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Post by Guest »

Ok you are right about stopping this or using PM. the only thing I am angry at is arce's constant ill-conceived notions that everything is about him. It really pisses me off.
Again, it is not my fault that you are a complete dumbass and used my name in your post. You should have said Arse if you meant it as a word rather than a name.

Drakor, you are a fucking retard and you deserve ever bit of this flammage.
Last edited by Guest on Mon Apr 25, 2005 7:08 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Drakor »

ok. fine i guess i have to the man and make the first PM.
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Post by JS Lemming »

Finnally, a civilllllized member.
Small girl at the harbor wrote:Look Brandon, that crab's got ham!
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Post by Drakor »

Oh. Lol the whole Ecra thing is not me. (but I know who it is)

Ok…let me clear up one last thing …the throwing up thing. I guess it had nothing to do with the almost pound of jollies we ate and me not eating anything else that day?

Post by Guest »

No, I'm afraid you being Bulimic has nothing to do with the jollies, especially taking into consideration the fact that we ate the Pizza BEFORE the jollies. Not only that did you upchuck the pizza, but you should have seen how mad Hyper Shadow's mom was to find half eaten Granola bars all around the house. I pity the poor fool who cannot even finish a Granola bar and makes himself barf after pizza. :nono:

This topic was created by uncivilized people with the intent of a "battle." Sadly, Drakor, you would not accept my apology (see second post) and thus, I am not going to allow you to weasel you way out of this. In this topic I will post all your PM's along with my replies. You should have thought about the public embarrassment of being PWNT before you decided to start disrespecting me.

*goes to see PM*
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Post by Drakor »

Ok look ass. I didn't "up chuck" the pizza at his house first of all. It was at yours (if you have half the effort you put into trying to be such a douche into remembering stories straight.) because you where playing ddr and asked me if I wanted to and I said no I was not feeling good. And as for the nutragrain bars yeah I forgot to pick it up...ONE. After we got done eating breakfast I started to eat one then I proceeded to get ready for the motherload and left without grabbing it. You are such an exaggerator arce.

If you are going to try and make me look bad by telling a story at least get it half way right.

Oh and I don't fucking care post the PM. it'll just show how much of an immature twit you are. I try and leave every one alone, keep the forums from being cluttered with this nonsense and you have to be childish and bring it all back

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Post by Falco Girgis »


I thought you were going to PM him, Drakor? Guess that didn't work out now, did it?

Both of you are being damn immature. I don't care whose fault it is anymore. Drakor, even if you were right in the first place, we've told you to keep this crap in a PM.

That does it, war is over. I win. :mrgreen:

Post by Guest »

Aight, I would post his PM here, but I will not YET. His PM contained some rather personal stuff; in his PM he even said quote, "(kind of personal and didn’t want the world to know)."

His PM aroused mixed feelings. One of the main reasons I am not immidiately posting the whole thing and burning him raw is because he made it appear as though we may have a misunderstanding.

The following are clippings of his PM:
Drakor's PM wrote:4) Why do you think you are so superior to me? I never challenged you, I have said, and shown my respect for you on several accounts.
Drakor's PM wrote:2) Why the hell do you insist on not only having the last word but also trying to make others look bad compared to your obvious superiority. (by the way that was sarcastic)
Though these may not have the same impact on you as it does me, I'll explain why I think this can me pointing to a misunderstanding:

Drakor, like it or not, you were the one who started this. Yes, I did post dissing you first, but also posted a long apology that appears to have gone ignored. The whole reason I made that first post is because I thought that you, for no apparent reason, were dissing me.

Am I the only one who thought this? No. In fact, TWO other's posted before me (no names will be mentioned) and deleted their posts when they understood what you were not calling me names or dissing me, but were indeed dissing Hyper Sonic. My post was not deleted because JS Lemming had already posted after me, and if I deleted mine, his post would seem irrelevant and would no longer be related to the topic. So instead of deleting mine, I posted an apology.

You're second post pointed out that either you failed to read my apology, or you were not man enough to accept it.

If you were not man enough to accept it and really meant all that flammage, then I too mean mine and will not hesitate to post the rest of the PM and up this war to the next level.

However, I am also going to give you a chance to scroll through this topic and ask yourself weather you really meant your words or if you just misunderstood and/or skipped my apology. In this case I will entirely withdraw myself from this battle and buy the beers.

This decision is up to you; either withdraw from or elevate the war.
Drakor's PM wrote: If you have problem with me fucking tell me. (Besides your obvious need to having something to do so you do this crap)
As of now, I have a large problem. You started a flame war. :spin:

But, again, this may be a misunderstanding, which is how many other flame wars began.

Post by Guest »

First off, his mom found a second one on the bookshelf that was half eaten. We heard her telling our mom how messy you are and how you just left two of them laying around.

Secondly, you're totally full of shit about the pizza. You barfed, I said, "OMG! You just barfed up the pizza!" and you said, "Yeah, I'm too full." And you then said something else personal that I am not yet going to post.

Anyway, back on topic. It's amazing how much can happen in such a little time. You AND Gyrovorbis posted while i was still typing my most recent. Gyrovorbis even locked this topic, lol.

So, I guess that means you are not taking me peace offer? I am going to disregard your post and any lies/flammage/profanity/insults it contained due to the fact that you posted it without my peace offer having been posted yet.

I am asking straight up and expect a straight answer, peace or not?
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Post by JS Lemming »

Arce, by posting PM's of your little fued with Drakor you have totally destroyed the whole point of the PM war. You too Drakor for coming back here. I guess you fools think that if you post this crap in public that maybe someone will side with you. Doesn't work that way, so freaken take it to the PM and don't come back untill you've settled it.
Small girl at the harbor wrote:Look Brandon, that crab's got ham!
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Post by Falco Girgis »

You guys are both complete freaking retards.


Grow the hell up, everybody has already asked you to keep this crap in a PM.