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Re: What puts you "In the mood" to dev?

Posted: Fri Jun 12, 2009 10:30 am
by AerisAndMe
FFVII soundtrack! Or strangely enough, techno.... And the free time weekends offer, of course. Energy drinks help. THUNDERSTORMS. If I either am feeling really good or really bad about myself. A good idea! Hmm.......

Re: What puts you "In the mood" to dev?

Posted: Fri Jun 12, 2009 11:29 am
by avansc
mmmm.. well thunderstorms make me wanna do something completely different.. lolz
strangely enough carrots. i like the crunching sound when i chew em. i think it like blankets all other sounds.
and they dont leave your fingers greasy.

also, buying a new book does the trick too. but i find baby carrots are cheaper.

Re: What puts you "In the mood" to dev?

Posted: Fri Jun 12, 2009 2:28 pm
by dandymcgee
AerisAndMe wrote: THUNDERSTORMS.
I don't like to dev when going outside is a better alternative, so when it's raining I find I'm always much more in the mood to work as well. The only really bad thing about working while it's raining is that my internet doesn't work when it rains here so it's harder to figure out certain things. :(
avansc wrote: strangely enough carrots. i like the crunching sound when i chew em. i think it like blankets all other sounds.
and they dont leave your fingers greasy.

also, buying a new book does the trick too. but i find baby carrots are cheaper.
That's about as far out there as you can get. Too bad I don't like raw carrots.

Re: What puts you "In the mood" to dev?

Posted: Fri Jun 12, 2009 3:25 pm
by eatcomics
I need a lot of time, a soda, some stuff to eat, a good idea of what I want done, and a positive attitude and... it can't be before noon.... But that's okay cause I'm usually not up till noon. :lol:

Re: What puts you "In the mood" to dev?

Posted: Sat Jun 13, 2009 7:57 pm
by rolland
Well, I probably wouldn't be using my computer in a thunderstorm, but definitely in the rain.

Re: What puts you "In the mood" to dev?

Posted: Sun Jun 14, 2009 12:14 am
by Rhys
Well, as I'm thinking of finding a games programming career, that's really my major drive. But I can't do any coding if I've just woken up, which is probably bad, as I wake up from 11am - 4pm. I generally start programming when it get's dark, around 7pm, grab myself 2 or 4 litres of homebrand coke, get my C++ book, and settle down in my groove on my couch with my laptop. The biggest problem I have is my timezone, being Australian I can only be on American prime time, when all my friends are only at around 3am, when I'm generally too tired to program, or move to bed.

For motivation, I'll watch some YouTube vid's, specifially Game Programming on the fly 1, and AiGD Chapter 16 Part 0 - Love the music when you guys bring in the food and setup the PC's, along with driving down the road.

I don't find my music, Viking, Folk, Death metal very motivating for programming, so I often read through some unknown source code and wonder what all the commands do.

Re: What puts you "In the mood" to dev?

Posted: Sun Jun 14, 2009 4:02 pm
by eatcomics
Rhys wrote:Well, as I'm thinking of finding a games programming career, that's really my major drive. But I can't do any coding if I've just woken up, which is probably bad, as I wake up from 11am - 4pm. I generally start programming when it get's dark, around 7pm, grab myself 2 or 4 litres of homebrand coke, get my C++ book, and settle down in my groove on my couch with my laptop. The biggest problem I have is my timezone, being Australian I can only be on American prime time, when all my friends are only at around 3am, when I'm generally too tired to program, or move to bed.

For motivation, I'll watch some YouTube vid's, specifially Game Programming on the fly 1, and AiGD Chapter 16 Part 0 - Love the music when you guys bring in the food and setup the PC's, along with driving down the road.

I don't find my music, Viking, Folk, Death metal very motivating for programming, so I often read through some unknown source code and wonder what all the commands do.
Yeah I usually like some other kind of noise, like youtube vids, or some heavy music :)

Re: What puts you "In the mood" to dev?

Posted: Sun Jun 14, 2009 10:02 pm
by trufun202
eatcomics wrote:Yeah I usually like some other kind of noise, like youtube vids, or some heavy music :)
I used to love to code with music blaring - especially techno or anything 80's, but now I prefer complete silence.

I fear that's a sign of getting old... :P

Re: What puts you "In the mood" to dev?

Posted: Sun Jun 14, 2009 10:50 pm
by StealthAsimov
I get in the mood to dev when I am listening to rock music, have some API reference(s) in my web browser loaded in the programming language I code and some terminals loaded with editors rdy to code, compile and test code and some problem identified to be solved. :)

Re: What puts you "In the mood" to dev?

Posted: Mon Jun 15, 2009 1:19 pm
by speewave
when i have the idea that i will be rich and famous :P like a rockstar job only, more nerdy and less media coverage :P ....

but seriously what puts me in the mood to dev. is when a good idea comes to mind, and the only way to stop thinking on the idea is to do it, granted nothing ever was finished of mine, but still ...
(and probably some metallica )

Re: What puts you "In the mood" to dev?

Posted: Mon Jun 15, 2009 5:37 pm
by eatcomics
speewave wrote:when i have the idea that i will be rich and famous :P like a rockstar job only, more nerdy and less media coverage :P ....

Dude me too, I always drink rockstar for the same reason :mrgreen:

Re: What puts you "In the mood" to dev?

Posted: Sun Jun 21, 2009 7:38 pm
by moose517
anymore it takes a lot to get me in the mood to do any devving. I've been so busy with other things that i just don't feel that i have the time to sit and accomplish anything. Although on the plus side i am working co-writing some commercial software. Its already been released but i'm helping put out v2 :mrgreen: :mrgreen: After this software i'll probably go back to learning game programming, if even that. I have programmed a 2d connect game but in doing so i felt that i didn't understand many more basic things in the process of doing it.

Re: What puts you "In the mood" to dev?

Posted: Sun Jun 21, 2009 10:39 pm
by Bludklok
I usually am motivated by seeing things in the games I play and wondering how that was made. Eventually my mind wanders off and I'm filled with ideas.

Re: What puts you "In the mood" to dev?

Posted: Mon Jun 22, 2009 5:02 am
by zapakitul
I usually get really enthusiastic when a game idea suddenly pops into my head, and I start making a prototype! Then I just have to find ways to keep my enthusiasm at a high level, if I want to finish the project.

Re: What puts you "In the mood" to dev?

Posted: Mon Jun 22, 2009 1:50 pm
by MarauderIIC
zapakitul wrote:I usually get really enthusiastic when a game idea suddenly pops into my head, and I start making a prototype! Then I just have to find ways to keep my enthusiasm at a high level, if I want to finish the project.
Incorporate shiny things that are huge and visible. For instance, putting color into my MUD engine was a significant boost to motivation.