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Re: The Official Exciting E3 News Thread

Posted: Wed Jun 16, 2010 8:07 pm
by eatcomics
EEEEEEEEEEEEWWWWWWWWWWWw that new xbox looks like shit... Its that horrbile glossy crap.. the angular-ness of it turned me off immediately (I don't like blocky consoles, well not for new gen anyways (wii's okay, its so small I don't really think of it as a console... its like... well just there) ) lets see you can't use the old hard drives which is shit and I didn't finish the video so I'm sure there's more

as for golden eye, I don't think the wii can do it justice, I'm just gonna break out my nintendo 64 kthxbai

Edit: I'm getting a 3DS though, they look sweet :D (can you say homebrew)

Re: The Official Exciting E3 News Thread

Posted: Thu Jun 17, 2010 1:56 am
by Thomas_Bates
I still think the new Xbox isn't worth it, nothing there at all appeals to me, it even looks shitty.

Re: The Official Exciting E3 News Thread

Posted: Thu Jun 17, 2010 10:24 am
by trufun202
Nintendo wins in my book!

I think I was most excited about Kirby's Epic Yarn. I love the art style and the game's innovation. Nintendo is bringing us yet another title with something we haven't seen before. The new DKC looks awesome, and I'm really glad they're going back to that series. Mr. Kong deserves it after all these years. I felt bad for Miyamoto when they had all of the hardware issues during the Zelda demo, but the game looks great. Others have reported that they played Skyward Sword on the show floor and the responsiveness was dead-on.

The revamp of Goldeneye...well...blah. What people need to understand is that Goldeneye was so insanely popular because it was the first of its kind for console gamers. PC gamers had been playing FPS deathmatch for years before Goldeneye. The console FPS has been greatly improved upon since then, and there is a long line of failed Bond titles that tried to recapture the Goldeneye magic. Let it go, that ship has sailed, you don't see Lady GaGa trying to revamp the Macarena do ya? (damn, I really hope that doesn't happen...)

With Microsoft, I admit, I'm kind of intrigued with Kinect. It looks a bit laggy, but this has huge potential. I look forward to seeing some serious innovation with this hardware. Once we're past the "party game" phase, hopefully we can get to some real titles. Thus far, all of the games are Wii ripoffs. Kinectimals? Nintendogs? ugh...

As for Sony, Kevin Butler was entertaining. After watching the socially awkward presenters for Microsoft and Nintendo, it was nice to see someone work the crowd. Buuuuut, Killzone 3 was meh...its an FPS...just like the every other FPS we've been playing for the past 10 years. Yee-haw.

In closing, thank you Nintendo, for your impressive showing - you win! :mrgreen:

Re: The Official Exciting E3 News Thread

Posted: Thu Jun 17, 2010 11:28 am
by hurstshifter
I agree with pretty much every point you made TruFun. I love games with innovative and quirky graphics so Kirby looks awesome. Nintendo really isn't holding back this year. I can not wait for the 3DS!

Re: The Official Exciting E3 News Thread

Posted: Sat Jun 19, 2010 11:53 am
by MrDeathNote
hurstshifter wrote:I agree with pretty much every point you made TruFun. I love games with innovative and quirky graphics so Kirby looks awesome. Nintendo really isn't holding back this year. I can not wait for the 3DS!
Agreed, i'm not sure whether i'm actually going to like playing the 3DS but I love the idea. I really do want to like it though, so I hope it's not a disappointment.

Re: The Official Exciting E3 News Thread

Posted: Sat Jun 19, 2010 12:38 pm
by LeonBlade
I don't think Nintendo really won the show.
All Nintendo did was make a rehash of all their old games.
They WIN because of the nostalgia element they get by releasing old games.
Yet you don't see people complaining about a new mario game if one comes out, etc.

And Microsoft's Kinect? All of that was still a joke, smoke and mirrors.
Did you ever once realize they just randomly started a game and was already in the action like the racing game for example.
They were steering the car, but how did they control gas or brake? They weren't from what I saw, I don't see anyway to control speed there.
Does the car go automatically? And if so, that's a horrible way to play a racing game, and I'd rather just use a damn controller.
How do they plan on having you walk in a game? You have no way to indicate you're moving forward...
The whole "you can look around a car" thing was just stupid.
And they start selling the damn thing like it was a piece of sports equipment!
You're gonna get the best workout results! I DON'T CARE ABOUT MY FITNESS I WANT TO PLAY SOME GOD DAMN VIDEO GAMES!

And you really can't come to the plate with "Killzone 3 is just another shooter" when that is really all there is anymore, and plus the game is in fucking 3D which is something that hasn't been seen before on consoles. I honestly think Sony put on the best show in terms of what's gonna be coming out.