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Re: Can I bitch a bit? =(

Posted: Sat Dec 20, 2008 12:39 am
by eatcomics
That's what I was saying all my friends hug evvvvveryone. Truth be told it gets annoying being hugged by five people randomly, half the time I can't tell who it is, maybe that's just because I don't pay attention :mrgreen:

Re: Can I bitch a bit? =(

Posted: Sat Dec 20, 2008 10:47 pm
by dandymcgee
eatcomics wrote:That's what I was saying all my friends hug evvvvveryone. Truth be told it gets annoying being hugged by five people randomly, half the time I can't tell who it is, maybe that's just because I don't pay attention :mrgreen:
If they're female and don't have a black-belt boyfriend does it really matter? :roll:

Re: Can I bitch a bit? =(

Posted: Sun Dec 21, 2008 2:45 am
by Falco Girgis
dandymcgee wrote:
eatcomics wrote:That's what I was saying all my friends hug evvvvveryone. Truth be told it gets annoying being hugged by five people randomly, half the time I can't tell who it is, maybe that's just because I don't pay attention :mrgreen:
If they're female and don't have a black-belt boyfriend does it really matter? :roll:
That's what I think too. A dude shouldn't care when women hug him. They should just care when their women hug other dudes.

Re: Can I bitch a bit? =(

Posted: Sun Dec 21, 2008 2:51 pm
by Andy K.
GyroVorbis wrote:
dandymcgee wrote:
eatcomics wrote:That's what I was saying all my friends hug evvvvveryone. Truth be told it gets annoying being hugged by five people randomly, half the time I can't tell who it is, maybe that's just because I don't pay attention :mrgreen:
If they're female and don't have a black-belt boyfriend does it really matter? :roll:
That's what I think too. A dude shouldn't care when women hug him. They should just care when their women hug other dudes.
I never cared too much, hugging is alright with reason. But when she hugs everyone, that's what gets annoying. And guys do it, too. I'm sure a girl would be equally annoyed.

I let my ex hug her friends, you can't be a controlling nazi in a relationship. :roll:

Re: Can I bitch a bit? =(

Posted: Sun Dec 21, 2008 3:29 pm
by Falco Girgis
I also know lots of dudes that walk into rooms and hug chicks at random like that. There's also a trend of them all being complete losers. No sauve, self respecting guy would do that. It's a sign of low self esteem to see a dude do that. Half the time the chicks say something like "he's weird" when he walks away.

I know, I'm oh-so-shallow. But I speak truths. It comes from being at parties and around shallow women so much. :)

Re: Can I bitch a bit? =(

Posted: Sun Dec 21, 2008 4:02 pm
by programmerinprogress
I agree, I have a friend who does it, the hugging thing.

Heck! he's even hugged girls who aren't single, and I've had one of the boyfriends come along to me and say how much it ticks him off! (he's also a very close friend)

Funily enough he's never hugged my girlfriend...I think he's known me long enough to appreciate that I wouldn't take it well (and I doubt she would either :lol: )

As a side note, I tend to be the guy who watches my friends get random hugs... I don't think i'm cute enough to be hug-worthy, but thats the way I like it ;)

Re: Can I bitch a bit? =(

Posted: Sun Dec 21, 2008 5:22 pm
by kadajett
I think hugging is fine as long as it doesn't go to far lol

Or mean more than a hug... :P

Re: Can I bitch a bit? =(

Posted: Sun Dec 21, 2008 8:11 pm
by Andy K.
kadajett wrote:Or mean more than a hug... :P
you can usually tell when a hug means more than a hug =P. The body language sets it off. But my ex wasn't a very touchy person except for with me, so she had a complex about hugs with others. Which is actually kinda amusing to watch. :lol: But she did hug her friends.

Re: Can I bitch a bit? =(

Posted: Tue Dec 23, 2008 3:22 pm
by MarauderIIC
If everybody gets hugged it loses its meaning of "I'm close to you". So it becomes meaningless and if your significant other does it, you lose a way to express affection for each other.

Re: Can I bitch a bit? =(

Posted: Tue Dec 23, 2008 3:23 pm
by Falco Girgis
I agree. I'm an affectionate, cuddly kind of guy. I like to hug and be hugged when I have feelings for a lady, so I want it to be special.

Re: Can I bitch a bit? =(

Posted: Tue Dec 23, 2008 4:43 pm
by trufun202
I've always been able to judge the meaning of a hug by the existence of the "the hand pat."

I've found that there are two types of hugs:

1. The embrace - where you can tell the person truly wants to share a moment and show their affection.


2. The hug & pat - where they kinda half-hug you, and they pat your back a few times. They might as well be hugging that weird uncle they see every 10 years.

#1 and you're in, #2 and you're through!

Re: Can I bitch a bit? =(

Posted: Wed Dec 24, 2008 8:30 am
by Andy K.
trufun202 wrote:I've always been able to judge the meaning of a hug by the existence of the "the hand pat."

I've found that there are two types of hugs:

1. The embrace - where you can tell the person truly wants to share a moment and show their affection.


2. The hug & pat - where they kinda half-hug you, and they pat your back a few times. They might as well be hugging that weird uncle they see every 10 years.

#1 and you're in, #2 and you're through!
You clever boy, you. =O

Re: Can I bitch a bit? =(

Posted: Wed Dec 24, 2008 12:39 pm
by Falco Girgis
...Sometimes I wonder if trufun is actually a wise old wizard that lives in a cave. When he's not informing weary travelers that the eastmost peninsula contains a secret, he is using his wisdom to better our knowledge of the universe via these forums.

Re: Can I bitch a bit? =(

Posted: Wed Dec 24, 2008 12:41 pm
by M_D_K
GyroVorbis wrote:...Sometimes I wonder if trufun is actually a wise old wizard that lives in a cave. When he's not informing weary travelers that the eastmost peninsula contains a secret, he is using his wisdom to better our knowledge of the universe via these forums.
More than likely. I bet he had to bitch extra hard to get a phone line hooked up

Re: Can I bitch a bit? =(

Posted: Wed Dec 24, 2008 7:28 pm
by Falco Girgis
M_D_K wrote:
GyroVorbis wrote:...Sometimes I wonder if trufun is actually a wise old wizard that lives in a cave. When he's not informing weary travelers that the eastmost peninsula contains a secret, he is using his wisdom to better our knowledge of the universe via these forums.
More than likely. I bet he had to bitch extra hard to get a phone line hooked up
Yeah, I bet that he and the dragon boss from the first Catacomb in Zelda split the cost of a T3 line. :mrgreen: