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Posted: Tue Apr 26, 2005 4:17 pm
by Drakor
yeah my room is a hole in the wall....almost none of my personality is shown here. if you come in other than a few swords, my DC, a cabnet full of games, and my labrynth poster you would never now a teenager lived there. thoguh i do have a reson, my parents don't want posters all over teh walls and 'such' becuse when we have guests i have to give my room to them and i am banished tot he couch or the air mattress. :cry:

(oh and bout t3h tea thing BAWLS contains "guarana, a berry native to the Amazonian jungle that has more than twice the amount of caffeine found in coffee" but it is expensive so the teason why i mentioned the tea was this ->

BAWLS runs bout $16 a case (12)
the tea is bout $5 for 25 packets

much less expensive but i still enjoy bawls better

Posted: Tue Apr 26, 2005 4:29 pm
by FredDibnah
Arce wrote:That's a pretty badass tea! But, believe it or not, it does have "more" caffeine than Bawls, but no where near as strong.

It has a different type of Caffeine in it than Bawls. Bawls only has as much caffeine as coffee, but it's a rare type that is super flamming ass strong. We had a professional come in our school and talk about the different types of caffeine for one of the Enrichment classes; when he examined a Bawls bottle, he said it was the strongest type of caffeine he'd ever seen. :spin:

Anyway, back on topic.

My room has just been redone, totally. As many of you may know, I am sharing it with my little brother. We originally had the bunk in the middle dividing it, and I had my stuff on one side and he had his on the other. Now, we added in 3 full-wall shelves, got rid of our desks, and merged our rooms. It's really weird having two computers, two TV's, two N64, etc. in one room. When I stop feeling lazy and get to posting pictures, you'll see what I mean.
A "different type" of caffeine? Is there such a thing? If there is, I'm interesting in seeing some proof. Like the name of it, or the source that you got the information from. I'm not saying your wrong, I'm just curious.

Posted: Tue Apr 26, 2005 4:42 pm
by Falco Girgis
FredDibnah wrote:
Arce wrote:That's a pretty badass tea! But, believe it or not, it does have "more" caffeine than Bawls, but no where near as strong.

It has a different type of Caffeine in it than Bawls. Bawls only has as much caffeine as coffee, but it's a rare type that is super flamming ass strong. We had a professional come in our school and talk about the different types of caffeine for one of the Enrichment classes; when he examined a Bawls bottle, he said it was the strongest type of caffeine he'd ever seen. :spin:

Anyway, back on topic.

My room has just been redone, totally. As many of you may know, I am sharing it with my little brother. We originally had the bunk in the middle dividing it, and I had my stuff on one side and he had his on the other. Now, we added in 3 full-wall shelves, got rid of our desks, and merged our rooms. It's really weird having two computers, two TV's, two N64, etc. in one room. When I stop feeling lazy and get to posting pictures, you'll see what I mean.
A "different type" of caffeine? Is there such a thing? If there is, I'm interesting in seeing some proof. Like the name of it, or the source that you got the information from. I'm not saying your wrong, I'm just curious.
You should reread Drakor's post. No, there aren't different types of caffeine, but there are different types of things that have different levels of caffeine concentrate in them.

Caffeine is a molecule, that's like saying there's different types of Oxygen (which there isn't).

Guarana has higher concentrate levels of caffeine.

That's why bawls are so expensive, one drink can get you high for hours in insane amounts. While I love bawls more than any other drink in the world, you have to be particularly hardcore to get them due to their price and rarity.

Thank god my parents are cool. My dad buys all sorts of energy drinks (namely bawls), because he's a college student himself and all-nighters whether they be playing Resident Evil or study for exams are no stranger to him.

Posted: Tue Apr 26, 2005 5:23 pm
by Guest
That's what I meant by type. I'm just a dumbass who is no good with wording. As for proof, I'm too lazy to find some, and i have too much homework. Maybe later though.

Posted: Tue Apr 26, 2005 8:20 pm
by JS Lemming
Speaking of energy liquid. I saw a comercial for a new energy drink (at least new to me) called something like X andrenalin rush. And it showed these people spazing in the background. Wonder if its any good.

Posted: Tue Apr 26, 2005 9:10 pm
by Falco Girgis
JS Lemming wrote:Speaking of energy liquid. I saw a comercial for a new energy drink (at least new to me) called something like X andrenalin rush. And it showed these people spazing in the background. Wonder if its any good.
I almost got some at Kroger just today. I didn't realize it was new (though it might be).

Posted: Wed Apr 27, 2005 8:40 pm
by Wutai
I might be getting a new room this Summer. If I do, I'll put up tons of posters, and make it the ultimate multiplayer gaming "crib".

Maybe I'll be able to get JSL to come over with his digital camera sometime.

Also, I bought a can of that Adrenaline Rush stuff. It had that guarana stuff in it. It didn't give me any energy, but it sure did taste good!
The only good energy drink I've ever had was Red Bull

Posted: Wed Apr 27, 2005 9:23 pm
by Falco Girgis
Wutai wrote:I might be getting a new room this Summer. If I do, I'll put up tons of posters, and make it the ultimate multiplayer gaming "crib".

Maybe I'll be able to get JSL to come over with his digital camera sometime.

Also, I bought a can of that Adrenaline Rush stuff. It had that guarana stuff in it. It didn't give me any energy, but it sure did taste good!
The only good energy drink I've ever had was Red Bull
My friend, Red Bull is water compared to Bawls and/or Rip-It.

Posted: Wed Apr 27, 2005 9:30 pm
by Wutai
How so?

Give me nutritional facts!

Posted: Thu Apr 28, 2005 7:40 am
by Dark Crusader
Ok ok! I have a question! Why the hell are you willing to show yourself in pics and even your room but you dont want people to use your name?

My room is in the caverns of my basement, mine is more a hole in the floor.

Posted: Thu Apr 28, 2005 9:26 pm
by Wutai
I don't quite understand that either.

Tell us, @#$%&.

Posted: Thu Apr 28, 2005 9:59 pm
by Falco Girgis
Well, for one people have a right to their privacy.

Me personally? I couldn't give less of a damn. My name is Falco Alexander Jaenisch, my phone number is 325-3737. Hell, want my address and an order of large fries with that?

The fact is that if my name is GYROVORBIS and everybody is like HEY FALCO BLAH BLAH, it's really retarded. Then people will come in and go... I don't see a Falco. It'll get all confusing and mixed up. That's the kind of junky, trashed up, garbage forum I'm trying to avoid. That's the kind of forum Dark Crusader is probably working towards.

Posted: Fri Apr 29, 2005 7:34 am
by Dark Crusader
Cripes! He knows too much!
Oh..I understand, but still your just showing those pesky ninjas how to get into your room!