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Re: spum789

Posted: Mon Mar 16, 2009 5:29 pm
by Falco Girgis
Spum, I just wanted to let you know that you're being a little bitch. Do you happen to be an 8 year-old girl by any chance? I didn't read everything (well, at least not your posts).

No offense (lololol), but if you're as good at a programming language as you are at your native language (English), you have nothing to brag about.

Re: spum789

Posted: Mon Mar 16, 2009 6:44 pm
by Thanatos454
Kros wrote:Thanatos, I think you did the right thing in confronting this guy but, would've thought you could've done it a bit more elegantly. Being openly hostile on the tubes is a sure fire way for the person to never take a damn lick of what you say into honest consideration.

He definitely has an over inflated ego and is clearly new to this whole scene; nothing you said is wrong but, some of the terminology could've been kinder. You have to stroke huge egos like that a little to deflate them. (Rather than call him noob, take the time to say "new to the scene" or something similar; noob is generally an insult, etc)

But, yeah, good job.
Thanks and you are right... I shouldn't have used the word noob, whether it applies or not. I really did try to stay civil with these posts(or at least logical in my hostilities). I guess I failed at it. There were just so many areas where I was biting my tongue that I had to vent somewhere or I would have lost it. Ha ha
aamesxdavid wrote:Okay, I get your point - it's kind of fun. What I was getting at is that it accomplishes nothing. It's self-indulgent ranting that doesn't change anyone's mind about anything. Anyone who gave a second to listen to anything spum says will notice for themselves that he's full of shit. So your post doesn't exactly serve as a warning; it's like telling me the next kid I see who has Down Syndrome isn't going to teach me calculus - no shit. Spum certainly isn't feeling the burn, all you've done is cause him to rant back incoherently some more. You're beating on an ADHD kid with no central nervous system - he's too stupid to even know what's going on, it's not a challenge or anything anyone else couldn't do. You're doing it just for the sake of swinging your arms around. Okay, I'm done with that metaphor, I'm on so little sleep I don't even know what I'm talking about anymore. Just don't pretend it's something it's not, that's all.
Thanks for replying to him I've already sworn off directly acknowledging him. Pretending it is something it is not? Was/Am I doing that? Maybe I am just sadistic enough to actually beat up on that handicapped kid? Lol Though seriously not everybody is going to be able to notice spum's failures. There are inexperienced beginners out there who are blinded by overconfidence.

Re: spum789

Posted: Mon Mar 16, 2009 7:46 pm
by Kros
Thanatos454 wrote:Thanks and you are right... I shouldn't have used the word noob, whether it applies or not. I really did try to stay civil with these posts(or at least logical in my hostilities). I guess I failed at it. There were just so many areas where I was biting my tongue that I had to vent somewhere or I would have lost it. Ha ha
You probably did better than I would've been able to in a lot of situations. Twas a noble cause, hopefully he won't mislead a bunch of new and potentially great coders with his inexperience. Though, with tools such as YouTube, you can't really stop stupidity.

Re: spum789

Posted: Mon Mar 16, 2009 10:19 pm
by Argio
To quote my self, "LOL WUT?" Good job. Very entertaining. :shock:

Re: spum789

Posted: Tue Mar 17, 2009 12:17 am
by spum
Wow Falco I expected more out of a good programmer but yet again my faith in the average human fails me yet again. Thanatos. you've misquoted me every time, you only take the some-what bad and none of the good. But its ok I forgive your incompetence. I guess all of you other shitheads that posted here against me are noobs as well. All of my ideas/advice/suggestions are 100% correct, nobody can prove me wrong because I'm right. All of my suggestions can be backed by facts as I so mentioned in my post before this one. And your insults and so called "correct ways" are just you and other shitheads' weak and false idea's. Thanatos you've had no right to say what you said because they were false, you know that I'm right so just admit it. All of your little false accounts can go fuck off. And for everybody who agrees with thanatos about me having a big ego, ya'll can go fuck off. Not any part of my posts have been anywhere related to me having a big ego, its just some other false opinion that you've come up with. Once again thanatos you've lost, idk y you keep trying to say or prove that your right cuz your not. Plain and simple. Falco I was not bragging about anything. I was simply giving out correct and accurate advice. I don't have a big ego, I'm open to some kind of constructive criticism only when it can be backed by facts, but I do not take lightly to insults and offensive statements like the ones that this shithead thanatos has stated. Which is exactly how this whole thing started, All thanatos had to say was nothing because he was false in every single one of his statements, all he needed to do was sit at his computer desk saying "wow that's good advice". That's all he could've done because I was completely and accurately correct. And that's that, you got pwnd again thanatos. thats 5 to 0 in favor of spum.

Re: spum789

Posted: Tue Mar 17, 2009 12:27 am
by Argio
Argio wrote:To quote my self, "LOL WUT?" Good job. Very entertaining. :shock:

I recall this as being a victory for thanatos... It also increased the page size.

Re: spum789

Posted: Tue Mar 17, 2009 12:29 am
by cronjob00
Wow now you are starting to sound like the nicelordbj.

Re: spum789

Posted: Tue Mar 17, 2009 12:29 am
by MarauderIIC
Children, do me a favor and SHUT THE HELL UP. GOD. :lock: