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Re: IRC lulz

Posted: Thu Sep 24, 2009 9:32 am
by Bakkon

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<AerisAndMe> Buh-KAWN!

Re: IRC lulz

Posted: Thu Sep 24, 2009 1:33 pm
by M_D_K
K-Bal wrote:He probably did not name himself stupidnoob, did he? :D
actually he did.

Re: IRC lulz

Posted: Thu Sep 24, 2009 6:13 pm
by K-Bal
M_D_K wrote:
K-Bal wrote:He probably did not name himself stupidnoob, did he? :D
actually he did.
At least he has a realistic view on things.

Re: IRC lulz

Posted: Thu Sep 24, 2009 8:56 pm
by logank9
Posted because Gyro told me to :worship:

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-->| Pedro (i=Pedro@ has joined #elysian_shadows
 <Pedro> Hello
 <Pedro> Any windows user on here?, i need some help =] (Newbye questions)
 * M_D_K points at qpHalcy0n
 -->| avansc ( has joined #elysian_shadows
 <Bakkon> The Office is on!
 <M_D_K> so
 <lVlort> you know it's gonna be shit easy when you spell "newbie" wrong
 <lVlort> lol
 <lVlort> anyway pedro I'm on windows
 <avansc> i know
 <lVlort> wassup?
 <avansc> im watcing it right nizzle
 * M_D_K cracks if his iTouch is returned to factory defaults
 <M_D_K> checs*
 <M_D_K> checks*
 <lVlort> lawl
 <M_D_K> it be doing right now
 <M_D_K> :D
 <M_D_K> next step
 <M_D_K> jailbreak
 |<-- avansc has left freenode ("sleeping with dragons")
 <Jaus> Pedro I am on Windows aswell
 |<-- Juan has left freenode (Remote closed the connection)
 -->| |Juan| ( has joined #elysian_shadows
 =-= |Juan| is now known as Juan
 <Kadajett> LVLORT?
 <lVlort> KADAJETT?
 <Kadajett> what language are you using?
 <lVlort> c++
 <Kadajett> oh
 <Kadajett> then about your class question
 <Kadajett> ummm...
 <Kadajett> It shouldn't make it null if I recall correctly
 <lVlort> what would it be?
 <Kadajett> I haven't used c++ in a while though lol
 <Kadajett> Is it saying its null?
 <Kadajett> Did you make sure to return the correct type?
 <lVlort> no
 <lVlort> err
 <Kadajett> well you shouldnt have to in the constructer
 <Kadajett> ummmm post your class at pastebin?
 <lVlort> the "no" was to "Is it saying its null?"
 <lVlort> I haven't tried it yet
 <Kadajett> oh lol
 <Kadajett> Nvm then :P
 <lVlort> lol
 <qpHalcy0n> kback
 -->| GyroVorbis ( has joined #elysian_shadows
 <Pedro> I may spell newbie wrong and many other things
 =-= GyroVorbis is now known as Guest71124
 <Pedro> because 1: i dont speak proper english
 <Pedro> 2: im not trying to use proper grammar neither
 <lVlort> it's OK, just jokin with ya ;)
 <Pedro> ok, im officially adicted to crookers
 <Pedro> well... about the DLL
 <lVlort> ?
 <Pedro> as i said, im usually in linux, so never needed dlls
 <Bakkon> lol Dwight
 <Pedro> now ill use client functions
 <Pedro> and the easyest way is to inject a dll
 <Pedro> so im moving all my functions to the DLL
 <Pedro> but i have no idea how the dll works
 <lVlort> shit, I suck with DLLs
 <Pedro> just made something, basic dll
 <Pedro> and didnt work
 <Pedro> just to try
 <Pedro> test it
 -->| avansc ( has joined #elysian_shadows
 <Pedro> and it didnt work
 <avansc> omg
 <avansc> for an instant i read pedo
 <Pedro> xD
 <Pedro> lmao
 <qpHalcy0n> lol they arent making it a secret anymore are they :P
 <lVlort> lol
 <Pedro> ok, ill make simple dll
 <Pedro> nono, simple funct
 <Pedro> then i move it to dll
 <avansc> sure you will
 <Pedro> when i make it work, then i move all my functs
 <Pedro> that will be enough
 =-= Guest71124 is now known as GyroVorbis
 <avansc> interesting...
 <Pedro> ok, now lets move it to dll
 <Pedro> who help
 <Pedro> =]
 <Pedro> it works, just tested it
 <Pedro> now go move it to dll, i inject, should work too
 <GyroVorbis> ...
 <GyroVorbis> What's going on?
 <avansc> are you doing copious amounts of cocaine, meth, or something alike...
 <GyroVorbis> He's "injecting" a DLL.
 <Pedro> no
 <Pedro> ok, ill explain it again
 <avansc> nothing
 <avansc> nothanks
 <qpHalcy0n> I dont see what there is in there to export....those are both Win32 functions
 <Pedro> i didnt EVER using a DLL, because didnt need to...
 <GyroVorbis> Is Pedro a poser?
 <qpHalcy0n> Iunno, but he's one 'r' away from "pedo"
 <Pedro> now ill use functions of the client, to make EASYEST bot, and some other stuff, not cracking
 <Pedro> i need full access or either i fully inject my code, or i go inject dll
 <avansc> what the fuck are you on about?
 <Pedro> inject dll is easyest way
 <GyroVorbis> What in the fuck, Pedro.
 <Pedro> ok
 <Pedro> -.-
 <avansc> i'll inject my D into your mom
 <Pedro> man
 <Pedro> any
 <Pedro> c++ programmer
 <Pedro> here
 <Pedro> ?
 <avansc> most of us are..
 <GyroVorbis> You're in a room of them, dumbass.
 <Pedro> then what am i explaining wrong
 <Pedro> =
 <Pedro> =S
 <GyroVorbis> Hrm.
 <GyroVorbis> Try... everything.
 <Pedro> fucked broken english idk how to
 <avansc> what are you even trying to do..
 <Pedro> say the stuff that i want to say, in the way i want
 <GyroVorbis> ...don't we all.
 <Pedro> im making tools for some games
 <Pedro> bots and stuff
 <GyroVorbis> So are you making a bot for something?
 <GyroVorbis> If so, what?
 <Pedro> i used to send packets, but now
 <Pedro> its more complicated, because of the damn encription
 <Pedro> so the easyest way is to hook the client functions
 <Pedro> and use them
 <Pedro> did i say it right now
 <Pedro> ?
 <GyroVorbis> I still have no idea what you're doing.
 <GyroVorbis> It's not your english.
 <GyroVorbis> Your English is fine.
 <avansc> you are full of shit i think
 <Pedro> ok... clean ur mind
 <GyroVorbis> What packets, what client, what encryption?
 -->| Kendall__ ( has joined #elysian_shadows
 <Pedro> clean ur mind of everything i just said
 <Pedro> i go from 0
 <GyroVorbis> Haha, okay.
 <Pedro> im making bots and stuff for games... ok?
 <GyroVorbis> Okay.
 === Pedro <i=Pedro@> “Pedro”
 === Pedro: member of #elysian_shadows
 === Pedro: attached to “”
 --- End of WHOIS information for Pedro.
 <GyroVorbis> That makes it better.
 <Pedro> ive been making it for a month or so, everything workt perfect and was pretty simple, sending packets... but since the packets now are encripted, now its harder (because i have to decrypt), ok?
 <avansc> what game?
 <GyroVorbis> No, not okay.
 <GyroVorbis> What game.
 <GyroVorbis> Online? MMO?
 <Pedro> yes
 <GyroVorbis> Which game?
 <avansc> which one for jesus sakes
 <GyroVorbis> It's like he doesn't want us to know.
 <lVlort> xD
 <avansc> Pedro:
 <Pedro> who cares abt the game... anyway
 <avansc> why are you stalling.
 <GyroVorbis> Okay.
 <Pedro> well, ive made for
 <GyroVorbis> Proof that you're full of shit.
 <Pedro> some for Tibia, and also
 <Pedro> ive jumped into
 <Pedro> like
 <Pedro> 4 VB games, from a top
 <Pedro> and made few bots for them too
 <avansc> ....
 <GyroVorbis> So like... can we see some source code?
 <Pedro> i can find games if u want, but it was long time ago
 <GyroVorbis> What does this do?
 <Pedro> simple stuff
 <avansc> like...
 <GyroVorbis> intPointer = (int *)malloc(sizeof(int)*32);
 <avansc> you are like mr vague
 |<-- gyrobuntu__ has left freenode (Connection timed out)
 <Pedro> auto heal when ur hp is X amount, same with mana
 <Pedro> dasher
 <Pedro> level spy
 <Pedro> mwall timers
 <Pedro> spell timers
 <avansc> what does that code do what GyroVorbis wrote..
 <Pedro> etc etc etc
 <GyroVorbis> qpHalcy0n, I want to know what you're thinking right now.
 -->| gyrobuntu__ ( has joined #elysian_shadows
 <qpHalcy0n> cant think...eating
 <lVlort> lawl
 <GyroVorbis> haha
 <Pedro> who is
 <avansc> he is a true man
 <Pedro> qpHalcy0n
 <lVlort> uhm
 <lVlort> qpHalcy0n is qpHalcy0n
 <lVlort> wtf did yo think bitch?
 <avansc> Pedro what does intPointer = (int *)malloc(sizeof(int)*32); do
 <GyroVorbis> Everybody in this channel (even the C++ programmers) could answer that.
 <avansc> if it takes you longer than 15 seconds you dont know.
 <GyroVorbis> Pedro, look.
 <GyroVorbis> I'm really impressed with your work.
 <GyroVorbis> I'm looking to recruit you for ES.
 <M_D_K> fucking hel my bro's comp is way out of date
 <M_D_K> it doesn't have .net framework
 <M_D_K> wait what did I miss
 <GyroVorbis> QUITE a bit.
 <GyroVorbis> You have to read this.
 <M_D_K> I am
 <lVlort> fuckin pedro
 <lVlort> answer it
 <avansc> he ditched.
 <lVlort> why is he still here?
 <M_D_K> right
 <M_D_K> so Pedro was talking about code injection/function hooking
 <avansc> kendie looks asian in her fb pic
 <M_D_K> oh and I nearly forgot
 <M_D_K> he's full of shit
 <lVlort> xD

Re: IRC lulz

Posted: Fri Sep 25, 2009 5:13 pm
by MarauderIIC
That reminds me of one time when I was working at Staples. Somebody asked me, "Do you sell power adapters?"
And I said, "You mean like, a replacement cord for a particular piece of electronics?"
And he said, "Yeah"
and so I said, "What do you need the cord to plug into?"
"I need a power adapter"
"Okay, for what? Like, a phone? Or a TV? Or a router?"
"GOD! What difference does it make? I need a power adapter!"
"Well, I need to know what you need the adapter to fit."
And he said, "I JUST NEED A POWER ADAPTER!" and left.

Re: IRC lulz

Posted: Fri Sep 25, 2009 8:10 pm
by Bludklok
MarauderIIC wrote:That reminds me of one time when I was working at Staples. Somebody asked me, "Do you sell power adapters?"
And I said, "You mean like, a replacement cord for a particular piece of electronics?"
And he said, "Yeah"
and so I said, "What do you need the cord to plug into?"
"I need a power adapter"
"Okay, for what? Like, a phone? Or a TV? Or a router?"
"GOD! What difference does it make? I need a power adapter!"
"Well, I need to know what you need the adapter to fit."
And he said, "I JUST NEED A POWER ADAPTER!" and left.
Bad employee! I would have left too If you didn't magically know what I needed.

Re: IRC lulz

Posted: Sat Sep 26, 2009 12:33 am
by MarauderIIC
Hey, I was a salesman, not a psychic. One time, I asked a guy if I could help him find anything, and he angrily told me "yeah, the exit". Anyway... /offtopic

Re: IRC lulz

Posted: Mon Oct 26, 2009 5:41 pm
by RyanPridgeon

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<Jaus> why is rice so good
<Ginto8> I dunno
<avansc> rice is pretty bland on its own
<Jaus> not really
<RyanPridgeon_> rice is AWESOME
<Jaus> I love iit
<Jaus> rice is my staple food
<Jaus> rice and eggs
<RyanPridgeon_> big up egg fried
<Jaus> eggs and rice
<M_D_K> with some duck
<M_D_K> :D
<avansc> egg fried rice is not rice
<avansc> its egg fried rice
<M_D_K> and hot and spicy sauce
<M_D_K> now that's rice
<M_D_K> ;)
<Jaus> rice + salt is good
Best IRC conversation in HISTORY

Re: IRC lulz

Posted: Mon Oct 26, 2009 8:30 pm
by dandymcgee
RyanPridgeon wrote:Best IRC conversation in HISTORY
You must have had some pretty bad conversations on IRC. :|

Re: IRC lulz

Posted: Wed Dec 09, 2009 4:26 pm
by RyanPridgeon

Code: Select all

<qphalcy0n-Nix> welp...naptyme
<M_D_K> qphalcy0n-Nix->StopTimer();
<GyroVorbis> free(qphalcy0n);
<RyanPridgeon> free(qphalcy0n-Nix);
* GyroVorbis looks shady.
<RyanPridgeon> DAMNIT
<RyanPridgeon> YOU BEAT ME
<GyroVorbis> PHAILURE
<RyanPridgeon> OMG
<RyanPridgeon> NOOO
<RyanPridgeon> SEGFAULT
* ChanServ gives channel operator status to GyroVorbis
* You have been kicked from #elysian_shadows by GyroVorbis (SegFault)

Re: IRC lulz

Posted: Fri Jan 01, 2010 1:57 pm
by M_D_K
johnnymast the fucktard strikes again

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!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!MAIN CHANNEL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Jan 01 05:03:45 <johnnymast>	does A** stll comes here ?
Jan 01 05:03:50 <johnnymast>	i lost his name ?
Jan 01 05:03:54 <Ginto8>	avansc?
Jan 01 05:04:00 <johnnymast>	yes sir
Jan 01 05:04:12 <Ginto8>	yeah he was just on
Jan 01 05:04:22 <Ginto8>	I think he's still on vaca though
Jan 01 05:04:37 *	johnnymast bites his lip hoping it would be a marry 2010 
Jan 01 05:04:48 <Ginto8>	merry**
Jan 01 05:05:01 <johnnymast>	even that would be better ...
Jan 01 05:06:32 <johnnymast>	The thing is hes a book wurn and i know stuff from doing it . we colide .. thats why i didnt come back
Jan 01 05:06:50 <Ginto8>	who avan?
Jan 01 05:06:51 <johnnymast>	because if i said something mr had to fight it
Jan 01 05:07:09 <johnnymast>	yes avan
Jan 01 05:07:11 <Ginto8>	yeah avan likes fighting
Jan 01 05:07:25 <M_D_K>	also he learns from doing to
Jan 01 05:07:35 <johnnymast>	he schould ..
Jan 01 05:07:40 <M_D_K>	and you collide cause you stiffed him on a job
Jan 01 05:08:00 <johnnymast>	let me get that out of the way M_D_K
Jan 01 05:08:06 <johnnymast>	He failed
Jan 01 05:08:30 <johnnymast>	so i called him names to bad for the great one who said you have your code tomorrow
Jan 01 05:08:37 <johnnymast>	and that wasnt the case
Jan 01 05:08:44 <johnnymast>	money lost here
Jan 01 05:08:48 <M_D_K>	he did have the code though
Jan 01 05:08:53 <johnnymast>	so i called him names bug time
Jan 01 05:08:54 *	bluesoul120 ducks for cover
Jan 01 05:09:03 <johnnymast>	yeah 20 hours after the deadline lol
Jan 01 05:09:09 <johnnymast>	then he showed me code
Jan 01 05:09:10 <M_D_K>	you were just being dick (also you knew you wouldn't pay regardless)
Jan 01 05:09:15 <bluesoul120>	hurry ginto before gunfire erupts
Jan 01 05:09:16 <johnnymast>	and it wasnt even done yet
Jan 01 05:09:27 <M_D_K>	you want me to pull the logs cause I can
Jan 01 05:09:29 <johnnymast>	the job was simple
Jan 01 05:09:35 <johnnymast>	do this in 24 hours
Jan 01 05:09:38 <johnnymast>	he said yes
Jan 01 05:09:42 <johnnymast>	and did half
Jan 01 05:10:02 <johnnymast>	he failed and i became so bad that his mom would hide
Jan 01 05:10:16 <johnnymast>	and that was fair because we aread
Jan 01 05:10:19 <johnnymast>	and he failed
Jan 01 05:10:25 <johnnymast>	to deliver
Jan 01 05:10:36 <johnnymast>	while he promiced
Jan 01 05:10:43 <johnnymast>	so i didnt pay
Jan 01 05:10:53 <johnnymast>	argument followed and i got kicked
Jan 01 05:11:12 <johnnymast>	because you all didnt beleave me
Jan 01 05:11:24 <johnnymast>	i dont care
Jan 01 05:11:51 <johnnymast>	i just work like no cure no pay
Jan 01 05:12:04 <johnnymast>	no promiced software no pay
Jan 01 05:12:35 <johnnymast>	and so i did with avansec
Jan 01 05:12:55 <johnnymast>	if your a coder wurth of not a penny you dont get any
Jan 01 05:13:11 <johnnymast>	and if you are the one with a big mouth promice
Jan 01 05:13:23 <johnnymast>	but he failed to keep his promice
Jan 01 05:13:42 <johnnymast>	so he got ... well ignored
Jan 01 05:14:15 <johnnymast>	ignored like the looser he really is ..
Jan 01 05:14:38 <johnnymast>	and thats the last thing i say about it
Jan 01 05:16:49 <bluesoul120>	so what ide do you use johnny?
Jan 01 05:16:53 <bluesoul120>	for java
Jan 01 05:17:05 <johnnymast>	ecipse
Jan 01 05:17:13 <bluesoul120>	ah
Jan 01 05:17:13 <johnnymast>	also for android
Jan 01 05:17:22 <johnnymast>	for iphone i use xcode
Jan 01 05:17:34 <johnnymast>	*Eclipse
Jan 01 05:17:38 <bluesoul120>	i've never used either
Jan 01 05:17:58 <bluesoul120>	i used jcreator which isnt the greatest
Jan 01 05:18:07 <bluesoul120>	but it did the job
Jan 01 05:18:43 *	ChanServ gives channel operator status to M_D_K
Jan 01 05:18:44 *	M_D_K has kicked johnnymast from #elysian_shadows (my response: fuck you, you lying, cheating, little bitch. I won the challenge)
Jan 01 05:18:53 *	M_D_K removes channel operator status from M_D_K

Jan 01 05:15:35 <johnnymast>	i challenge you to find a way to respond 
Jan 01 05:16:02 <johnnymast>	after reading what i said
Jan 01 05:19:28 <johnnymast>	your over doing it again
Jan 01 05:19:37 <M_D_K>	no I'm not
Jan 01 05:19:44 <M_D_K>	overdoing would be a bam
Jan 01 05:19:46 <M_D_K>	ban*
Jan 01 05:20:23 <M_D_K>	you wanna talk shit about someone, do while they're here otherwise stfu
Jan 01 05:20:54 <johnnymast>	oke 
Jan 01 05:21:06 <johnnymast>	then you should have banned some one before 
Jan 01 05:21:18 <johnnymast>	who talked shit about me the whole time 
Jan 01 05:21:45 <johnnymast>	and now im back and im telling the real trueath and im getting klined for it 
Jan 01 05:22:00 <johnnymast>	thats not so nice operator
Jan 01 05:22:17 <johnnymast>	specialy when some people told me 
Jan 01 05:22:21 <M_D_K>	real truth? I WAS THERE. you can't rewrite history just cause you're in a poor light
Jan 01 05:22:26 <johnnymast>	they like me better now 
Jan 01 05:22:35 <johnnymast>	because they understand 
Jan 01 05:22:46 <johnnymast>	i dont give a fuck if you ban me for live 
Jan 01 05:23:04 <johnnymast>	i was here because i was on my way to #android for my company 
Jan 01 05:24:00 <johnnymast>	i dont give a fuck about you or derick
Jan 01 05:24:27 <johnnymast>	because i know you fuck him in the ass  and you do anything he likes like this 
Jan 01 05:24:33 <M_D_K>	lol
Jan 01 05:24:39 <johnnymast>	so do what you have to do i dont care
Jan 01 05:24:58 <johnnymast>	but know you just banned me and your being a kid 
Jan 01 05:25:20 <M_D_K>	you wanna see me being a kid
Jan 01 05:26:30 <M_D_K>	how was that
Jan 01 05:28:10 <johnnymast>	M_D_K: hi, so you know johnnymast. well he's a lying, cheating scumbag. If he offers you a "business deal" turn him down. He already screwed over a friend of mine.
Jan 01 05:28:10 <johnnymast>	[07:25] M_D_K: just a warning
Jan 01 05:28:10 <johnnymast>	[07:25] M_D_K: cya
Jan 01 05:28:11 <johnnymast>	[07:25] M_D_K verliet het kanaal. ("Leaving")
Jan 01 05:28:11 <johnnymast>	[07:26] ctate: ... wow.
Jan 01 05:28:12 <johnnymast>	[07:26] johnnymast: dont wurry about M_D_K
Jan 01 05:28:14 <johnnymast>	[07:27] TommyB betrad het kanaal.
Jan 01 05:28:16 <johnnymast>	[07:27] johnnymast: but i like his flow tho
Jan 01 05:28:41 <johnnymast>	Are you going to sink any further ?
Jan 01 05:29:05 <M_D_K>	dude I would, but I can't. Looks like you're stuck at the bottom all on your own
Jan 01 05:29:24 <johnnymast>	no no
Jan 01 05:29:37 <johnnymast>	lol 
Jan 01 05:29:44 <johnnymast>	really ?
Jan 01 05:30:06 <johnnymast>	i mean lol really
Jan 01 05:30:28 <johnnymast>	What you just did was so said 
Jan 01 05:30:47 <johnnymast>	it made you look like a wannby for attracktion
Jan 01 05:30:52 <M_D_K>	lol all you want. I'm not the one making dime a dozen currency converter apps
Jan 01 05:31:03 <johnnymast>	look @ me im so cool i got something to say whinch is not true
Jan 01 05:31:33 <M_D_K>	so, makes no difference to me
Jan 01 05:31:35 <johnnymast>	you and av may have a good friendship 
Jan 01 05:31:55 <johnnymast>	but that doesnt make you or me or you or avnc me true 
Jan 01 05:32:02 <johnnymast>	in any discussion
Jan 01 05:32:16 <johnnymast>	and you make it look like anything you or av say is true 
Jan 01 05:32:20 <johnnymast>	and thats not fair 
Jan 01 05:32:29 <johnnymast>	it could be fair all 3 ways 
Jan 01 05:32:57 <johnnymast>	it could be true all 3 ways but when i say its not true and you or avc say it is i got banned for it 
Jan 01 05:33:07 <johnnymast>	thats not a discussion !
Jan 01 05:33:10 <johnnymast>	!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Jan 01 05:33:29 <johnnymast>	and you do it all the time dude 
Jan 01 05:33:41 <M_D_K>	dude, I ONLY KICKED YOU
Jan 01 05:33:46 <johnnymast>	oke somtimes im drunk but not always 
Jan 01 05:34:01 <johnnymast>	well you kick me all the time because of im fighting your friend 
Jan 01 05:34:30 <M_D_K>	no I kicked you cause you were talking shit
Jan 01 05:34:32 <johnnymast>	only because im saying something your friend is troubling answering 
Jan 01 05:34:36 <M_D_K>	trying to rewrite history
Jan 01 05:34:41 <johnnymast>	you kick me for it so i look like a fool 
Jan 01 05:34:44 <M_D_K>	I was there, I saw you screw him
Jan 01 05:34:47 <johnnymast>	thats what you do 
Jan 01 05:35:14 <M_D_K>	dude you look like a fool all by yourself
Jan 01 05:35:16 <johnnymast>	you make me look like a fool so you and your friend look like this winner of anny debate
Jan 01 05:35:24 <johnnymast>	no i dont 
Jan 01 05:35:38 <johnnymast>	i get kicked before showing the proof
Jan 01 05:35:39 <M_D_K>	I don't mind you coming back. But talking shit about avansc when he can't defend himself is cowardly
Jan 01 05:36:14 <johnnymast>	i never did that unless to you direct
Jan 01 05:36:32 <johnnymast>	because you know how i feel about being kicked in a flame
Jan 01 05:37:23 <johnnymast>	i like andre when andre is andre 
Jan 01 05:37:49 <johnnymast>	and not when andre is his other self and you got to agree to me on just a litle on this 
Jan 01 05:38:09 <johnnymast>	he has an high hat on some other things he knows about
Jan 01 05:38:24 <M_D_K>	what?
Jan 01 05:38:32 <johnnymast>	but the thing is hes always right and im always wrong 
Jan 01 05:38:54 <johnnymast>	and your his friend so you kick me off the channel when he askes you 2
Jan 01 05:39:14 <johnnymast>	so no debate is possible
Jan 01 05:39:14 <M_D_K>	he never asks
Jan 01 05:39:32 <johnnymast>	then you suck 
Jan 01 05:40:20 <johnnymast>	yeah because you kick me 
Jan 01 05:40:22 <M_D_K>	sure whatever makes you feel better. fact of the matter is, you annoy me most of the time. That's the primary reason I kick you.
Jan 01 05:40:37 <johnnymast>	and when ever i say somethings smart
Jan 01 05:40:49 <M_D_K>	when was that?
Jan 01 05:40:50 <johnnymast>	i find my self being kicked
Jan 01 05:41:20 <johnnymast>	as you want to protect your retared friend from the real world
Jan 01 05:41:55 <johnnymast>	so you kick those who are talking in reallity
Jan 01 05:42:13 <johnnymast>	so they cant say your retared friend is worng 
Jan 01 05:42:16 <M_D_K>	wow, you've really gone off the deep end
Jan 01 05:42:28 <johnnymast>	no
Jan 01 05:42:33 <johnnymast>	lol this is 
Jan 01 05:42:48 <johnnymast>	i got some some empoligies 
Jan 01 05:42:58 <johnnymast>	from some chatters here im person
Jan 01 05:43:27 <johnnymast>	saying they where stupid over time to turn agains me 
Jan 01 05:43:40 <johnnymast>	and they now see the other side
Jan 01 05:43:55 <johnnymast>	but you banned the other side (me)
Jan 01 05:44:04 <johnnymast>	because i was just honoust
Jan 01 05:44:08 <M_D_K>	I DIDN'T BAN YOU
Jan 01 05:44:13 <M_D_K>	jesus
Jan 01 05:44:16 <johnnymast>	yes you did 
Jan 01 05:44:25 <M_D_K>	you can come back, I only kicked you
Jan 01 05:44:32 <M_D_K>	there is a difference
Jan 01 05:44:45 <johnnymast>	M_D_K: listen
Jan 01 05:44:52 <johnnymast>	i can fight
Jan 01 05:44:59 <johnnymast>	but when i do 
Jan 01 05:45:15 <johnnymast>	and av ,, is telling the trought
Jan 01 05:45:26 <johnnymast>	i will say yes
Jan 01 05:45:54 <johnnymast>	but before i got banned before i could say just that or no
Jan 01 05:46:06 <johnnymast>	and yesterday 
Jan 01 05:46:26 <johnnymast>	i have comeback because imto android development now 
Jan 01 05:46:55 <johnnymast>	and some did appolicse for there behaveure

Re: IRC lulz

Posted: Fri Jan 01, 2010 6:44 pm
by dandymcgee
M_D_K wrote:johnnymast the fucktard strikes again
Dude he blatantly requested that you ban him AT LEAST TWENTY times in there. Why haven't you complied? I'm disappointed in you. :lol:

That level of disrespect should not have to be tolerated M_D_K, and that is why I wholeheartedly admire your patience with people.

Re: IRC lulz

Posted: Mon Jan 04, 2010 5:41 pm
by M_D_K

Code: Select all

<CowboyX86_Walk> You you think about this girl:
<M_D_K> yeah not opening that
<CowboyX86_Walk> O.o
<bluesoul120> dude at least make a tinyurl if yo uwant us to look at shemales
<bluesoul120> you*
<M_D_K> ^^exactly why I'm not opening it
<CowboyX86_Walk> What is shemales?
<bluesoul120> chicks with slongs
<CowboyX86_Walk> I'm from brazil
<CowboyX86_Walk> slongs
<CowboyX86_Walk> wait a minute
<CowboyX86_Walk> let me see
<bluesoul120> penises
<CowboyX86_Walk> O.o
<CowboyX86_Walk> Ohh god
<CowboyX86_Walk> serius?
<bluesoul120> yeah
<CowboyX86_Walk> damn
<CowboyX86_Walk> This girl,,, or what fuck she is... is so beatiful
<bluesoul120> lol thats what every drunk man says the morning after
<M_D_K> lol
<bluesoul120> lol i mean the "damn"
<M_D_K> I bet you're feeling pretty bad right now
<M_D_K> XD
<CowboyX86_Walk> :/
<bluesoul120> :D
<bluesoul120> 's ok dude
<bluesoul120> you didnt know
<bluesoul120> but its still funny as hell
<CowboyX86_Walk> man feel like an idiot
<CowboyX86_Walk> In my country Shemale = Traveco
<CowboyX86_Walk> ow I see now SHE-MALE

Re: IRC lulz

Posted: Tue Jan 05, 2010 7:37 am
by K-Bal
Would look better if "he" had his top closed :lol:

Re: IRC lulz

Posted: Wed Jan 27, 2010 8:16 pm
by bluesoul120

Code: Select all

<M_D_K> thbp, what school do you go to
<thbp> Jewish School of the Sabbath
<M_D_K> thbp, you ever been on IRC while in school?
<thbp> yeah
<M_D_K> who manages the school network there
<thbp> Mr. FakeAdmin why?
<M_D_K> btw thbp I've been wondering
<M_D_K> is "thbp" your initials or something?
<M_D_K> what is your name, if you don't mind me asking
<thbp> Fake Name
<thbp> why/
<M_D_K> you'll find out tomorrow
<thbp> you sent
<thbp> mr. fakeadmin a msg didn't you?
<M_D_K> yes :D
<avansc> you arent the sharpest tool in the shed are you....
* M_D_K has named names :D
<M_D_K> I've also given some suggestions
<M_D_K> including a list of all IM ports
<thbp> dude wtf srs?
<avansc> lolz
<thbp> ARE YOU SRS?
<avansc> i dont know what srs or SRS is. i assume SRS is more serious than srs
<avansc> whats the problem?
<thbp> THAT'S JUst like mean
<avansc> i dont like what you mean
<avansc> i dont understand whats going on? what is your beef?
<thbp> like thats like cruel

"more shit follows but it's just failed bickering"
this deserves to be on here even if its only because mdk pwned this dude hardcore