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Re: Zombie Outrage 2 (ZO2 Updates)

Posted: Tue Sep 07, 2010 10:05 pm
by epicasian
I agree with eatcomics, can't wait for the beta :D

Re: Zombie Outrage 2 (ZO2 Updates)

Posted: Wed Sep 08, 2010 11:41 am
by MrDeathNote
epicasian wrote:I agree with eatcomics, can't wait for the beta :D
Agreed, nice job bro :)

Re: Zombie Outrage 2 (ZO2 Updates)

Posted: Wed Sep 08, 2010 2:49 pm
by TheAustech
Thank you all for your positive support. Today at lunch I was writing down some ideas on how to change things for the better. Luckily tomorrow I don't have school, so for the rest of today and tomorrow I'll be refactoring some things and possibly more optimization. If I finish before I gotta go back to school, then I'm sure I'll think of something. :P

But yeah, thanks a lot, it really helps. : )

Re: Zombie Outrage 2 (ZO2 Updates)

Posted: Thu Sep 09, 2010 1:59 pm
by TheAustech
Sorry if this is bugging you guys, seeing this at the top again. No video or media today. But I just wanted to keep you a bit updated. I did edit a lot of the classes. Almost all of them. So that's why there's nothing big on the outside. By that I mean there's nothing big to show off that you can visually see, or game play wise.

But as I said, most of yesterday was going to be refactoring and optimizing, and I got that done. So yeah, doing well. : )

Re: Zombie Outrage 2 (ZO2 Updates)

Posted: Thu Sep 09, 2010 4:56 pm
by eatcomics
Its always a good thing to do, although not the most entertaining thing in the world xD

Re: Zombie Outrage 2 (ZO2 Updates)

Posted: Thu Sep 09, 2010 7:03 pm
by TheAustech
eatcomics wrote:Its always a good thing to do, although not the most entertaining thing in the world xD
You guys are lucky I'm nice. XD
Thank eatcomics for this. I was gonna do it later, but I couldn't stand the fact that I just refactored my game today and yesterday. This isn't all too big but:

Kill more in one shot!
No Video today guys. ;)

Sorry for things looking a little... bleh
I reformatted my computer, and although I backed up my projects, I forgot to back up the tile set. Luckily I can easily re-get it. But today my mind wasn't focused on looks, just game play.

But yeah, happy eatcomics? XD

Re: Zombie Outrage 2 (ZO2 Updates)

Posted: Thu Sep 09, 2010 7:29 pm
by eatcomics
SWEET DUDE, shotguns are the most important guns in zombie killing

Edit: I wasn't saying don't refactor, just saying it sucks but it should be done xD

Re: Zombie Outrage 2 (ZO2 Updates)

Posted: Thu Sep 09, 2010 7:41 pm
by TheAustech
eatcomics wrote:SWEET DUDE, shotguns are the most important guns in zombie killing

Edit: I wasn't saying don't refactor, just saying it sucks but it should be done xD
I know, I was just being a dick and a smart ass xD

Re: Zombie Outrage 2 (ZO2 Updates)

Posted: Thu Sep 09, 2010 8:19 pm
by eatcomics
TheAustech wrote:
eatcomics wrote:SWEET DUDE, shotguns are the most important guns in zombie killing

Edit: I wasn't saying don't refactor, just saying it sucks but it should be done xD
I know, I was just being a dick and a smart ass xD
Oh well, I wasn't rejecting the update xD So your smart assness was just a benefit xD

Re: Zombie Outrage 2 (ZO2 Updates)

Posted: Fri Sep 10, 2010 5:43 am
by GroundUpEngine
MrDeathNote wrote:
epicasian wrote:I agree with eatcomics, can't wait for the beta :D
Agreed, nice job bro :)
Also agreed, your on a roll with this man! :mrgreen:

Re: Zombie Outrage 2 (ZO2 Updates)

Posted: Fri Sep 10, 2010 6:33 am
by clsDevAaron

Re: Zombie Outrage 2 (ZO2 Updates)

Posted: Fri Sep 10, 2010 1:43 pm
by TheAustech
clsDevAaron wrote:I remember talking to you in TinyChat!

Awesome videos, and screenshots though. Keep up the good work, and I also subscribed to you on YouTube. :D
Thanks man, I subscribed to you too. :D

Zombie Outrage 2 Bundled Update

Posted: Mon Sep 13, 2010 6:02 pm
by TheAustech
Sup guys, I have quite a bit to show off. So let's get started!

Melee weapons are pretty much weapons that you can always use and never worry about losing it. As the creator of ZO2, I had to constantly re-play it and test things, and I always ran out of ammo! :evil:

But now I don't. :)


The defect of this is that you have to get into close combat. The good thing about this is that it does reasonable damage.

Vehicle Fuel

Vehicles are very powerful. Perhaps too powerful. I don't want to take them out though. So right now there's fuel. When empty, you better get out. ;)
Another defect that's in the works is Vehicle Health.
Image <- Dammit!

Yeah, didn't see that color font coming did you?
Explosions are added, but not fully implemented.
("Well what hell does that mean?")

Explosions in ZO2 are their own thing. They just explode. Implementing them would be something like grenades, rockets, (Maybe a car exploding :shock2: [don't get your hopes up I'm not making Grand Theft Auto])

But they do what all explosions do. They have a blast radius, they emit light, and they blow shit up. I'm not re-making that for each thing like a grenade, rocket, car blowing up
("Seriously stop getting your hopes up. Especially you Falco, I know you're reading this").

Okay, I'm done with the quotations, parentheses, whatever. Let's show some pics!


A Charger Appears
Ripped off Left 4 Dead 2? Pfft, never heard of it... Okay yeah I did. I'm just a programmer, I can't think of original ideas punk.
Anyway, the Charger is like Left 4 Dead 2's Charger. Just a little dumbed down. It bigger, stronger, and bulkier than a regular zombie. I'll get into bulkier in a second.

The Charger at first moves like a regular Zombie. It will try to chase you. But if it gets close enough, it will charge in that direction. Bu like in L4d2, it will keep charging in that direction for a bit, even it it hits nothing. Poor little idiot.

It has about 3x the health of a regular zombie. And it is more dense (bulky). This little ass nugget charged my vehicle a couple hundred feet from where it was at. And you better hope it doesn't hit a corner of your car. Your ass will be spinning.
Image<- Didn't have a chance :(

So yeah, that's what's been going on. Thanks for reading and viewing. ;)

Re: Zombie Outrage 2 (ZO2 Updates)

Posted: Mon Sep 13, 2010 6:24 pm
by eatcomics
SUHHHHWEEEEEEET! heh chargers FTW and balance FTW!

Re: Zombie Outrage 2 (ZO2 Updates)

Posted: Mon Sep 13, 2010 6:35 pm
by Ginto8
HOOO-LYYYY SHIIIT! That's one big-ass, awesome-ass update, and I've gotta congratulate you on some stellar progress! I was more casually observing this project before, cuz I thought it was cool. But now, DAMN. I will NOT be letting this one out of my sight!