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Re: Please help a brother out!

Posted: Wed May 08, 2013 5:10 pm
by Arce
It's actually rather simple.

I do not have the time, energy, and ability to deal with people like you. The ones who do nothing but spread negativity and grief.

So I don't.

Nobody went out of their way to demand what I owe them. If it meant so much to them, why are you the only one bitching?

And should they, I will make good. At the expense of other friends, because I cannot do it myself at this time.

Re: Please help a brother out!

Posted: Wed May 08, 2013 5:25 pm
by Falco Girgis
No further comments. If you guys are all content with being scammed, I will spare my time and energy.

Re: Please help a brother out!

Posted: Wed May 08, 2013 5:40 pm
by Light-Dark
It's really sad to see someone abuse a "position of power" to essentially steal people's money and then blame it on them for not pestering you to get them the things that you promised to give them in return if they donated. Have some integrity and accept some responsibility for your actions by either giving people what they paid for or at the very very very least, apologize.

Re: Please help a brother out!

Posted: Wed May 08, 2013 6:29 pm
by Arce
It's really sad to see someone abuse a "position of power" to essentially steal people's money and then blame it on them for not pestering you to get them the things that you promised to give them in return if they donated. Have some integrity and accept some responsibility for your actions by either giving people what they paid for or at the very very very least, apologize.
I have no transaction with

Code: Select all
Did you donate from a different email?

Re: Please help a brother out!

Posted: Wed May 08, 2013 7:38 pm
by Light-Dark
I'm sorry for being a bit skeptical about donating, I considered it but after reading what Falco had to say and after reading what you have said I'd much rather take my business/money elsewhere. And it shouldn't matter if I donated or not to say that I believe that you owe some people some apologies for not delivering on what you promised. I also have every right to criticize you for doing something I and many others would deem dishonorable and/or wrong. That is just my opinion and if you don't like it or don't agree with it then so be it.

Re: Please help a brother out!

Posted: Wed May 08, 2013 7:49 pm
by Falco Girgis

Re: Please help a brother out!

Posted: Thu May 09, 2013 6:34 am
by MarauderIIC
MarauderIIC wrote:In light of Falco's post -- if you feel you donated under false pretenses or otherwise misunderstood the purpose, e-mail or PM me (e-mail preferred) and I'll gladly pay you back.
Since this has been bumped, and I had otherwise forgotten about it -- I can't be on the hook forever, so offer as it is written expires May 12, 2013 at 11:59pm Eastern -- through the weekend. I hope this is reasonable, as it's been outstanding for quite a while. I have not received any requests to date.

Otherwise, if you feel that you correctly understood the purpose, Marcel will hear your concerns regarding fulfillment.

Re: Please help a brother out!

Posted: Thu May 09, 2013 12:14 pm
by Arce
MarauderIIC wrote:
MarauderIIC wrote:In light of Falco's post -- if you feel you donated under false pretenses or otherwise misunderstood the purpose, e-mail or PM me (e-mail preferred) and I'll gladly pay you back.
Since this has been bumped, and I had otherwise forgotten about it -- I can't be on the hook forever, so offer as it is written expires May 12, 2013 at 11:59pm Eastern -- through the weekend. I hope this is reasonable, as it's been outstanding for quite a while. I have not received any requests to date.

Otherwise, if you feel that you correctly understood the purpose, Marcel will hear your concerns regarding fulfillment.
I more than appreciate this generous offer. You've been a fantastic friend for a very long time, and have seen me through some rough spots.

I will email everybody who donated to notify them of the expiration of your offer. I will also give them an eta on fulfillment from my part. Should any of them request to take you up on it, I will try my damnest to keep you out of it.

Re: Please help a brother out!

Posted: Fri May 10, 2013 2:31 am
by K-Bal
I feel a bit biased in this discussion. I haven't spoken to my older brother for the last seven years now and I wish it wasn't that way (didn't do anything wrong, he just doesn't want to have contact with his family anymore).

Keep the disappointment of Marcel not contributing to the project and his current life situation separate. If he were my brother I'd delete this whole thread and give him 200 bucks. I'd still kick him out of the team for being a lazy ass by mututal agreement.

Re: Please help a brother out!

Posted: Fri May 10, 2013 8:13 am
by Falco Girgis
I have hooked Marcel up with a job interview, taken a programming test for him, gotten his feet in the door, given him money for a drug detox kit (which he then spent on more drugs instead of detoxing), I have cooked him meals and hand-delivered them, I have given him money that he still hasn't paid me back, I have tried paying him to work on Elysian Shadows, something that I should never have to do.

I also offered to let him live at my house for a week or so, all expenses paid, while he detoxes from whatever he's on, on the conditions that he doesn't bring drugs or his druggie friends in my house.

Every single time Marcel has either taken advantage of me or declined my generosity. That's just me. That's not even mentioning our parents, who are far more patient and understanding than I am.

You cannot help a man who is not willing to help himself. At this point, the only thing I can do is force him to have a little bit of integrity and be a decent fucking human being. Hence my posts here. I'm not deleting shit. Marcel deserves this, and these people deserve their payment. If these were just some random people, I would not be self-righteous enough to get involved... But these are people who have supported us on a project for years that at least I still hold dearly to my heart.

I don't hate him, and I was just talking to him... This is not personal between me and him. This is between him and the people whose money he has taken.

Re: Please help a brother out!

Posted: Fri May 10, 2013 6:22 pm
by MarauderIIC
This isn't the place for a lot of this discussion, though, I don't think.