev kits, would you say the same thing? So the guy hypes up his game, so what? Wouldn't you do the same? Unhyped games are overlooked games, plain and simple. If the Adventures in Game Development videos didn't exist, would you be here right now? Most likely not. Why? Because the guys are advertising their game using said videos. It just seems wrong to bash a guy for going for the gold.... If you are the type to bash indie game developers, seriously, why are you on these forums? What about the guy who made the Noitu Love games? Or the guy who made Cave Story? Are you going to scoff at them as well? Pixel spent five years of his life making Cave Story for your enjoyment. If Cave Story came out on the Gameboy Advance instead of PC, would you want to play it any less? Maybe you nay-sayers should be less negative and more positive about indie games, especially on a forum for such a game.

Re: Strike a blow for the indie scene!

Posted: Fri Dec 12, 2008 10:39 pm
by avansc
mllarson wrote:One guy spends five years learning everything required to make a game--five years of his life--and you guys stick your noses up in the air.... "That's nothing!" you exclaim! "No need to draw attention to yourself, Bob! No one cares that you've made a little game all by yourself. You could have spent those five years better!"
So what you're all saying is, if a guy spends a majority of his free time creating a game that he wants to create, and wants to see his creation on a little DS card, no matter what, that he is somehow in the wrong? Seriously, Falco, Marcel, Peter, and co. are doing the same thing. They are creating the game that they want to create, for a console gaming machine. So if they suddenly wanted to get their game out on a current generation console (wii, XBOX360, DS, etc.) which requires in most cases proprietary dev kits, would you say the same thing? So the guy hypes up his game, so what? Wouldn't you do the same? Unhyped games are overlooked games, plain and simple. If the Adventures in Game Development videos didn't exist, would you be here right now? Most likely not. Why? Because the guys are advertising their game using said videos. It just seems wrong to bash a guy for going for the gold.... If you are the type to bash indie game developers, seriously, why are you on these forums? What about the guy who made the Noitu Love games? Or the guy who made Cave Story? Are you going to scoff at them as well? Pixel spent five years of his life making Cave Story for your enjoyment. If Cave Story came out on the Gameboy Advance instead of PC, would you want to play it any less? Maybe you nay-sayers should be less negative and more positive about indie games, especially on a forum for such a game.
whoa whoa whoa...

no one is saying its not an accomplishment, no one is saying the game sucks. no one is saying he shouldnt go for gold.

but the kid does have issues. like locking him self up. and talking about how the impossible was done. i mean really...
5 years. you could get a BS and MS in 5 years. so making a game(2D, with no new technology) in 5 years is by my reckoning slow. dead slow.
and he is not the first one man game. i dont see anything new about his game. its all rehashed things. and his attitude is horrible.

he states that he has over 15000 man hours in the game. okay. lets for a second assume thats true.
at a job paying lets say $35 an hour. which comes to a grand total of $525000 he could have made if he was a productive citizen.

now lets assume that, that number is a bit liberal. i say that because if you run the numbers they dont pan out so well.
365 days a year. i doubt he worked 7 days a week, so sub 2 for weekends. 365-104 = 261
261 * 5 years = 1305 working days. 15000/1305 = 11.5 hours of a day working. now im a lazy person, so 8 hours of work in a day for me is a lot.
im not saying that he didnt work nearly 12 hours a day. im just saying it sounds a little stretched.

so if he plans on not having his time (5 years) wasted he needs a couple of things to happen.
1. he needs to get a new attitude because no one is gonna touch a brat, bad PR.
2. he needs to either get at least 500k for his game AND a contract to work, or get at least 1mil for the game.

if i was him and i didnt get something out of this i would probably just off my self. and if i was his parents id kick him out the house. (jk on that last part)

ps: i personally hope the kid gets a license and gets something for his achievement. but i can just see him getting arrested for having sold coppies of the SDK to his forum buddies. just like that senator/.

Re: Strike a blow for the indie scene!

Posted: Fri Dec 12, 2008 11:03 pm
by mllarson
avansc a job paying lets say $35 an hour...
Where do you work? $35 an hour!? I'm clearly in the wrong line of work... :lol:

Re: Strike a blow for the indie scene!

Posted: Fri Dec 12, 2008 11:09 pm
by Andy K.
mllarson wrote:Pixel spent five years of his life making Cave Story for your enjoyment. If Cave Story came out on the Gameboy Advance instead of PC, would you want to play it any less?
WRONG, Pixel spent two years making Cave Story.

And "the guy who made the Noitu Love games" is one of my close personal friends. And NEITHER of them acted like a dick while promoting their game. Not to mention their games were FANTASITIC. Not just a rehashed RPG system with stock characters.

Also, Elysian Shadows is just an RPG game, but it has some cool mechanics (like the throwing item function and particle spray, etc.). Also, it's being developed for a "dead" (it pains me to say that) system that the team believes in, which in the beginning was the ONLY platform it was being released for, and then later for PC.
avansc wrote:
errr... yeah.... just like the indy music scene is all about the pure music and what not.
now im not saying there arent people that are in it for that. but im sure that most people that actually release games online, do it for the perpous of building a
"resume" its all about getting some credentials.

im not going to invest 5 years of my life just for the hobby. there has to be some reward... some fiscal reward.
Oh no, not at all. Indie gaming is totally about fiscal rewards, too! I wasn't negating that at all! Hell, a lot of my friends are making decent money from their indie creations. I'm just saying you can do some amazing things not being bound by a company. Unlike Bob's Game, which seems to be a REHASHED RPG SYSTEM WITH STOCK CHARACTERS.

Although, I haven't seen too much of his game so he might throw in some stuff that he's not showing... Doesn't negate the fact that he's boasting far too much. One man can create an RPG... It's not that big of a deal. (specially if it's just a cut-and-dry system OH LOOK! I CREATED A SWITCH EVENT!)

Re: Strike a blow for the indie scene!

Posted: Fri Dec 12, 2008 11:44 pm
by Moosader
I just don't think he should limit himself to DS-only. PC, XNA, Dreamcast, something a little more easily distributable would make a lot more sense, can be more widely played, and make more money.

Just my view, this is why I haven't bothered touching development on the DS or Wii like my ex has. It just doesn't seem worth it to have a game only available to people with pass cards and modded Wiis.

Re: Strike a blow for the indie scene!

Posted: Sat Dec 13, 2008 1:12 am
by teamtwentythree
I'm not trying to attack the work he has done. I'm just saying he seems like an arrogant ass, I dislike arrogant asses. I can see why his ammount of work would intrigue people, but its a turn off to me when you use it as the basis for why your game is good. The description of the actual game is generic and doesn't exactly keep me on the edge of my seat. And his trailer shows characters and then him running aroud and pressing "A" a bunch of times, I can't really determine the quality of his game from that.

And thank you for the Earthbound refernece, I played that for a short while (At a friends house when I was younger) and this definitely reminded me of that. As I remember that game was actually pretty fun at the time.

Re: Strike a blow for the indie scene!

Posted: Sat Dec 13, 2008 1:44 am
by sparda
As you guys have seen from my history in the forums, I really, really, dislike arrogance. For some reason though, this particular guy's arrogance is not really bothering me at all... insofar that may I say, he does not come off as arrogant at all?

Re: Strike a blow for the indie scene!

Posted: Sat Dec 13, 2008 5:04 am
by mllarson
Fine, then... strike a blow for the indie scene by buying Cave Story Wii when it comes out. ... nd-trailer

Re: Strike a blow for the indie scene!

Posted: Sat Dec 13, 2008 5:39 am
by mllarson
Andy K. wrote:
mllarson wrote:Pixel spent five years of his life making Cave Story for your enjoyment. If Cave Story came out on the Gameboy Advance instead of PC, would you want to play it any less?
WRONG, Pixel spent two years making Cave Story.
Pixel spent five years. He even says so in an interview!
TIGSource: How long did you spend developing Doukutsu?

Pixel: It's been five years since I first thought to myself, "Hey, why not try making a game?" I developed Cave Story at my own pace, taking my time, and while doing so I released a few other smaller games as well.
Andy K. wrote: Unlike Bob's Game, which seems to be a REHASHED RPG SYSTEM WITH STOCK CHARACTERS.
Rehashed... stock characters... you just described nearly every RPG ever made...
Andy K. wrote: One man can create an RPG... It's not that big of a deal. (specially if it's just a cut-and-dry system OH LOOK! I CREATED A SWITCH EVENT!)
So by that virtue, Falco, Marcel, Peter, Marauder, etc.'s game is even less of a big deal? I mean, if one guy doing it isn't such a big deal, then you are indirectly putting every game dev team down a level. Also, you are putting trufun down as well. He's making an RPG by himself. Maybe you should tell him how his game is not such a big deal either?

I admit that Bob comes off as a bit arrogant, but not nearly as much as most of you are saying, IMHO. While his arrogance could be comparable to JFarces, at least he has some tangible proof that he actually has a game. I honestly am rooting for the guy. I think his game should be released. If it is as good as he claims, then we can only win. If it isn't as good, then he will have learned a harsh lesson in the process.

I only started this thread to bring something I thought was neat to your attention. Instead it ended up being a "let's bash this guy's work LOLZ!" thread. Shameful.