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Re: "Where to Begin?"

Posted: Mon Apr 13, 2009 11:01 am
by davidthefat
Another good community is, covers from assembly to c/c++ even c# and java

"Game Making - Where do I begin?" video

Posted: Tue Aug 18, 2009 4:35 pm
by Moosader
Hey -
I'm working on this some more, and since I don't know much about all the different languages and engines, I thought I'd try to get some help.

I want to know about the more well-known games made with each of these, as well as features difficulty curve, and how much coding there is, and whether that's just scripting or not.

^ I see these both use Python scripting, but is that all the coding?

C# - What other libraries that are _for_ C are there besides XNA? DirectX can be used, too, can't it? What are some popular C# games?

Java - Are there any libraries for streamlining games with this?

What are some well-known / popular / good looking and polished games made with...:
* Python
* Java
* C#
---- Bop N' Pop
* BlitzBasic
* DarkBasic
* Dark GDK
* Adventure Game Studio
---- Yahztee's games. <3
* GameMaker
* Multimedia Fusion
---- Ainevoltas II
---- Knytt Stories
---- Merry Gear Solid
---- Noitu Love
---- I'm O.K.
* RPG Maker (are there any good games made in RPG maker? :P)
* Blender
* Panda3D

Basically I want to play some video clips of games made with each engine/language as I talk about the features.

I'm also addressing all those who want to make MMORPGs right off the bat. I'm trying to steer them more towards engines made for that sort of thing.
The only ones I could dig up were vbGORE, Xtreme Worlds, Byond, and Mirage Online.
Anyone have any experience with those? I've only played with Mirage Online

Thanks for any help.

Re: "Game Making - Where do I begin?" video

Posted: Tue Aug 18, 2009 5:30 pm
by trufun202
Moosader wrote: * C#
---- Bop N' Pop
::HUGS:: ;)

You might also consider Ogre3D in your list of available libraries. Ogre isn't specifically for gaming, it's strictly a graphics library, but there are some truly amazing projects out there:

Re: "Game Making - Where do I begin?" video

Posted: Tue Aug 18, 2009 6:02 pm
by Moosader
trufun202 wrote: You might also consider Ogre3D in your list of available libraries. Ogre isn't specifically for gaming, it's strictly a graphics library, but there are some truly amazing projects out there:
Yus, I'm going to put that under stuff for C++. I need to find out some others I've heard about.
I'm thinking of using Ogre3D instead of pure OpenGL on some friends' suggestions, but I haven't decided yet. ;x

Re: "Where to Begin?"

Posted: Tue Aug 18, 2009 6:57 pm
by JaxDragon
If you need a popular game for MMF2, use I wanna be the guy. VERY popular indie game. Lots of videos on youtube. And many lets plays.

EDIT: And theres also pygame for developing games in python.

Re: "Where to Begin?"

Posted: Wed Aug 19, 2009 12:58 am
by XianForce
Okay well for books:

Sam's Teach Yourself "Insert Language Here" In 21 Days/an Hour a Day

C++ Primer was pretty good, covered a few things Sam's didn't.

as for tutorials:

thenewboston on youtube has some great tutorials, and also xoaxdotnet has great tutorials

thenewboston's youtube channel
xoaxdotnet's youtube channel

Re: "Game Making - Where do I begin?" video

Posted: Wed Aug 19, 2009 1:02 am
by kamokow
Moosader wrote: What are some well-known / popular / good looking and polished games made with...:
* GameMaker
Slime Online / Slime Online 2
Goomba Online
10,000 BC (I think thats the name) <-- Not an MMO, but very popular
Untitled Adventure <-- Same as previous
Ample Legacy
Scandux Online
Stick Online

(I dont really use Game Maker anymore, but I used to be rather active in some communities, as well as I was a developer (and am still on the team... kind) of an MMO (not listed there cause it didnt get extremely popular)). Hope that helps ^_^

Re: "Where to Begin?"

Posted: Wed Aug 19, 2009 5:33 am
by Swattkidd
This game is made in java, it is not exactly done yet but its actually really entertaining.

Re: "Where to Begin?"

Posted: Wed Aug 19, 2009 10:45 am
by dandymcgee
Swattkidd wrote:This game is made in java, it is not exactly done yet but its actually really entertaining.
That's a really cool game, but I can only look around and destroy stuff.. if I try moving or jumping it immediately freezes for ~10 seconds. My computer is far from the latest and greatest, but you'd think at 2GHz and 1GB of ram it wouldn't be THAT bad. Not sure if it's streaming anything on single player though.. cus my internet sucks.

EDIT: Guess my computer really is that slow.. played it for about 3 hours on my laptop though. Making bridges in the sky was a blast. :lol:

Re: "Where to Begin?"

Posted: Wed Aug 19, 2009 4:52 pm
by Swattkidd
dandymcgee wrote:
Swattkidd wrote:This game is made in java, it is not exactly done yet but its actually really entertaining.

EDIT: Guess my computer really is that slow.. played it for about 3 hours on my laptop though. Making bridges in the sky was a blast. :lol:
haha yea that game is really addicting, I spent hours building (deblocking?) an underground cave, that was huge! until I struck water and flooded the whole thing :( :D!

Re: "Where to Begin?"

Posted: Wed Aug 19, 2009 6:05 pm
by dandymcgee
Swattkidd wrote:
dandymcgee wrote:
Swattkidd wrote:This game is made in java, it is not exactly done yet but its actually really entertaining.

EDIT: Guess my computer really is that slow.. played it for about 3 hours on my laptop though. Making bridges in the sky was a blast. :lol:
haha yea that game is really addicting, I spent hours building (deblocking?) an underground cave, that was huge! until I struck water and flooded the whole thing :( :D!
Lol a cave was the first thing I did.. then I decided to mine straight down just to see what would happen. I found out the generated levels already have caves and ended up getting stuck like 60 layers below the surface. Took me nearly 15 minutes to mine a staircase and make my way back up to land (during which the cave filled with water). :P

Re: "Where to Begin?"

Posted: Wed Aug 19, 2009 9:06 pm
by Pickzell
Please god don't tell someone to use MMF.
Moosader wrote:Hey -
I'm working on this some more, and since I don't know much about all the different languages and engines, I thought I'd try to get some help.

I want to know about the more well-known games made with each of these, as well as features difficulty curve, and how much coding there is, and whether that's just scripting or not.

^ I see these both use Python scripting, but is that all the coding?

C# - What other libraries that are _for_ C are there besides XNA? DirectX can be used, too, can't it? What are some popular C# games?

Java - Are there any libraries for streamlining games with this?

What are some well-known / popular / good looking and polished games made with...:
* Python
* Java
* C#
---- Bop N' Pop
* BlitzBasic
* DarkBasic
* Dark GDK
* Adventure Game Studio
---- Yahztee's games. <3
* GameMaker
* Multimedia Fusion
---- Ainevoltas II
---- Knytt Stories
---- Merry Gear Solid
---- Noitu Love
---- I'm O.K.
* RPG Maker (are there any good games made in RPG maker? :P)
* Blender
* Panda3D

Basically I want to play some video clips of games made with each engine/language as I talk about the features.

I'm also addressing all those who want to make MMORPGs right off the bat. I'm trying to steer them more towards engines made for that sort of thing.
The only ones I could dig up were vbGORE, Xtreme Worlds, Byond, and Mirage Online.
Anyone have any experience with those? I've only played with Mirage Online

Thanks for any help.
Game Maker is the most capable language here, besides MMF2 which is the Demon Spawn of Hades to most game devvers.
Game Maker
---Banana Nababa

---Transformers 3DG1

---Techno The Hedgehog

---Forefront Assault Online(if you were on Kinsures before TH7 died)

---Boxman and Boxbro( I hate it, but some people liked it :S )

---Hard Hat

Probably more but I can't think of them

Also if you want to make an MMORPG then get Elysium Diamond, a popular one made with it is Hyrule Online

Re: "Where to Begin?"

Posted: Wed Aug 19, 2009 10:26 pm
by dandymcgee
Pickzell wrote:Game Maker is the most capable language here, besides MMF2 which is the Demon Spawn of Hades to most game devvers.

Re: "Where to Begin?"

Posted: Wed Aug 19, 2009 10:34 pm
by wearymemory
Pickzell wrote:Please god don't tell someone to use MMF.
Where's your information coming from?

Elysium Diamond is a terrible multiplayer engine, the way it handles sending data is atrocious, not to mention unprotected. You have to be pretty damn good to do that engine any justice. The hardest part to get over is the fact that it was done in Visual Basic.

Re: "Where to Begin?"

Posted: Thu Aug 20, 2009 3:31 am
by ultimatedragoon69
Well when you place get's over run with water use the sponge looking blocks they make the water go away.