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Re: Pirate Game

Posted: Sat Feb 07, 2009 3:39 pm
by Christer
Thanks. Iam working with a new video where i will explain in detail about the project and how the game and editor works.

Re: Pirate Game

Posted: Sun Feb 08, 2009 5:22 am
by mgold07
I really must say I like the GUI, but, you say that you have a Graphics Artist but most of your tiles seem, out of place with each-ther. E.G: The chair and the wall, the chair is detailed and beautiful, but, the wall looks bland and distasteful. Sorry, just my opinion. I hope I didn't offend anyone and I hope my criticism is taken well.

Re: Pirate Game

Posted: Sun Feb 08, 2009 7:00 am
by Christer
Well I had to take some free graphics because my graphics artist was not fast enoth. I will change the graphics as soon as i can replace them with the new ones.

Re: Pirate Game

Posted: Sun Feb 08, 2009 9:10 am
by mgold07
I see, well that's okay, but if you need any help i'll be glad to do some graphical designs and stuff for you. I'm pretty good and pixel art ^^

Re: Pirate Game

Posted: Sun Feb 08, 2009 9:42 am
by Christer
Right now this is a school project so it can just be me and my graphics artist that can be working on this project. But when i end school this year i will have full controll over the project this meen any can join. But i think i will start another project after school with BlitzMax wich is alot better the Blitz3D.

Re: Pirate Game

Posted: Sun Feb 08, 2009 10:44 pm
by LeonBlade
The editor seems very slow... but other than that it looks really good, not very user friendly, but I'm sure you'll fix that eventually :)
Good job!

Re: Pirate Game

Posted: Mon Feb 09, 2009 3:22 pm
by programmerinprogress
Christer wrote:Right now this is a school project so it can just be me and my graphics artist that can be working on this project. But when i end school this year i will have full control over the project this means any can join. But i think i will start another project after school with BlitzMax wich is alot better the Blitz3D.
sounds like a good plan, keep at it ;)

from what I can see, you know what you're doing, just keep working at it!

Re: Pirate Game

Posted: Wed Feb 11, 2009 2:08 pm
by mgold07
School project, nice, I wish my school let us do coding projects T_T ><

Re: Pirate Game

Posted: Wed Feb 11, 2009 3:20 pm
by MarauderIIC
mgold07 wrote:School project, nice, I wish my school let us do coding projects T_T ><
Wait until you get to college and they start giving you ambiguous assignments (lol grading criteria what) while not teaching you coding basics (hope that you already know how to code, iow). Sweet.

Re: Pirate Game

Posted: Wed Feb 11, 2009 3:39 pm
by mgold07
Yeah, I know the basics, integers, variables, floating numbers, arrays, string, algebra :P simple :lol: Then again, my school failed at teaching us HTML xD

Re: Pirate Game

Posted: Wed Feb 11, 2009 5:23 pm
by LeonBlade
mgold07 wrote:Yeah, I know the basics, integers, variables, floating numbers, arrays, string, algebra :P simple :lol: Then again, my school failed at teaching us HTML xD
Failing at teaching HTML is an epoch phail of a fail...
What did your teacher do?

Re: Pirate Game

Posted: Fri Feb 13, 2009 11:51 am
by programmerinprogress
In uk school, code is frowned upon, and inevitably ignored. I had to go out there and see what there was to offer.
(indeed I remember being laughed at and given funny looks when I answered a question about which data type would be appropriate for a certain task...I said string, and no-one had ever heard the term, the IT teacher didn't give me the mark either :( )

It's kinda sad, since the UK was well known for it's groundbreaking research into computers and technology, from what I gather, 20 years ago (perhaps only 15) you used to learn BASIC in school!

Now it's all Spreadsheets this, and databases that. It gets better in college though (although we are using VBA, and not a standalone language, which is a little annoying)

Re: Pirate Game

Posted: Fri Feb 13, 2009 2:56 pm
by Chaos Clown
programmerinprogress wrote:In uk school, code is frowned upon, and inevitably ignored. I had to go out there and see what there was to offer.
(indeed I remember being laughed at and given funny looks when I answered a question about which data type would be appropriate for a certain task...I said string, and no-one had ever heard the term, the IT teacher didn't give me the mark either :( )

It's kinda sad, since the UK was well known for it's groundbreaking research into computers and technology, from what I gather, 20 years ago (perhaps only 15) you used to learn BASIC in school!

Now it's all Spreadsheets this, and databases that. It gets better in college though (although we are using VBA, and not a standalone language, which is a little annoying)
Yeah, I kind of had the same problems, it seems like if you want to get anywhere with programming these days, you have to teach yourself. My ICT teacher at school spent weeks trying to convince me not to take computing at sixth form, but he was an idiot.

It's a shame, since, like you said, in the days of the spectrum and such, there was a massive culture of bedroom coders, that gave rise to companies like codemasters and bullfrog. Now that's pretty much all died out.

Edit: Your game's looking good too! :lol:

Re: Pirate Game

Posted: Fri Feb 13, 2009 6:53 pm
by M_D_K
programmerinprogress wrote:In uk school, code is frowned upon, and inevitably ignored. I had to go out there and see what there was to offer.
(indeed I remember being laughed at and given funny looks when I answered a question about which data type would be appropriate for a certain task...I said string, and no-one had ever heard the term, the IT teacher didn't give me the mark either :( )

It's kinda sad, since the UK was well known for it's groundbreaking research into computers and technology, from what I gather, 20 years ago (perhaps only 15) you used to learn BASIC in school!

Now it's all Spreadsheets this, and databases that. It gets better in college though (although we are using VBA, and not a standalone language, which is a little annoying)
Yeah been there, still hate it. The schools here take a very business based look at computers. For instance my school has a A level course in Game Dev, but its all business related(well almost)the few exceptions are 3D modelling, and Game design. But other than that business.

I was ready to bitchslap a tutor when I heard how he explained the elements in a main menu.

Re: Pirate Game

Posted: Mon Feb 16, 2009 6:26 am
by programmerinprogress
I'm glad everyone agrees with me, so it's not just my schools then :lol:

My computing teacher talks a bit about how it used to be.

He has an old Acorn computer in the corner, he told me about when the RM people came in, and they replaced al the Acorns (where you could write in pure BASIC and write in Acorn assembly straight away) with RM PCs.

It almost seems if our schools and colleges (or at least the high up, management types) are ashamed of our past, it's sad really, because I love to program (not use the wizards in MS Access all day :evil: )